Chapter 120

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Drake pulled his shirt over his head, his shoes laid on their sides, he changed out his boxers and sweats and replaced them with a different pair. He ran his left hand over his very low cut fade and stood in the middle of the floor facing the bed watching Tae as she slept. 4am had come and he finally pulled himself from the studio. As much as her emotions were shaken up, as much as she was confused, she laid there in the middle of the bed motionless, and to Drake she looked more peaceful as ever. It could of been that he hadn't seen her in over three weeks, he took a deep breath and held it, then finally let it out.

He walked over to the side of the bad and crawled into it, pulling the covers from her face and shoulders, he slid his body underneath the warm covers right next to Tae's body and laid on his back, he slid one arm behind his head and looked up through the darkness of the room, he laid his other arm across her waist. As long as he was touching a body part, he was fine. As long as she was laying next to him he ok. His conversation with 40 had yet to leave his mind, only to replay over and over. He had three hours before he had to be on a private jet back to Toronto to film a music video with Rihanna.


"I feel like you do this shit on purpose. Like you hold on to someone to see how much power you have over them." Drake said sitting forward his elbows on his knees as he looked straight ahead at Rihanna.

She cocked her head back and squinted her eyes looking up into the air. "Who am I doing that too!? You? I'm holding onto you!? For what? What power shit!?"

Her bajan accent was so thick, it was as if she had never left Barbados. Her eyes changed between hazel and green as if it was a way to tell what mood she was in. Drake matched her facial expressions. "Yes, whenever you get tired of laying up in a empty bed, you hit somebody up. Going back and forth with me and ya ex!"

"Me and Chris has nothing to do with you and I." She said in her defense. Though she hadn't spoken to Chris in some years now, there was never a day she didn't think about him, or wonder if he was ok. He was her first true love, but it was a love that didn't work, she had tried many times to reconcile with him, thinking maybe they could make it work, thinking if she was with him she could protect him from the slander, trouble, and negative comments that have followed him, but she soon realized that she didn't have that in her.

"That has plenty to do with me, you were dealing with him while dealing with me." Drake gave her a cold look. The only true reason these two men hated one another was because they fought back and forth over Rihanna. It was just a situation that could never be solved between the two men. They tried their hand at a friendship once when Chris extended his hand out to Drake to get on a remix of his hit song Deuces, but soon after that another fallout occurred and the two remained fare away from one another. Rihanna being their ONLY connection.

"We're going to do this again?" She said rolling her eyes.

"You brought it up. You brought this conversation up." Drake shrugged. Giving her what she wanted.

"This isn't the conversation I brought up Aubrey, I asked you to go out to dinner with me, then you blew up on me." Rihanna said throwing her hands up, then slapping them to her thighs.

"You too gorgeous to be acting like this Rih." Drake said putting his head down into his head shaking it in frustration. Rihanna knew what she was doing, and so did Drake. "I told you no. No, I can't do that shit. You know how many stories are going to be posted as soon as I'm seen with you!? This song is enough, now the video, and a few shows when you go on tour. That's it."

"Why is this such a issue?"

Drake sat up straight. "Rih, you know why."

Rihanna began laughing. Even when she was being malice and vindictive she was still as beautiful as ever. "So this relationship is serious, like this is real!? This isn't you helping get one of your lil stripper slash video model friend's name popular?" She teased, yet not telling a lie, Drake was fairly known to make a stripper or video vixen famous by just describing the tattoo on their lower back or mentioning the strip club he seen them at.

Drake closed his eyes, still very annoyed. "Don't do that. Don't disrespect me like that or Tae like that." His voice grew deeper. "This is businesses, this is for fans that miss hearing from us muscly, that's it. I love you, I have love for you! You know that! You know better than to think any differently! But you and I both know. Drake's hands went back and forth between him and Rihanna. "THIS. This ain't going nowhere. That shit you pulled with her at dinner, was uncalled for."

"She came for me!" Rihanna argued.

Drake pressed his lips together and frowned, looking right through her bluff. "it's always other people, as if you didn't throw a slick comment in to make her come back at you! She's not powerful enough? I'm threatened by you!" Rihanna was quiet. "Stop actin like this is 09, 2010 and you need somebody to 'take your mind off of the situation' now that I'm not up your ass when you want me to be its a problem. Don't pull that shit again."

Rihanna clenched her jaw and folded her arms across her chest as she listened to Drake lecture her about his feelings and where he was with her and their relationship. For the first time Rihanna wasn't getting her way with Drake, and that was something she wasn't used to. And the fact that Tae was the cause of Drake's lack of attention for her only made her dislike her more. Drake had officially taken Tae's feelings into consideration. After explaining the Rihanna song, music video, and a few upcoming shows, he was in the clear of that situation. But being seen having dinner with her was something he couldn't risk at this point. He had major work to put in on Tae, and Rihanna being Rihanna wasn't helping.

"So she knows about the song, videos, and shows?" Rihanna slightly hesitated to ask, if Tae knew about all this she'd have nothing to tease her with.

Drake arched an eyebrow. "Yes."

"She's cool with this?" She asked sounding annoyed.

"She understands it's a business move, and for the fans." Rihanna leaned against the makeup counter of her trailer and looked down. Even sad she was still beautiful, in full costume, her hair was in a short bob, a mesh cover-up in the colors of the Jamaican flag left little to the imagination with a bikini under it. Don't do that." Drake said standing up and walking over to her. "I can't stand when you do that." He said softly, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and holding onto her. He kissed her forehead then rested his chin on top of her head. She hesitated to wrap her arms around his waist but finally did. "You know I love you and I always will. You know how important you were and still are to me. We just on two different paths at the moment, as much shit that's going on and as many people that are turning on me right now I'm happy with her and I can't lose her because I'm being indecisive, because I'm being something that I hate."

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