Chapter 21

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The two, elf and man, stand at the ready, swords drawn and held out defensively in front of them. Azul takes an artful swing, it arcs, making a whoosh sound. Kagon stays undaunted from the playful smile sitting at the edges of Azul's lips.

He's just another opponent.  Just another person to battle and beat. Kagon thinks.

Azul's smile spreads as he takes in Kagon's thoughts. "You will find that statement wrong soon enough, Kagon of Pik."

Kagon grits his teeth, not saying a word.  Azul will only be given fuel to add to the flames if he tries to defend himself.

"Let's just start."

Azul grins. "Yes, of course."

Kagon steels himself, expecting to be on the other end of a slash but that is not the case. Azul's green eyes pour into his, dancing with a strange light as they read his every movement and challenge him to make the first blow.

The hero doesn't move a muscle, his blue eyes glaring right back into the elf's.  Still, the elderly elf doesn't seem to be effected. 

Minutes eek by like years as they stare each other down, neither one making the first move.

Fates, just do it already.

Azul's upper lip quirks but that is the only movement he makes.  Irritation flashes through Kagon.  Why won't he just take the first swing!

I could ask you the same, Kagon of Pik. Azul taunts the hero from within.


There is a pause and then; I see, this is a pissing contest to you.  Your ego won't allow you to make the first blow will it?

In that same moment both of their swords come up and meet each other in the middle like old friends.

This time Azul speaks aloud and with a slight chuckle. "How ironic."

In answer Kagon presses his sword harder against Azul's wooden blade.  It doesn't cut through like it should, but then again the sword is magic. They fight like that, pushing their swords to try and shove the other down.

Kagon is surprised by the old elf's strength, but doesn't let that throw him down. Using the last of his strength Kagon shoves back with all his might, knocking Azul away from him long enough that he is able to slice at the elf.

Azul only laughs. "These old bones are a bit of a disadvantage aren't they?"

"Did I draw blood?" Kagon asks bluntly.

Azul shakes his head. "No."

I could of swore I did. He was close enough...

"I'll prove it to you." Rolling up the torn sleeve of his tunic he shows his forearm. No red droplets fall as there is no wound. "I moved out of the way in time." Azul explains seeing Kagon's confusion.

He must be extremely fast.

As if to prove that thought Azul dashes towards the hero on light feet. Kagon is barely able to move out of the way. Quickly gathering his bearings, he slashes at the elf. Azul simply dances out of the way. The elf's own sword shoots up and gracefully stabs towards Kagon. The hero parries. Hating to be on the defense he makes an offensive attack, one Azul dodges with ease.

Sweat begins to trickle down Kagon's face as the fight continues. He hadn't been outmatched since he was but a lad. And he isn't about to taint that record now.

Those forest green eyes glint and Azul moves one way before zipping to another and cutting at the hero. Kagon, not expecting this nearly gets his arm cut off but is barely able to deflect the blow with his sword.

As the fight progresses the exhilaration he felt with having an almost-evenly matched opponent fades to tread. Things are not looking up for Kagon currently.

His shirt is soaked in sweat and his breath comes our ragged. He's had to push himself for him to be able to dodge Azul's swift and unprofitable attacks. His strength is one of his greatest advantages, but it is nothing against the elf's speed.

Another gleam in Azul's emerald eyes and Kagon once again narrowly misses an attack.
With every glimmer, glint, gleam and shine Kagon is reminded of the writer he left in Pik. But it is only when he is suddenly at the wrong end of Azul's sword that he connects what he finds so similar about them.

They are both clever. It is not Azul's speed that is his biggest asset but his mind.

"You're right." Azul agrees, hand gripping his sword securely. The wooden blade at his throat is almost comical if it were not so terrifying.

"I'm really not that fast, it is because that I am able to anticipate your attacks that it seems so." Azul says. "But I must admit that your swordsmanship is remarkable. Your better with a sword than most of the people I have seen. But I am all strategy and that is how I was able to beat you."

"Strategy, huh?" Kagon says. "Well, you haven't beat me yet."

In one quick motion Kagon slams his sword against Azul's, knocking the blade a safe distance away from his throat. Then like when their swords first clashed his golden blade meets the wooden one and it once again a battle of strength.  Just like Kagon planned.

Using the remainder of his strength his doesn't hesitate to shove the elf away.  But then he pushes himself to move quicker than he ever had before.

Azul is not able to block this attack, a red line across his cheek proves that fact.

Instead of looking crestfallen at his defeat Azul grins. "Fine job, Kagon of Pik. Take this sword and the one you hold as your prize." As Azul speaks blood gushes from the injury on his cheek and pools around him on the ground of swords. Soon he becomes too weak to stand and collapses.

For the first time Kagon doesn't feel victory after a fight. "What's wrong?  Are you alright?" He asks, feeling helpless as more blood continues to flow from the injury.  An injury that should never be enough to kill.

"I'm old." Is Azuel's reply. "And I told you that I was alive because I had a purpose.  Now I have none." The elf smiles softly.

"There has to be something." Kagon says, looking around wildly for anything that could help save the dying man at his feet.

Azuel shakes his head, even that small action looks weak. "No." He says. "Now leave."

Kagon ignores this and kneels beside Azuel.  In the short amount of time that he's known the elf he's hated him and then understood him.  The blond man grasps the elf's hand in his own. "No one should be left alone in their last moments."

A genuine smile is brought to Azuel's lips. "You're a good man Kagon.  You have your problems, but I can tell." He takes a deep rasping breath. "I can tell that you will make it through."

"Thank you, for everything." Kagon says. And by everything he means even when Azuel presented Kagon with his fears because even that will make him stronger.

Azuel simply smiles.  When the smile doesn't  move or shift Kagon knows that the half elf, half human, Azuel has passed on to the next.

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