Chapter 53

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The doors open with a large bang that echoes throughout the whole library.

Darkness shrouds the interior of the massive building and the people inside are all safe, asleep in their beds. However, as soon as the noise reaches the ears of a certain hero, he's out of his room and thumping down the stairs along with Heswyn.

"Still an insomniac?" Kagon asks, seeing the librarian's blood-shot eyes and crazy hair.

"I'm not an insomniac." Heswyn rolls her eyes. "I just simply cannot sleep when there's knowledge to be learned and things to be written."

"Denial." Kagon chirps with a grin as he steps down the final step.

"Do you have any idea what that sound was?"

"No, not at all."

"Well, you are acting terribly nonchalant for a man that could possibly be in danger."

"Danger? How could I be in danger when I have a blade at my side and training under my belt?"

"If I had a book I'd hit you, foolhardy hero."

Both librarian and hero suddenly hush at the sight of the library's doors swinging in the harsh wind and rain.

A breeze of wet air buffets them both, knocking them out of their shock. "Oh, no! The books! Hurry, help me shut the doors before the books are destroyed by the rain coming in!"

Somehow through the strong winds and rain pushing against them, they are able to shove the doors shut tightly behind them.

Heswyn tucks a wet chunk of hair behind her ear, looking exhausted but eyes as fiery as twin suns. "Kagon, those doors couldn't of opened by themselves." She starts before Kagon interrupts her.

"I know Heswyn, we have intruders in our midst. May it be man or beast, I'll find them if it takes me the rest of the night."

"Oh, it won't take you that long."

Heswyn jumps in surprise and Kagon goes to stand in front of his beloved, old, friend. Squinting into the darkness, he can make out two shapes. One is bulky, broad-shouldered, and stocky while the other is an average sized person that is slightly on the short side.

"Reveal yourselves, cowards."  Kagon warns, extending his glowing sword in front of him.

The two men step forward just as Kip, Delia, and Thil finally make it to the scene.  Hands from the edge of the shadow grab on to the closest person --Delia-- and drag her backwards.  The writer doesn't even have time to scream.

"Delia!"  Kagon shouts, ready to storm the shadows at that very moment.  "Let her go, beast!"

"Kip, Thil!  Come quickly to where we are so you can't be taken as well!"  Heswyn demands.

"It is not a creature of Gehenna."  Kip says after both men had sprinted over to the hero and librarian.  "It's a man, but there's still something off about him.  I can sense the shadows in him...shouting."

"Well, I'll make them scream bloody murder if they don't release her."

"I assure you, my brother and I are both men as the boy says.  We are here peacefully, the lass is only incentive that the peace will be kept between both parties.  I don't even have a weapon at her neck."

"Step forward and we'll decide whether or not to tussle with you then."  Thil says, trying to sound menacing, but failing horribly.

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