Chapter 64

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As soon as Drake sat up his head began to pound, he groaned at the uncomfortable feeling of his morning wood as he fixed his sweat pants trying to straighten them out, his clothes from last night still on his body. He pushed himself off the bed, pulling his shirt over his head. As he stepped towards the shower pieces of broken glass crunched under the black Nike shoes he had fallen asleep in.

He shook his head trying to figure out why broken glass was on his bathroom floor, a fuzzy memory mixed with a hangover was in no way how he wanted to start the day. Pulling the length of himself from his sweat pants, he leaned over the open toilet to use the bathroom.

After sweeping the broken glass into a dustpan Drake stood in the shower the hot water made small streams as it rolled down his skin. The muscles in his arms flexed as he reached and washed areas of his body. Drake placed his palms on the shower wall his head down as the pressure of the water beat down on the back of his neck.

He watched the water swirl as it went down the drain he began to grow angry. His memory began to pull itself together and images of Melissa on her knees in front of him began to surface. He just got Tae right back to were he wanted her, back to being comfortable, he managed to let a moment of being drunk and horny mess up the progress he had made. He refused to let Tae find out, he couldn't. He couldn't lose her. He closed his eyes pressing them tightly together. He pushed himself from the wall, then turned off the water.

Steam escaped from the shower has he opened the door and stepped out. He walked the length of the bathroom to the sink and brushed his teeth, he walked into his closet for a fresh pair of clothing. His Supreme boxer briefs hugged against his muscular waist, he slid the black OVO sweat pants up his legs and pulled a white t-shirt over his head and smoothed it down his stomach.

He walked the long hall of his house as he scrolled his Instagram, the night before he made a post letting the world know the 'Hotline Bling' video was ready and would be released on the 19th. Today was that day. Eagerness showed throughout posts on fan pages. People commenting under any and every pic wanting to know the exact time he would be releasing the video.

"Ready to release the video?" Oliver's voice hit Drake's ears, he was sitting at a circular table, the surface was being overrun by a laptop and two cellphones, papers neatly stacked as he went through them.

"Yea, set for later on maybe around 8, 9." Drake said back still scrolling his Instagram, he shifted his attention from Instagram.


Tae rolled the suitcase down the hall of her New York apartment, if was now heavier than before, she even added another suitcase to her collection, after the opening of the 'Just Fab' store Kimora gave every shoe that Tae could pick out to her, every dress, and every necklace she could find. She picked up the multiple KLS gowns hanging on hangers and wrapped in plastic and held them up off the floor. And made her way downstairs to the large black SUV.

Tae was more than ready to get back to California, yes New York was home and there's no place like home, but Drake wasn't here and that was what and who she wanted. She and Drake were back on good terms, he had expressed things to her, things that let her know he needed her, that he couldn't lose her. That he'd do all he needed to do to keep her.


"Eh man you good?" Chubbs asked Drake, his Toronto based accent flowing effortlessly.

"Yea, just a lot on my mind." Drake said back shaking his head.

"You must not of thought this whole Tae not being your personal assistant thing through huh?." Chubbs said back smiling, not asking, but letting Drake know that he knew what he was thinking.

Drake smiled and shook his head at how well his friend knew him. "Eh man, I just wanted her to keep her separation from me, keep her own identity, you know? I didn't want her only being known for being my girlfriend." The longer Drake spoke to Chubbs the more his Canadian accent came out. "But her always being here kept me out of trouble." Drake continued as he smiled but immediately stopped as his thoughts rushed over to having Melissa on her knees in front of him just 24 hours ago.

"Eh man, I have to agree with you on that, it was a lot less scandalous females running around here." Chubbs said in agreement as he sipped from the clear glass.

Drake began to speak but was interrupted by the sound of two distant female voices, he looked towards the hall, waiting to see if one of his friends invited another one of the many females that made appearances every now and then at the estate as the voices got closer they got familiar, Drake smiled as Tae turned the corner of the hall. Her smile sent goosebumps down Drake's arms as she closed the distance between them.

"What are you doing back so soon? How did you get here?" Drake asked his eyebrows frowned but his mouth still formed a smile. His arms went around Tae's waist as he pulled her into a hug.

"I missed you, so I came back earlier, than planned." She answered him back pulling from his hug. "Are you ok?" Tae asked as she looked up at Drake, his smile turned forces and his eyes became sad. Drake paused as he looked at Tae, the breath caught in his throat as he forced himself to answer her.

"Yea.... Yea, I'm fine babe. I'm better now." Drake pulled Tae back into a hug, he clung onto Tae as if she was going to leave again. Tae's eyebrows frowned at Drake's clinginess.

"Babe.... Are you sure you ok?....." Tae asked again looking out the corner of her eye down at him. He breathed in the smell of her perfume and shampoo but didn't answer her. Tae began to pull away from Drake but felt him tense up at her movements.

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