Chapter 60

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Tae walked down the hall of the estate to the front door, Drake was placing her luggage in the trunk of his black Phantom Rolls-Royce.

"I thought I was riding in one of the trucks." Tae said as she walked up closer to Drake, she watched as his shoulders and arms bulge when picking up the luggage his back flexed as he stood up with the suitcases full of shoes and clothes.

"Nope, I'm driving you to the airport clearing." He answered her, placing the last suitcase in the trunk and turning around to pull her into a bear hug, his large arms went around Tae's shoulders "I don't like you going without me period, but you business woman nshit now." He continued as Tae arms went around his waist. He kissed down in her neck then made his way to her lips.

"Just for two days, this is what happens when I'm no longer your personal assistant. I'm not up your ass 24/7. Got my own shit to do." She said back mocking him with a smile and another peck on his lips. "I don't see why I can't just take one of the trucks, or my car, you have work in the studio to do, and taking me to the airport is interrupting the process." She argued as she pulled out of his grip. And walked to the passenger side of the fancy car.

"Because I'm your man, and I said I'm taking you. That's why." He firmly said back cutting the argument short. His eyes were on Tae as she looked up at him with an arched eyebrow. They fell into one of their eye fights Drake waited for Tae to test his order, but she declined with rolling her eyes and flipping hair from her shoulder. Drake grinned at her obedience and pushed the automatic button to open the doors.

Earlier in the year, Drake had expressed his disappointment in not driving anymore. For the past 3 years, he had gotten so used to drivers and his friends driving him everywhere. That he never got the chance to actually drive HIS cars. Driving had been one of his save-havens, it was a time he could think, and plan out songs. As simple as driving was it was freeing, he didn't have to wait on someone or wait for someone, he went as he pleased and that was the feeling he needed back, especially being a celebrity of his caliber.


Draya overlooked the email for the last time, making sure everything was in it. Her nerves were on high as she tapped her foot on the shiny black marble floor of her swimsuit boutique.

"Why are you even thinking about it! You going to talk yourself out of it." Melissa yelled at her from one of the fare couches as she sipped her champagne from a skinny flute glass. flipping through a thick heavy 'InStyle' magazine.

"I'm not talking myself out of it, I'm just making sure everything is in it. Making sure I cover everything." Draya said back trying to convince Melissa that she actually wasn't trying to talk herself out of it, even though she was. She sighed heavily as she scrolled down the screen. She looked at the send button for a few moments.

"Draya if you don't send that email! Bitch you gotta protect YOUR business, let Tae know you not playing with her." Melissa demanded as she looked up from the magazine her finger pointing in Draya's direction.

Still looking at the send button Draya took a deep breath in holding it for a moment then let it out, she closed her eyes as she hit the send button. "There, sent." Draya could feel Melissa's on her.

"See, that wasn't hard. Now you just wait for them to get back to you for the outcome." Melissa said back, pressing her lips together as she turned another page. As soon as Draya sent the email immediate regret hit her in the gut, she knew she just let Melissa kick up some major drama and she'd get to sit back and watch a messy show unfold on the behalf of Draya.


Drake pulled into the landing strip parking feet away from a private jet, Tae had managed to talk Jazmine into going to New York with her as her help, it was going on five in the evening and the flight from California to New York would be a long one. Drake stepped out the car popping the trunk of the half a million-dollar car, two men walked to it as they pulled Tae's luggage from the trunk making sure to not scratch anything.

"Bitch! Why you stepping out the car like you Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis or some shit! Bitch you ain't married to JFK! Come on!" Jazmine yelled at Tae as she walked up to the car. "Like you the First Lady of something!" She continued fussing at Tae due to her lateness of arriving to their flight. "You was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago!" Jazmine yelled as she touched cheeks with Tae, then did the same with Drake. Then turning around and continued her fussing.

"Why am I taking her again!?" Tae said leaning into Drake as they walked to the jet's steps. Drake laughed at Jazmine's rambling then laughed even harder at Tae's question.

"Because she's your best friend and you need her help." He said back kissing the side of her head.

"....... Right! The second one, I need her help!" Tae said as she watched the back of her friend walk up the steps. Drake pulled Tae into a hug kissing her forehead then cradling his nose in the crook of Tae's neck. He held onto her but his moment was interrupted by the screaming.

"COME! ON! Damn!" Jazmine yelled from the inside the doorway of the jet both her hands pressed on either side to support her body as she leaned out. "SHE'LL BE BACK IN TWO DAYS...... damn, y'all act like y'all never spent time away from one another! ..... Shit she was JUST at my house for three days! COME ON!" Jazmine continued as she pulled herself back in the jet, Tae gave Drake one last kiss, she frowned at him for laughing at the situation she would be flying in. "I love you." She said releasing herself from his grasp then letting go of his hand.

"Love you too." He said winking at her. Drake stood watching her walk up the steps carrying her purse and backpack.

"We need to find you a boyfriend, all that pent up energy you got." Tae said looking up at Jazmine as she stood in the doorway.

"Girl, why you think I agreed to go to New York with you! Ima find me one of them white men that's a fashion designer, he gone look like David Beckham, and Ima change my name to Veronica!" Jazmine said as she leaned back through the doorway, with a smile on her face.

"Ooohhh my god! Bitch get yo ass in there and shut up." Tae said pushing Jazmine through the door. Drake laughed harder as he shook his head at the two women. He slid his hands in his pockets as he turned to make his way back to his car, and pulling off.

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