Chapter 94

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Tae walked into Giorgio Baldi, the only other Italian restaurant she was in when she wasn't with Drake eating at The Nice Guy, which seemed to be every other day. The host greeting her by her first name and led her to a perfectly set table, her friend Eva sitting on one side and Shod sitting on the across from her.

"Oh, how nice of you to finally join us." Shod said with his hand on his chest, and his nose in the air.

"Ugh, you act like I'm forty minutes late, damn. At least I'm here!" Tae said back rolling her eyes.

"Right, cuz you blessing us with YOUR presence, I forgot who I was speaking to, Miss. Aubrey Drake Graham." Shod mocked her back, putting emphasis on Drake's name.

Tae squinted her eyes at Shod. "Ugh.... Whatever." As she bent down and kissed cheeks with Eva.

Tae pulled the chair out next to Eva and sat down. "And my last name is Heckard, thank you." She said pulling her black leather jack from her arms.

"Well hell, I couldn't tell." Shod hissed at her rolling his eyes and looking at a menu.

"Anyway, you know Draya showed up at my KLS store opening in Beverly Hills, calling herself confronting me about you canceling on her."

Shod's lifted his head from his menu with wide eyes. "No she did not! Did she bring her fellow Houseflys with her!?" Shod was basically leaning across the table waiting for Tae's answer.

"Houseflys!!! No you...." Eva said throwing her head back.

"Houseflys, Housewives, it's all the same thing." He said with a serious face.

Tae tried to reframe from laughing. "No, she didn't have her fellow Basketball Wives with her, she came alone......" Tae lowered her voice and looked down at her menu. "Dressed in all white at that." She said under her breath.

Shod frowned at Tae. "Dressed in all what!?" He asked, but knew what she said.

"Who she trying to fool?" Eva added.

Shod let out a chuckle, as he lift a wine glass filled with ice water to his lips.

"You take that ol tired as swimsuit line from her yet?" Shod asked as he put his wine glass back on the table.

Tae shook her head no pressing her lips together flipping a page on the menu as if she didn't already know it by heart.

"Good, you should let her keep her halfass project, just continue to make it hard for her to sell it, you already got people canceling on her, just continue to use your connections as power. You better treat her like she Meek Mill." Shod's face still remained as serious as ever but his voice was full of humor.

Tae looked up from her menu once again trying her hardest not to laugh, but Tae knew Shod had a point, Tae had connections that Draya could only wish she had, and it was time Tae started using them, letting her keep her swimsuit line but not be able to book shows to show them off, to up her credit as a fashion designer seemed to be a much better idea than to actually take it. She had Instagram but that was really it, she'd never make it past the "Instagram Fashion."

"Hello, earth to Tae!" Shod snapped his fingers in front of Tae's face trying to get her attention. "Girl, get out yo head!" Shod said leaning back in his chair. "So anyway, like I was saying, I was in Atlanta at Gay Pride...."

Tae cut him off mid-sentence. "Damn, how many gay pride parades they have down there!?" She said with her face twisted up.

"Oh girl it's gay pride every week down there, everything is gay there. Even the way the wind blows is gay." Shod said casually waving Tae off.


Tae smoothed down the sides of her knee-length tight dress as she stepped out the back of the black SUV, she was back in six-inch heels, her makeup flawlessly placed on her face, and her straight hair resulted in three hours of work. She walked hand in hand with Shod as they walked onto the red carpet. Cameras and paparazzi lined the outside of the barricades, getting photos of who was there, with who, wearing what, getting interviews with everyone they could.

Celebs gathered for the grand opening of a high-end Gentleman's Club that Shod went into a partnership within Santa Monica.

The stadium-style club was filled with people, women hug from the extremely high ceiling wrapped in red, white, and gold fabric as they did trick twirling themselves in it. Women danced in each corner of the club on high platforms, black textured tile lined the floors, white and gold accents popped against the black sleek furniture and black walls.

Tae's face lit with excitement as her attention landed on the Self Proclaimed Bad Bitch that was Amber Rose, her skin was almost gold as it glowed under the lights, what little amount of hair on her head died bleach blonde.

"Is that Thee Muva!!! YEEESSSS!" Tae said taking a step back, admiring her all-black outfit, she managed to be covered up but her curves still made a very clear appearance.

Amber's bright smile lit up as she lifted the black rectangular sunglasses from her face and pulled Tae into a very affectionate hug. Like Tae, Amber was never afraid to hide her sexuality, being in relationships and loving women as well, she was known for embracing who she was along with making fun of the stereotypes that she was labeled as. Being known as the Bisexual Stripper Ex-girlfriend of rapper Kanye West and now the ex-wife and baby momma to rapper Wiz Khalifa. People made jokes, but she was known to never get her feelings hurt because she could throw shade with the best of media and the haters.

"Yeessss!!! You look like my future ex wife." Amber said holding onto Tae's hand interlocking their fingers.

"Girl, don't tempt me. We can be married tonight and divorced tomorrow morning, cuz my body is ready!....." Tae traced the silhouette of Amber's thick curvy body with her hands. "For AALLLLLLLL of this."

As the night grew on Tae was introduced to more people, some new friends, some business partners. She was proud of Shod and his business ventures, she could understand how excited Drake would get when one of his crew members would come up with their own thing, seeing your friends grow with you was an amazing feeling.

She continued partying the night away, Amber Rose close by her side, Tae through caution to the wind as fans and the few professional photographers snapped photos throughout the night, uploading them to any and every website possible. Drinks in hand, and throwing money with the other.

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