Chapter 73

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Even though the club was the size of a football field Drake felt the walls closing in on him, it became hotter than usual and sweat began to make itself visible all over his body through his clothing. The air was becoming too thick for him to breathe. Drake pushed himself through the VIP. Fans wished him a happy birthday, patting him on the back, touching his arms and shoulders, women grabbed at his fingers trying to hold his hand.

He made his way to the lobby pushing open the heavy bathroom door. He leaned down on the counter, his arms braced his body up as he breathed in the fresh air. The right side of his head began to pound, the music from the club became tunnel noise as the base bounced off the walls, he forced his eyes shut as he tried to calm himself down, he slowed his breathing getting control of himself. Drake felt small arms being wrapped around his waist, assuming it was Tae he leaned into the small body, he looked in the mirror in front of him realizing the woman was too short to be Tae.

He quickly turned around looking at Melissa pushing her off of him. "Da fuck! DON'T touch me!" His voice echoed throughout the bathroom.

"Whooaaaa, just a few weeks ago you couldn't get your dick fare enough down my throat! Now all of a sudden it's don't touch me!" Melissa said as she watched him take a step back from her. "Awwww does me being so close to Princess Tae make you feel uncomfortable?" She continued her taunting, leaning against the counter. One hand on her hip as the other played in her hair. She watched Drake's eyes go from brown to black as she mentioned Tae's name. "Oooooooo! Tae doesn't know about you inviting me to swallow your kids while she was out of town." Melissa smiled already knowing the answer.

"Melissa, I swear if you...." Drake's voice got extremely deep as he spoke. Drake could feel himself growing anger by the minute, just the sight of Melissa at that very moment made him break out in hives.

"You'll what?..... There's nothing you can do. Don't worry, I won't tell. we're all adults. Right?." Melissa winked at Drake then turned to the mirror to examine herself over "I mean, I don't get it, if I annoy you so much, why do you continue to put your dick in my mouth? Why be around me!?" she said smoothing out her makeup.

Drake watched her casually fix her makeup as if she wasn't making his blood boil, as if she was oblivious to how annoying she really was.

"Anyway I'm sure your girlfriend misses me, I should get back to her..... You know, I never been into women like that, but Tae is bad as fuck, she got me out here questioning my own sexuality." Melissa broke out in laughter as she spun on her heels walking to the door, she made sure to switch off harder than usual, pulling the heavy men's bathroom door open.

Drake made his way back to the crowded club, he did his best to look as casual as he could, he smiled and waved at fans, posed for photos, hugged as many people as he could while on his way back to the VIP. Drake raised his index finger as he motioned for Tae to join him, he watched as she spoke in Melissa's ear. The two women giggled to one another as they had small talk, Melissa reached up grabbing the side of Tae's face and pressed her cheek to her's then did the same to the other side. Tae stood up hugging the short thick woman then left her standing by herself.

Drake grabbed ahold of Tae's hand as they walked to the exit of the club, his hand on her lower back as he kept her close to him, trying to keep her out of reach of fans. Tae stepped into the back of the black SUV, she eyed Drake for several seconds.

"You ok?" She asked looking at him with concern she grabbed his hand, then frowned at how clammy it was.

"Yea..... Just tired." He said back pulling his sweaty hand from her's. "I don't want you around Melissa anymore." Drake continued as he looked Tae in the eyes. "She's not a good person, and I don't want you around people like her."

Tae leaned back with a surprised look on her face. "She's an old fling of yours I assume?" Tae seemed to already know the answer, how else would he have known Melissa's true character if he hasn't spent a couple of nights with her. Drake turned his attention to the front windshield.

"Unfortunately. Just stay away from her." Drake said back. His jaw clenched and his thick brows frowned inward as he continued looking forward. Tae continued looking at Drake.

"Hey, you sure you ok." She asked him one more time lightly grabbing his chin and pulling his face towards her. His skin was flush as if he was skin.

Drake was quiet as he looked at Tae, a small smile formed on his face when he felt Tae began to smooth down his chin hairs that formed his beard. He said nothing but continued to look at her. "I love you, I'm fine."


"Tae! Where you at!? You back in the hotel!?" Jazmine's voice flooded through Tae's phone with excitement.

"Yea, I'm back in the room, what's up?" Tae said as she stumbled from one room to the next, her buzz had gone down but she was still seeing two of everything.

"I got some shit to tell you! Some very important shit!"

"Oh god. You always dropping news nshit Jaz! Am I about to lose my cool." Tae spoke as she pushed open the bathroom door and sat on the toilet she reached down pulling at the strap of her heels trying to focus her eyes.

"Yes! Girl you about to have a fit! Miss Melissa the one that's photoed in between your thighs......"

"Damn. Social media work fast that was literally two hours ago." Tae said as she interrupted Jazmine.

"Don't it! Well guess what. That's the bitch that told Draya to leak the nudes. Apparently YOU got something she wants, and that something...... Or I should say someone, would be Drake. Don't get too comfortable with her, she may be fine, but she bout shady as fuck."

Tae sat up from fiddling with her heels, her jaw clenched so tight her teeth began to hurt, her drunken buzz was no longer apparent and her eyesight immediately fixed itself. "Who told you this."  Tae spoke between her teeth.

"Camellia, she was at the table with Draya and Melissa when the convo unfolded."

Tae had never sobered up so fast in her life, her anger began to slowly boil. It wouldn't be long before she'd completely erupt, she couldn't help but think this whole time she was a buddy with this woman while in the club, drinking with her, flirting, laughing with her and the whole time she didn't even like her. Tae ended the call with her best friend, her attention shifted from the information she just received, to Drake. He knew the kind of woman Melissa was and because she was this kind of woman, Drake couldn't risk Melissa having a slip-up and telling Tae about their night. If Drake was going to tell Tae, it would be on his own time.

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