6: Shopping & Klaine's Moving In!

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Monday, January 4th, 2021

3 PM

For the past 7 hours or so, Brenda, Kurt, and Blaine have been out shopping. They bought Brenda maternity clothes, which she said she could buy but they wouldn't let her, and they bought a few toys and baby clothes, and then anything Brenda looked at and liked, they bought it for her, and she didn't know why.

"Why are you two buying me everything I look at and like?"She asked while they were eating at Applebee's.

"Because you are carrying our baby of course! It's the least we can do."They told her. That was three hours ago, and she was dead on her feet now. They were on their way back to the house, and all she wanted to do was lay down and cuddle with Sam, but of course she couldn't do that, considering he wasn't even home.

"So, do you guys want me to breastfeed him or formula?"

"Well, if you breast fed him, you'd have to be near him at all times, but we're fine with that, but that would mean that we wouldn't have him all the time." Blaine said.

"And I heard the breastfeeding is better than the formula for babies."Kurt said.

"If you want me to breastfeed him, you two can just stay with us until he's weaned off of it."Brenda said."I'm sure Sam wouldn't mind." She said.

"Well, I guess so, if it's alright with Sam."

"I'd love to!" Kurt said, agreeing with Blaine. Brenda smiled. When they got back to the house, Brenda went on inside while Kurt and Blaine volunteered to bring in her bags. She didn't expect to see Sam leaning on the wall, waiting for her to come in. She dropped her bag and hugged him.

"I didn't know you were going to be back today." She said, pulling back and looking at him.

"Well, I wasn't going to stay in LA all day, so, after I got the stitches put in my hand, I left and came back here." He said. She smiled and kissed him. Once everything was inside, Sam and Brenda cuddled on the couch while Kurt and Blaine sat in the double recliners.

"So, what have you three been up to today?" Sam asked.

"After we left the doctor, we went to the mall and bought a lot of stuff, then ate, then bought a lot more stuff." Brenda said sleepily.

"We were there for at least 7 hours."

"Seriously, dang. Come on B." Sam said, standing up.

"Where are we going?"

"You,a re going to sleep in a bed, instead of the couch. I have to talk to Kurt and Blaine about something, and then I'll come with you." He said, leading her up the stairs. She nodded. She laid down on her side and he kissed her cheek, pulling the covers over her and going back down stairs. He sat on the coffee table and said,

"Don't tell Brenda I'm sitting here, she'll have a fit."They laughed.

"What'd you want to talk to us about?" Blaine asked.

"Well, I wanted to know if you two wanted to move in with us for a while, because I know she wants to breastfeed."He made a face,"And the kid would have to be around her all the time, so, what do you think?"

"The three of us actually had this conversation while we were eating today." Kurt said." She asked us if we wanted her to breastfeed him or just give him formula. She wanted to make sure it was okay with you for us to move in."

"Seriously?" Sam said, laughing lightly."I guess that's settled then, you're moving in!"

I know it's short, but this book will be almost or even longer than the last book! Meaning shorter, but faster updates!

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