Chapter 110

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Drake stood naked in the middle of his bedroom, a white bath towel wrapped securely around his waist, he looked up at the large flat screen tv mounted on the wall, closely studying the commentators and the basketball game that showed on the screen, as if he was going to be quizzed on it. Drake was so caught up in the game he didn't hear Tae walk in. She quietly laid on the bed, patiently waiting for a commercial break to say something to him. She looked at his perfect back, family members and the late great singer Aaliyah on tattooed on his back, the trademark OVO owl sitting higher upon his shoulder.

"Who's winning?" Drake turned around with a small smile.

"The Bulls." He answered her, walking closer to the bed and leaning over to kiss her. "How was your meeting? You never told me how the shoot went."

Tae sat up Indian style in the middle of the bed, Drake disappeared into his closet putting on a pair of all-black sweat pants.

"Well your tongue was down my throat." Tae said casually as she pulled her shirt over her head and unzipped her jeans. Drake entered the room and grabbed the bottom of her jeans pulling them from her legs.

He laid down on his stomach making sure to face the tv, Tae climbed onto his back straddling his waist she began running his back and shoulders. Drake groaned out in pleasure trying his hardest to keep his eyes open. Tae leaned down and kissed on his right ear, he let out a moan this time, she could feel his body sinking into the bed underneath her.

" I want to do modeling full time again." Tae said, unsure of his response she bit down on her bottom lip in anticipation.

"I think that's a great idea." Drake's deep voice sent Tae's body tingling. "I'm proud of you."

Tae began kissing on his ear again. Drake began turning himself over to face her, she slightly lifted up her body to allow him to, his hands resting on her hips, she leaned back down and passionately kissed him, as his hands moved towards her butt gripping the bottom of it, she could feel the length of his dick growing against the inside of her thigh. Drake began unsnapping her bra and tossing it to the floor.

"I have asthma, remember! Go easy." She said giggling as Drake flipped her over and crawled on top of her, his large arms blocked her in on either side as he went to attack her neck and bare breast.

"Oh you gone have asthma after this." He said biting down on her shoulder and lifting her legs further upon his waist. "Gone need an inhaler."


Tae pushed food around her plate as Shod's voice went in one ear and out the other. All she could think about was what she needed to do to find out if Jazmine was, in fact, doing what she was doing.

"Am I talking to myself!?" Shod asked with an attitude.

"Yes, yes you are actually." Tae said back nonchalantly.

Shod rolled his eyes, as he took a sip from his drink. "Then what the fuck you got going on, since I'm not exciting enough." He sat his drink his glass on the table and began cutting into the chicken on his plate.

"I got a plan and I need your help. I want you and Jazmine to go to my photoshoot in LA with me tomorrow." Shod gave Tae a look as she asked him for a million dollars. "Just hear me out, we'll just tell her we're going out to eat after. It's going to be a closed shoot so everyone's phone will be in a security room, all I need is for you to go in there and go through her phone while she's in the show room shopping around."

Shod looked around, he turned to see if anyone was behind him. "Oh! You're talking to me!?" Tae shook her head up and down. "What is this!? Sherlock Holmes and Watson!? DO I have Scooby Doo written across my forehead!?"

Tae frowned at him as if it wasn't a big deal. "I mean.... Watson rarely helped Sherlock solve mysteries, he was the narrator of the stories... I mean he helped every once in awhile." Tae said squinting her eyes looking into thin air. "And no."

"Aye! Now is not the time to be a smartass! Cuz I'm liable to stab you with this fork." Shod looked as serious as he could, the more he spoke the more he waved his hands in the air. "Why don't you just ASK her, like NORMAL people do!"

Tae huffed air as she threw her head back. "I can't just ASK her, if I do that, she'll just deny it, then we'll stop talking and I won't have proof of shit." Tae pointed an index finger at Shod. "Plus you the one that put these fillers in my head!"

Shod smacked Tae's index finger out of his face and pointed his index finger at her. "I did not put FILLERS in your head. I saw a sketchy situation and as a friend I brought it up to you."

"Well then be a friend! And help me figure this out!"

Shod leaned back against his chair, rolling his eyes, and folding his arms across his chest, for more of a dramatic effect he added a huff of air. Tae smiled at him and clapped her hands.

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you!" She said grinning at him.

"I didn't say yes!" He said back with a frowned face, trying to ruin her happiness.

"You didn't say no either!" She said back digging in her glass and pulling a piece of fruit out a plopping it in her mouth.

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