32: The Ceremony

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Part 2

Sam and his dad followed the Minister down the aisle to the alter. Dwight stood next to Sam until the bridesmaids and groomsmen come down the aisle, then he'll sit with Mary. Sam stood on the right side of the Minister and folded his hands in front of him, looking at all of his family, friends, and Brenda's family. His cousins were giving him thumbs up, along with some of his uncles. As the last song started to play, the bridesmaids and groomsmen started walking down the isle. Chord and Mercedes were first, since they were the maid of honor and best man. Once they reached him, Chord replaced Dwight, who sat down with Mary. Next came Santana and Kurt, then Puck and Quinn, Mike and Tina, Rachel and Finn, Marley and Jake, Melody and Ryder, Kitty and Artie, Brittany and Blaine, Stevie and Elizabeth, and finally, Stacy and her boyfriend Nick. Chord had the rings. Sandy pulled a small wagon, Savannah and Shawn throwing the flower petals. Sam smiled at them.

The family was taking pictures. There was a couple of professionals around outside, filming everything. Then, the wedding march began and everyone stood up, and turned towards the doors, where Mr. Schue and Brenda would appear in a few seconds.

Brenda took a deep breath as the wedding March began. She could see the guests, but they couldn't see her yet. Mr. Schue kissed her on the cheek.


"Yeah, just don't let me fall."

"I won't." They started walking down the aisle slowly. She clutched her bouquet of flowers tightly in her right hand. She stood straight and she walked while looking down at the ground so that she wouldn't step out of place. Mr. Schue whispered to her so no one would know,

"Look at him." She looked up at him and the two made eye contact. Brenda could feel the tears in her eyes, but she blinked them back and smiled.

As soon as Sam saw Mr. Schue and Brenda making their way down the aisle, he stared at her until she looked up at him. As soon as they made contact, Sam, who had been stiff as a bored, visibly relaxed and smiled at her. She smiled back. As they got closer, Brenda saw Sam wipe his eyes. God, she's beautiful, Sam thought when he could see her face clearly. Brenda heard people whispering, about Sam wiping his eyes, and how beautiful she was. Sam felt all the nervousness he had had previously vanish as they finally reached him. Will put Brenda's hand in Sam's, lifted her veil, and kissed her cheek before going to sit down with Emma. She stood beside Sam, still holding hands. Sam whispered to her,

"You look amazing." She looked up at him and smiled. She squeezed his hand as the minister began talking.

"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and bless their union in marriage. To this sacred moment, they bring the fullness of their hearts as a treasure and a gift from God to share one another. They bring the dreams which bind the together in an eternal commitment. The bring their gifts and talents, their unique personalities and spirits, which God will unite together into one being as they build their life together. We rejoice with them in thankfulness to the Lord for creating this union of hearts, built on friendship, respect, and love."

"Then he went on with the opening prayer:

"Our Father, love has been Your richest and greatest gift to the world. Love between a man and woman which matures into marriage is one of Your most beautiful types of loves. Today we celebrate that love. May your blessing be on this wedding service. Protect, guide and bless Brenda and Samuel in their marriage. Surround them and us with your love now and always. Amen."

"Please be seated." He paused as everyone sat down. He continued,

"Let me charge you both to remember, that your future happiness is to be found in mutual consideration, patience, kindness, confidence, and affection. Samuel, it is your duty to love Brenda as yourself, provide tender leadership, and protect her from danger. Brenda, it is your duty to treat Samuel with respect, support him, and create a healthy, happy home. It is the duty of each of you to find the greatest joy in the company of the other; to remember that in both interest and affection, you are to be one and undivided." Brenda handed her bouquet to Mercedes and took Sam's other hand. They had decided that she would say her vows first. She looked into his eyes as she started speaking,

"Sammy, well Squishy actually," That got a few laughs from the guests, including Sam." You entered my life 7 years ago and everything became better, brighter, and happier for me. When we had our first kiss, I had just told you my life story, and I was a crying mess. Literally. The first time we told each other 'I love you' was one of the best days of my life, next to you asking me to marry you, anyway. But that day in the choir room, I didn't think anyone would ever love me. You have proved to be the one for me, it's even in a song." Sam smiled." When we were 17, and you got in that accident, I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you. And the happiest day of my life was when you started walking again last September. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're the love of my life, the only man I have ever loved, and will ever love. From this day forward, I want to share my life with you. The good, the bad, whatever life throws at us. I'm ready to explore a whole new world with you, Sam. I promise to be your partner in crime until I die." She finished. A few tears had fallen from his eyes. She smiled at him and he smiled back. She reached up and wiped them away with her hand.

"Samuel, your vows."

"Brenda," He started, smiling." I'm going to start this off with a quote from Forest Gump. 'I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is'. "He said, using his impression. That caused her to giggle." I remember the day we met. It was by your locker, on your first day of school. I smiled at you and you smiled back. At that moment, I knew that I would make you mine eventually. And I did. less than two weeks later. You were the only girl that ever stuck by me, especially when I got in the accident. You didn't leave the hospital once, while I was there. For weeks. You slept in the recliner beside my bed and held my hand the whole time. You brought me and Chord together, and I can't thank you enough for that. But that's not why I love you. I love your personality, your smile, your eyes, your hair. I love your dimples, and how you cock your eyebrows at me when I do something stupid. I love your laugh, even when you snort. I love your voice, because you sometimes sing me to sleep when I'm sick. I love how you have to ask me, Finn, Chord, or dad to get you something from the shelf because your to short. I love tickling you, because your laughter makes me happy. I love how your good with kids, and I hope to start a family with you in the future, God there are so many things that I love about you, but we don't have time for that, but most importantly, I want you to know that I love all of you. All of your flaws. You're perfect to me, in ever single way. I promise to love you for the rest of my life, you and only you. I know that you are the one for me. No matter what life throws at us, I know that we can get through it together, because our love is all that matters. All that we need. God only knows how much I love you, beautiful." Sam finished. By now, everyone who wasn't crying definitely was now. Brenda had tears streaming down her face as she tried to control them. Sam quickly wiped his eyes again the used his thumbs to wipe hers away.

"It's a good thing that I'm wearing water proof makeup." She said laughing. Sam kissed the top of her head quickly then the minister started talking again,
"Samuel, do you take Brenda to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?" Sam looked into Brenda's eyes and said,

"I do."

"Brenda, do you take Samuel to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?" She looked into his eyes.

"I do." Then, Chord, gave the rings to the minister who gave them each a ring. Sam slid the ring on her left ring finger, and she did the same for him.

"I now pronounce you man and wife! You may now kiss your bride, Samuel." Immediately, Sam had her in his arms, kissing her passionately. His arms were wrapped around her waist, pulling her to him, and her arms were wrapped around his neck, hands in his hair. Sam faintly heard Blaine cry,

"No! I worked hard on his hair!" Then Puck, being the idiot he is, yelled,

"Get a room!" Sam just moved his arm from around her waist and waved him off, then put his arm back and kept kissing her. A few seconds later, they pulled apart, foreheads touching, smiling at each other. The camera men, who had been filming and taking pictures, took a few pictures of them like that. Sam pecked her on the lips again and said,

"I love you," quietly.

"I love you too." And they turned to walk down the aisle together, finally married.

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