Chapter 6

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Drake was drunk but still fully aware of what was going on around him. Tae's two-drink limit while out partying kept her from any kind of embarrassment of any kind. Drake made his way to Chubbs and Oliver letting them know he was ready. It was pushing three in the morning and it would probably be another 30 minutes before they could make their way out the crowded club and on the streets, still longing around staying as long as they could to get pics of Drake and Future.

Club security pushed their way through crowds of people with their heavy bodies, making way for the two rap stars to get by, Drake once again held onto Tae keeping her close to him. The crews made their way out the front doors into the cool night air, early June had crept up faster than expected the New York nights were not yet blazing hot but you could tell it was pushing its way through. Drake stood on the curb giving their last words to Future and his crew before getting into a line of Black Tahoe SUV's. She took her seat next to Drake who still had a half-empty Ace Of Spades bottle in his right hand. The night had run its course, it was going on 24 hours since Drake last closed his eyes and his body was beginning to shut down, due to the amount of champagne and liquor in his system. His head went back on the headrest and his eyes closed. Tae looked over at him shaking her head, she grabbed the bottle from his hand placing it on the floor. He opened his right eye peeking at her but still keeping his head back.

"I'm not sleeping, so don't try an take my bottle." He said with a slight smile.

"I didn't say you were, and that bottle is 3qrts empty, there's nothing but backwash in there, I'm not interested ." She replied back in a mocking tone of voice filled by a rolling of her eyes. Drake's head shot up from the headrest looking at her with a surprised expression on his face.

"What you trying to say?! You don't want to drink after me!?"Still looking at her with his brows frowned inward.

"I'm saying, I don't want to drink your spit." She replied glaring back at him.

As they were back into one of their eye fights, Drake's eyes lowered to her full lips that were now bare of anything but Chapstick, His thoughts were roaming, probably due to being intoxicated but the only thing he could think about was pulling her onto his lap and having her ride him right then and there, but he quickly cleared the thoughts from his mind, not that it mattered that Chubbs was sitting in the front passenger side and his one of his security driving, it was the fact that he could tell she wasn't going for it, he could tell she wasn't for the one night stand, or the quick pick me ups he often offered to his flavor of the moment. He chuckled to himself a little as he looked at her, turning himself on more than it should have, she wasn't throwing herself on him, even with her being a little tipsy she still held her composure, sure she flirted and managed to press herself against him a few time while dancing in the club, but that was it, she didn't try anything else, kissing him, touching on him, nothing. The truck stopped and Drake's door was pulled open, he got out holding his hand out for Tae to grab it, she crouched down making her way out the door she stood up stepping down on the curb. She went to release her hand but Drake held onto it. She felt his hand tense around hers as he then interlocked his fingers with hers, she looked down at their hands then up at Drake who was looking forward with a straight face.

Drake had managed to text Tae earlier that day to find out what hotel she was staying in and how long she'd be in New York since she was based in California. Drake was surprised when he found out she was actually from the city and wasn't staying in a hotel at all, her east coast condo was occupied by her younger sister while Tae was in the west. The crew all pushed their way into the elevators and made it to the top floor of the fancy hotel. The halls were laced with white walls and beautiful gold border on the top and bottom, the carpets were a crimson red and gold pattern. Drake and a few other members where drunk stumbling past one another. Tae was now in charge of guarding him once inside, she now had her arm around his waist, his arm thrown over her shoulder for support as she walked with him to get him to his hotel door. She looked back to Oliver who was walking behind them.

"Where's his room key?" She whispered not wanting to wake any of the guests on the floor it was now 4 am and there was a crew of drunk men in a fancy hotel hall and the last thing she wanted to do was to add to the noise that was already coming from some of the members, especially OB, the amount of noise coming from him was enough to count for the whole crew.

"Wallet, back right pocket." Oliver said as he glanced down at the back of Drake's jeans she followed his eyes and pulled it out, she flipped open the fancy black leather LV wallet and searched the folds, she found a white card with the hotel logo on it, she folded his wallet back and placed it back in the same spot she found it in.

Oliver watched her the whole time, surveying how she was with Drake, once he saw her place his wallet back in his pocket, he moved to take care of the rest of the crew, she looked up and back to say thanks but he was already feet behind her arguing with OB about the noise. She slid the card in the door until the small light on the locked door flickered green. She pulled the key card out and with the same hand, she pushed open the door. Making her way with Drake leaning on her body through the large hotel suite, she looked from room to room trying to find one that may have been his, every single one was empty, he having the large suite to himself. She heard a voice from behind her that sounded extremely familiar.

"Last room, straight ahead." She looked back and saw Oliver standing a few feet behind them, she nodded and proceed to the room, turning the knob and pushing the door open, Drake leaned forward placing his body to the mattress.

"You're a lot heavier than you look, shit.." She said squatting down to remove his heavy wheat colored Tim boots. She removed one and made her way to the other foot.

"I'll take it as a compliment." She heard his voice and immediately got goosebumps, she had shifted in the squatting position to make sure her panties weren't wet. His voice was raspy, deeper than normal, a sleepy voice perfect enough to be used as an intro to an album.  

She pulled his other boot off and set them neatly at the foot of the bed, she stood up and made her way to the left side of the bed raising one leg she kneeled on the bed and crawled to Drake who's eyes were closed, his hand was placed comfortably behind his head. Tae reached into his pocket to pull out two cell phones placing both phones on the nightstand next to the bed she looked for a charger to match the phones but couldn't find any. She didn't want to look through his luggage so she left them laying there. She began to climb from the bed but was quickly stopped by an arm pulling her by the waist, she fell next to him as another arm slid further around her waist.

"What are you doing? I got to go." Tae said as she raised up on her elbows trying to get free from his grip, his arm tightened around her and he pulled her back down.

"Mmmmm, no, lay with me, don't move." Drake's face went in the crook of her neck, she felt his warm breath, they were slow and steady. She raised a hand to the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh.

"Are you serious right now!?" She waited for his response but when she got nothing she looked down at his face, he had fallen asleep just that fast. She huffed as she realized there was no moving, Drake had her locked in, his heavy arms were wrapped around her little waist and he wasn't budging. She twisted her face in defeat and flopped the top half of her body down, she didn't realize just how tired she herself was until she got comfortable, she kicked her shoes from her feet and closed her eyes, passing out just as fast as Drake did.

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