Chapter 67

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Tavius' lips purse, brows crinkling in concern. "What do you mean?"

"While I was mopping the deck I thought I saw a strange shape far out on the water, so I climbed up to the nest to get a better look. When I peered through the telescope I saw a ship in the distance." Kagon explains.

"That's strange, we're close to Ugdra and Marm. Ever since the two countries have been at war hardly anyone sails these waters. They've both completely cut themselves off from trade because of the paranoia of spies."

"Not a good sign then." Kagon says. He grabs the hilt of his sheathed sword, feeling the itch of a good fight coming on.

"Who would be voyaging around this area then?" Maude questions, having overheard the conversation on his ascent up the stairs to the upper deck.

Kagon can see Tavius considering the question before answering. "Perhaps smugglers." He answers at last.

"Aren't pirates just smugglers?" Kagon asks.

"No, there's a difference." Maude says. "Pirates steal cargo from ships, smugglers transfer illegal items."

"A criminal is a criminal." Kagon shrugs. "I'll fight any kind."

"I'm an ex crime lord of thieves and Tavius is a pirate captain." Maude states dryly.

"Unfortunately I am very aware of that." Kagon grumbles.

"Let's save this enthralling conversation for a later date. We might have a problem with these smugglers. It's unsaid, but smugglers hate pirates because we steal their cargo. They take revenge on the unsuspecting pirate ship whenever possible. We should set up for a possible battle, thanks to Kagon we have time to prepare." Tavius turns to Maude. "Where's Delia, she should know what's going on."

"I believe that she's studying from that book of hers."

"Alright, please go and tell her what has conspired. She should be ready as well, we could use her if this ends up turning into a fight. The negative thing about having a magical ship that doesn't need a crew is the lack of reinforcements. We need all hands on deck with if this turns south."

"I don't appreciate you bossing me around, pirate." Maude growls. "However, I'll swallow my pride this once and listen to your orders because I can't deny their logic."

The left corner of Tavius' lip quirks up into a sideways smirk. "Good, now Kagon can you obey my orders as well? I understand that you're looking for a fight to glorify yourself with, but we should really avoid any confrontation. We have no idea how many people they have on their boat, if we're supremely outnumbered we have no chance no matter how proficient you are with a weapon."

"So, what are you asking me then?" Kagon quizzes suspiciously. Inside he feels the burn of irritation. He's been looking forward to an epic fight for a long time and by Gahenna he's going to get one.

Tavius better not be asking me to leave the idea of battling with the ship behind. Kagon thinks.

Tavius' usual amused seafoam green eyes take on the severity of a leader's steel gaze. "I am asking you to ditch your lust for battle and help me with my plan, though you may not be fond of it. I want you to help me manually make sure that all the sails are up and that all the oars are rowing smoothly so that we can get as much wind as possible to propel us faster. The Sea Sorceress is swift, we can lose them if we're smart."

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