Chapter 132

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"Well, this one shows a better angle of the watch than the others, but I see this one in a magazine." The photographer said as he pointed between several photos of Tae, he considered all corners, angles, and views as he looked at them, also allowing Tae to have her own opinion about his and her work together.

"This one is a much better view of the watch. That's the focal point." She said pressing her index finger and thumb to her bottom lip.

If was back to work as usual. Her mind had slipped to the video she had seen of Drake here and there but she would quickly snap out of it and get back to work. As Fashion week sneaked closer and closer her New York office swarmed with workers, models, and fabric. People putting finishing touches on this shirt and that pants leg, this shoe was matched to that outfit, she had quickly built up her brand. With people like Anna Wintor, André Leon Talley, and Kimora in her corner it was absolutely impossible for her to fail, they had consigned her every move.
Spending hours looking at the same photos in detail trying to figure out which one was the best didn't seem that hard, yet it was draining task in itself.

"So apparently your one o'clock was actually a three o'clock." Toya said poking her head into the office as she leaned against the outside of the door frame.

Tae frowned looking up from a stack of papers. She shook her head. "No, it was supposed to be at one..."

"The guys are out there..." Toya informed cutting her off.

"Send them in here." Tae said with no hesitation.

She looked both of her stylists up and down, young students fresh out of college working their first internship. "So, you two are two hours lat for a meeting that you two set up!" Both men looked confused and puzzled at one another then looked back at Tae. "The email that was sent to my phone says 1 o'clock, it is now three. I'd like to know which one of you told me the meeting was at 1 o'clock so I can fire them." She kept a serious face as she looked between the two of them. Giving them both time to figure out which one would be going home. "Well you guys can eyeball one another later, we've got to get this done now." She held out her hand for the blueprints and over looked them carefully. A much more superior mentality possessed Tae, a boss like manner showed through her appearance. She was currently building a empire of her own, her own brand and her presence didn't get mistaken that she was the one in charge of everything.


"Well if it isn't the pettiest of them all!" Toya said leaning forward onto the desk pressing her weight onto her elbows, she tossed Drake a grin. "You are one shady shady man, I must learn your ways."

"It wasn't meant to be taken that way." Drake said walking closer to the desk, he frowned as he leaned against it. folding one arm over the other he too placed his elbow and hip against the tall desk.

"Oh, but it was taken that way! You got to be a fed up mutha fucka to end some shit that way... Or just aint shit." She cocked her head to the side patiently waiting for his response.

Drake kept a frowned face, he remained motionless as he thought of his next reply, or if he even would entertain Toya's thoughts, he looked down at the shiny clean gold watch around his wrist, then looked around the large furnished lobby. "Where is your sister?" He asked making the right decision to not make pointless convo with her, nor did he have the time.

Toya laughed at how ironic it was that he could ignore her pettiness, as if he picked and choose when to be shady. she sighed and leaned back into the cushions of her computer chair swaying playfully from side to side, knowing he didn't have to and was clearly on a tight schedule she took her time to answer him. "She's up there." Toya motioned her eyebrows upwards towards the above floors, then watched Drake's face lighten, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up finally showing a bit of emotion. "BUT, she's in meetings getting fashion week together." She finished with a playful shoulder shrug knowing he wouldn't disturb her. she arched her left eyebrow at him scowling at him.

Drake knew he wasn't in the best of places with some of the people most close to Tae and could tell by he Toya wasn't to fond of him at the moment due to her cattiness towards him. He took another deep breath and turned around looking through the tall glass windows, Chubbs hands waved signaling him to wrap up his conversation. Toya leaned over looking passed his shoulder at his friend then shook her head. "Can you make sure she gets this?" He asked sliding a large white envelope across the black marble counter.

Toya sat up straight, looking at the envelope then up at Drake. "Maybe."

"Toya." He growled

She rolled her eyes. "Alright. Fine, damn." She mumbled back forcefully grabbing the thick paper and placing it behind the desk.

"Thank You, Please get it to her today, as soon as you can." He instructed her as he back away from the counter, getting closer and closer to the front doors.

"I'll see what I can do." She waved him off with a frown, Drake rolled his eyes and pushed through the heavy glass doors, making a run for the backseat of the black SUV. She watched the vehicle pull off then looked back down at the thick envelope. She stood up and walked towards the elevator and pushed for its signal, stepping into it then pushed the specific floor she wanted. she chewed the inside of her cheek debating on if she should be nosey and open it or no, looking down at her sisters name hand written on the front of the envelope she flipped it over and ripped the sealed flaps without a care in the world, looking through the contents of the gift she smiled and chuckled then rolled her eyes at what seemed to be the second act of Drake's apology tour. She fixed the envelope as the elevator doors opened and firmly held it in her right hand, then slowly pushed the doors of Tae's office open poking her head in before the rest of her body, she looked around seeing Tae's meeting had ended leaving her in her office by herself, she looked over at her sister watching her fingers move quickly across a black keyboard. "How was the meeting?"

"Good, got some minor things to fix before I feel comfortable with putting some pieces on the runway but for the most part everything is fine." Tae said lifting her fingers from the keyboard and leaning back in her chair.

"By the way, you got mail." She laid the envelope face up showing her name was the only thing written on it.

Tae frowned as she looked down at the clean paper, no return address or anything. she picked it up and turned it over. "Damn Toya, you already opened it!"

"I had to make sure it wasn't anything harmful inside, or a bomb or something." Toya gave her nonchalant excuse to being nosey. "Also by the way, it's from Drake."

The news stopped Tae from opening the envelope any more than she had, she looked up at Toya, but kept her body very still. "He was here? like he physically gave you this to give to me?"

"Yup. walked in then walked out. I told him you were in meetings so he told me to give it to you." Toya smiled clearly already knowing what was already inside. Tae let out a sigh of relief, she wasn't exactly sure how she would react to him especial due to his most recent actions, other than being a trending topic, she was being tagged in countless photos from the show, every angle you could think of she was tagged in the photo. She figured she let the hype die down assuming that was the fist and last time he would preform his song 'Jungle' that way eventually he'd do something else that would get everyone going again and they'd forget about the show. she looked inside the envelope but hesitated to pull the contents out. "Well..." Toya said

"I can't do this right now. I have way too much stuff to deal with at this moment. I'm not going to just stop what I'm doing because his conscious decided to kick his ass and now he feeling guilty." Tae frown sounding more frustrated than anything as she looked at the contents of the envelope, shifting through the papers. "I don't need this elaborate ass apology, its been months now, it's over and done with." Tae shook her head and stuffed the papers back in the envelope and placed on the end of her desk, so it was out of her way keeping it from getting mixed up in any other paperwork. "Gosh, he just loves prolonging shit... bringing shit back up." She mumbled under her breath then tossed her thick curly hair from in front of her face.

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