Chapter 48

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"If you are to learn our traditions, then you must look like us, dress like us, eat like us, and act like us." Yetska says as her warriors, Delia, and Heswyn traverse the jungle.

Delia wipes beads of sweat from her face with her arm, only to then push a piece of hair that's sticking to her face behind her ear.  The humidity is doing crazy things to her hair.  It's sticking everywhere, but she's happy it isn't as bad as Heswyn's.

Delia casts Heswyn a sidelong glance.  The librarian's curly red hair is a ball of static electricity.  She watches as Heswyn angrily attempts to retie her hair, but still chunks cling to her neck and face. 

"Do you understand?"  Yetska snaps sharply.

Delia bobs her head, even though she has no idea what the Amazon just said. 

"Good, now we are arriving at our current settlement. You will be introduced to some of our cultures and ways tonight, but it is tomorrow that we begin teaching you both."

Suddenly, Delia is struck with a brilliant idea that causes a grin to stretch across her features. 

If Yetska agrees, then this will surely shorten our stay in Paridia!

"Excuse me, Yetska."  Delia begins.  "I have an idea that will benefit us both."

Yetska raises a quizzical brow.  "Go on, young warrior."

Young warrior.  Delia inwardly muses.  That's one title I've never been called before.  Usually it is Writer Delia, Scribe, and occasionally shrew.

"My thoughts are that Heswyn and I can split the learning in half. She can learn some things while I learn other things. This will not only shorten our stay, but allow us to not be overwhelmed with our studies." Delia says.

"Yes!" Heswyn agrees enthusiastically. "Back in Lit I am a scholar and keeper of the great library, so I can learn all about your culture. With that information, I can write out a field guide to cultures in Paridia in the blank book I brought. This will be a great chance to further the world's knowledge on your unique culture."
Heswyn explains.

"During this, Delia can learn of your fighting techniques and hunting tactics. Then, she'll tell me what she's learned and I'll add it to the book." Heswyn says. "This will be good, since I'm at the age that my stamina is lower. I'll leave the physical things to Delia, since she is younger and has more use for such things in her adventuring."

Delia can practically see the inspiration zipping through Heswyn like a lightning strike. "If you'll allow this, then we can learn many things over the course of a short time. Not to mention," She adds, "you don't have to tell us about all your culture in this short time either because I can return to Paridia and continue learning later on. I've always been curious about your way of things and this will give me the chance to truly learn things first hand."

Yetska doesn't answer for a long time. It is only when their settlement comes into view when she turns to the two. "I agree to this." She says at last. "As long as you, librarian, promise to return to Paridia and continue to learn."

"I promise." Heswyn says, seriously.

Yetska nods, thinking for a moment. "Then, I'll allow you both to stay in Paridia and learn as much as you can over the course of two days. Later the librarian must return to complete her book on our culture."

Two days! That isn't long at all! At least the Amazons's are willing to be civilized and understanding about it all.

"How long typically would it take for a woman to learn completely about your people?" Delia inquires.

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