13: A Coma

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Monday, July 12th, 2021

9 PM

It was a while before the doctor let them know anything about Sam. The Evans had arrived, as well as Donna, and Artie, Kitty, Santana, Brittany, Blaine, and Kurt. Kurt and Blaine had been in New York, well, on their way back when they found out about the accident. Kurt and Donna were busy comforting Brenda while Blaine bottle fed Benny. Soon, Dr. Miller came in.

"All I want to know, is he alive?" Puck asked point blank.

"He is alive, but I must warn you, if he survives the next couple of weeks, it'll be a miracle." He said.

"Oh my god." Brenda whispered.

"His injuries include two collapsed lungs, and we have him on a ventilator, helping him breathe. There is a tube down his nose, which is sucking all of the blood from his stomach. See, when the car hit the passenger side, Sam hit the arm rest hard, which caused a whole to tear in his stomach. We performed emergency surgery, and that has been repaired. He has four broken ribs, and a broken shoulder, cuts and bruises on his face and arms, and some needed stitches, but won't scar. The incision that we had to made is no bigger than two inches, but it will leave a scar. I hate to tell you this, but the major concussion he had, turned into a coma. There is a 50-50 chance that he will wake up." He told them."You can see him tomorrow morning, after 10 AM." He left, and Brenda and Mary both started crying. They hugged each other as they cried. Puck burst out crying, louder than any of them. Brenda stood up and went over him, and cried with him.

"I'm sorry." He cried.

"It's not your fault." She told him, crying almost as hard as him."It's not your fault." She repeated. She said that repeatedly, and they fell asleep crying. A few hours later, Brenda had to wake up to feed Benny. After she fed him, she curled up on the couch and cried herself to sleep. The only people there now were Rachel, Quinn, Mercedes and Mary. The kids were staying with their grandparents, and Benny was with Blaine and Kurt. Brenda had used the breast pump earlier in the day, and there were ten bottles of milk in the fridge at home.


Monday, July 19th, 2021

It's been exactly a week since the accident, and Puck, Chord, and Finn were free to go home, but they refused to leave the hospital for any longer than a few hours, because Sam still hadn't woken up. Brenda, surprisingly, had the best reaction to seeing Sam laying in the bed. That's the thing though, she didn't have one. She kept her face emotionless as she sat beside him in a chair, and held his hand up to her lips for hours. The only reason she ate, was so she could have 'healthy breast milk' for Benny. She barely slept, and she only left the hospital at night, and barely even slept at home. Most nights, she just slept in one of the hospital beds that wasn't in use.

Most of Sam's family from Nashville had come to visit, or say 'goodbye' as the doctor said, because he doesn't think Sam will make it. Brenda ignored him though. She knows how strong Sam is, and she knows that he'll fight until it's his time to go. Some of her family had come to see him, and all of the Glee Alumni, as well as some of their famous friends like; Sam Smith, Carrie Underwood, Allan Jackson, Chris Young, Nick Jonas, Brad Paisley, Sabrina Carpenter, Sandra Bullock, Tim Allen, Matthew, and so have the Overstreets. It was all over the news, and they've some how got pictures of him laying in the bed. Everyone suspected that it was Jacob Ben Israel, since he had come to see Sam as well. When Mr. Schue saw Sam for the first time, he cried almost as hard as Brenda and Puck did. Sam was like a son to him, as well of the other Glee Alumni's.

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