Chapter 66

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Tae was so angry she was calm, she sat quietly in the passenger side of her car looking out the front windshield. Drake looked over at her not wanting to say anything. There had been many times groupie stories were publicly posted, about his likes and dislike with sex, even stories of him threatening women. All allegations in which showed him in a bad light, but he had never gotten nudes leaked, he'd been with plenty of women that had nudes leaked all over the internet but never his own personal ones.

"I have gone my whoooollle career, AVOIDING this very thing. Since I was 13 to now. Not one nude. Nothing! Now I'm out there for the world to see.... My mouth, father. Your mother.... Father..... Your friends..... Business partners. I'm out there now." Tae's leg bounced up and down in rapid motion as she spoke quietly keeping her head straight. "I'm going to take everything from her....."

"Tae...." Drake said trying to get her attention, it was no use Tae now had a vendetta against Draya. Drake had never seen Tae in this light, or this angry, to the point that she was willing to kill someone's career.

"EVERYTHING Aubrey, I'm going to take everything that she worked so hard to build. I'm taking it. I'm going to make it soooooo HARD for her to even start another fashion ANY.THING." Tae refused to hear anything Drake had to say, she knew he would try to get her to see things clear, she knew he would tell her to be the bigger person and ignore it, leave it in the past. "I am going to slowly ruin her."

Tae stopped talking and remained sitting, she sat so quietly Drake had to make sure she was still somewhat ok. Drake placed his hand under Tae's chin and gripped it with his fingers, turning her head to him. He rubbed her chin with the ball of his thumb. Drake looked at Tae's puffy red eyes, his anger began to surface again at the sight of her being hurt. Tae noticed his mood change and lightly grabbed his wrist wrapping her small fingers around it.

"I'm ok. I got this." She said calmly. Drake released her chin from his soft grasp and motioned his head for them to go back in.


Draya sat on a stool in the spacious kitchen she shared with her football player on-again, off-again fiancé Orlando. She held an ice pack on the right side of her eye and face trying to make sure there would be little to no swelling.

"DRAYA! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?" Orlando's deep demanding voice carried throughout the house as he walked into the kitchen where Draya had been sitting. "What the fuck you do to have Tae come up here like that!?"

Draya looked at Orlando then rolled her eyes not wanting to tell him exactly what she did. "How's it look? Is it bad?" She asked him avoiding his questions as she moved the ice pack from her face.

"Yea, it's bright red and your eye is starting to bruise." He said back as he grabbed the other side of her face turning it towards him.

"Fuuuccckk." Draya groaned under her breath as she placed the ice pack back on her eye.

"You going to answer my question?" Orlando was the least bit amused and his face showed no emotion or concern for Draya's current situation. Draya sat silently for longer than Orlando appreciated as soon as she began to see him speak up again she began to talk.

"I sent some old photos of me and her to Media Takeout." Draya said dryly

"Old photos?" Orlando said as he gave Draya a look of annoyance.

".......... Nudes." Draya said not looking at him.

"Why Draya!? What was the point of that!? This the shit I'm talking about Draya! THIS IS WHY I HAD YOU QUIT THAT WIFE SHOW SHIT! IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING WITH YOU." Orlando's voice grew louder with anger as it echoed throughout the kitchen. "You STAY in some fucking drama Draya, you stay on some fucking blog shit, you put y'all's intimate shit out there. Not only are people seeing her! But they seeing YOU TOO, and that's shit I gotta deal with!...... Man, fuck this."

Draya sat at the kitchen counter her eyes welled up with tears as she watched Orlando walk away in anger shaking his head. Draya couldn't help but to grow angry with herself. She clearly hadn't thought all of this through and if she did she wouldn't have done it. Her letting Melissa talk her into doing it was by far the worst thing she had ever done and now her business and even relationship was now at risk of being taken away from her.


Tae stood in the backyard of the large estate, she looked over the large built-in pool, neon lights lit up behind the waterfalls, the sound of water seemed to have a calming effect on Tae, somehow looking at the transparent water and hearing the crashing of the waterfalls made Tae relaxed. She heard slow footsteps making there way to her, but she didn't turn around, she felt the large body frame pressed against her back and the smell of Drake's cologne filled her nose as small gusts of wind blew past her. His large arms went around her waist as he nestled his nose in the crook of her neck, he squeezed her as he nipped her neck.

"You ok babe?" He asked with his lips still lightly on her neck, the short hair on his beard tickled the side of her face.

"Yea, Ima be good." She said back still watching the ripples of water hit against the walls of the pool.

"I'm sorry babe." He said softly, even though Tae couldn't see his face she knew he meant it, he knew how private she was and her privacy had just been violated. Publicly, violated.

"Don't be, it's not your fault, things happen and I now know who I can and can't trust. I'm fine, I'm going to ignore this and continue with my life and business." Tae spoke as she felt Drake hug her tighter, she felt him smile against her neck and place one last kiss on it.

Drake turned Tae around and kissed her lips, followed by multiple pecks he looked at Tae one last time and smiled. Pulling her close to him and throwing his arm around her shoulder. "You got a hell of a left hook girl." He said jokingly but with a serious face.

"Ehhhh, I've had some practice. Now you know not to piss me off." She said back looking up at him with a playful smile. Drake shook his head as the image of Tae punching Draya in the eye filled his thoughts, a small chuckle came from deep in his stomach.

"I'll remember that." He said back placing a kiss on Tae's temple and pulling the large sliding glass door open for her.

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