Chapter 87

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Tae stood at the kitchen counter, multiple papers spread out in front of her and both her phones in each hand. It was only 11am and she was already knee-deep in another project, this time for Vogue. A black pen dangled from her mouth as she looked at one phone then at the other.

"I'M NOW ENTERING THE ROOM." Drake yelled as he slowly walked into the kitchen. Tae looked up from her phone frowning at him and his way of mocking her.

"Well thank you, see is that so hard!?" Tae said mocking him back.

Drake flashed his million-dollar smile before he grabbed a bottled water from the fridge. "What are you working on now?" Tae watched his back flex as he reached for a plate from the cabinet.

"Another project for Vogue this time."

"Another project. Huh?" He repeated after her. "Who you think you are? Me!?" He said as he took a step behind her to look over her shoulder at the very important mess she had going on.

"Well, I learn from the best." Tae turned around facing him, she pecked at his lips, while rubbing the back of his head. "Mmmm oh yea, did you book a jet for the 24th?" Tae's face went from playful to serious the more she spoke, both her hand placed on Drake's chest.

Drake paused for a moment. "No." He casually and calmly said, as if it wasn't a big deal. "Chubbs was supposed to do it." He said backing up and shrugging his shoulders.

"Chubbs is supposed to do a lot of things, but that doesn't mean he does them." Tae groaned back with a stale face.

"Good point, but forget about all that, we can do that later. I got something to show you." Drake pulled at Tae's hand leading her down the steps into another section of the house, that stationed his office.

He led her to another set of doors right next to his office and pushed them open. Tae's eyes lit up her eyebrows touching her hairline. The walls were painted white as black cushion furniture popped against it. A large black desk sat closet to the window, and multiple dress form mannequins were spaced throughout the room, empty racks for hanging clothes and a small black stage for future clothing display sat in the middle of the floor.

Tae beamed at the room. Her excitement took over as she saw the multiple sketchbooks and sewing kits laid out on the couch, high-end color pencils, and fabric rack holders.

"Your very own room, to do all the stuff you be doing." Drake said as he leaned against the frame of the door.

"Awwwww papi! My own office." Tae's bottom lip poked out. "Why are you so perfect!?" She said grabbing his chin and stroking the hairs of his beard with her thumb.

Drake smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist. "We should christen the room." Drake's grin got wider as his hands gripped her ass.

"Babe, you're Jewish." A confused look ran across Tae's face.

"Not Christian! Christen." He said again trying to keep from laughing at how serious she was.

"Oh......" Tae's face was still twisted up in confusion until she felt Drake grip her ass tighter. "Oooooohhhhhh!"

Drake smiled as the idea began to connect in Tae's head. Pushing her further into the new office, he grabbed the door and closed it behind him, he picked her up and placed her on the end of the desk.

"My new desk, Aubrey, really!" She groaned as her bottom lip was in his mouth.

"Oh yea." He kissed down her chin and jawline, and began sucking on her neck, as he placed himself in between her thighs. "All over this new desk."


Drake's phone lit up none stop for close to three hours after his Instagram post regarding 'Drake Night' at the Air Canada Center. Fans lit up at him coming home for Thanksgiving. His mother also couldn't contain her excitement of seeing her son.

Drake found himself back in the studio with 40, OB sat on the dark brown couch to the back of the studio. Drake was fixated with his phones notepad, his fingers scrolled across the screen.

"You good?" 40 asked while he continued focusing on the computer screen. "You must really got something good going, you haven't spoke a word for almost a hour."

"Yea, I finally fixed that last bar." Drake was still focused on the screen of his phone. Rearranging and replacing words with others.

It didn't matter how long it took Drake to write a song, it didn't matter if it was a word, or a hook, or part of the bridge, if something was out of place then everything stopped, he wouldn't move onto anything else until it was fixed. With years of being at Drake's side, 40 knew it was one of two things that was a result of his serious silence. He was either cracking the code to a song or a relationship of his was crumbling.

"Play the track." Drake stood up from the chair and briskly walked to the booth.

40 started the track a little bit before the first verse, Drake held his phone up in front of him as he read the lyrics off into the mic, one headphone over his ear and the other pulled back to hear himself. For close to an hour Drake read the same lyrics but in multiple tones. Singing words, then raping them, then switching them. Trying to figure out which ones sounded better. Drake stepped from both and listened to each version.

"Is that a Tae and Rhianna reference?"  40 said smiling already knowing the answer as he played the lyrics back.

"In a good way... For Tae, though." Drake said back giving 40 a smile.

40 squinted his eyes at Drake and turned his head to the side, he paused for a moment looking at his friend.

"What?" Drake gave 40 a confused look. "What's that look supposed to mean? It's not malice.... To Rihanna, just how I'm feeling at the moment." Drake turned his attention back to the soundboard.

"And Tae is the result of these feelings, getting things from Tae that you never got from Rihanna?" Drake was silent as he took in 40's comment still looking down at the soundboard. "You and Rihanna are great, musically." 40 leaned back in his chair. "But, personally, you two should stay 50ft from one another."

Drake straightened to his full height then sat down in his chair. "Rih can be a bit spiteful, and well, we all know that, which is why she thought it was 'cute' of her to invite Tae for drinks, I also know that's something you're still not sure how to react too." 40 reached for his coffee cup and took a sip.

"I'm not saying the lyrics are wrong, in fact, I'm agreeing with them, with you. All I'm saying is, you're falling bro, and it's finally the right one." 40 smiled and returned back to pressing and turning nobs on the soundboard.

Once again 40 was showing Drake that he knew him too well, but when you spent hours on end with someone in a studio while they pour their heart out in songs, 40 had no choice but to know Drake like the back of his hand. Drake was a man who wore his heart on his sleeve and he knew that everyone knew that. He'd seen the great in women that his friends warned him about, but it never stopped him. It never stopped him from a lesson or a heartache. Tae was something different. She was loved by everyone, Not as wild as Rihanna, but was still bold enough to bite if someone tried.

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