Chapter 72

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A long two-lane bowling alley sat on the far left side of the room, an Ari Hockey Table to the right of it, and to the right of that were ping pong tables. Of course, OB and Tae managed to turn it into a beer pong table. 27 red cup form a pyramid on either side of the table, filled with a variety of alcoholic beverages.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Tae said raising her hand, as she pulled a wad of cash out her back pocket. "We're about to up this game." She continued smiling as she waved the cash in front of her face.

"THAT'S. MY. GIRL. That's what I'm talking about!!" OB said with a large smile on his face.

Tae walked back to the table she began picking up cups and placing a different bill under each one. Some had $100, some had $75, $50, $20, and so on. "Ok, each cup has a different amount of cash on it, you get the ball in that cup, of course, we drink, but you get the money." Tae explained the rules as she continued placing bills, once she was done she had a mental note of how much money she had on the table altogether. "Ok, that's $1,067 on the table. Match it." She said smiling."

Tae on one side of the table OB on the other. "OB! This is your chance to win back all the money that I took from you while playing cards." She said pointing to him. A smile crept up on OB's face as OB began placing dollar bills under cups on his side. This was becoming a common running theme between the two friends. Tae taking OB's money, and OB being oblivious to her ability to do it.

"You're thinking too hard about it again." Oliver said before placing the rim of the red plastic cup to his lips "you're thinking this shit is too perfect again." Oliver spoke between sips as he and Drake watched Tae and OB go back and forth in their last game of beer pong.

"How you figure." Drake said back still focused on his best friend and girlfriend.

"It's what you always do. Sure being who you are plays a part, your career, you go through women like bottles of water, every vacation it's a new one."

Drake sighed and ran a hand over the back of his head, Oliver knew Drake all too well, he knew Drake was having that feeling that he'd eventually mess things up with Tae. "You got something that's working at the moment, so just let it work, you're too busy trying to make things what you think is perfect it's a relationship, not a song. Let it be."


Drake's birthday weekend was well in full effect, it had only been two days being in Vegas and already Tae had never been this drunk. After multiple games of beer pong and mixed drinks that were being given to her in between those games of beer pong, it was clear that liquor was now replacing the blood in her system. Tae clung to Drake, who himself was past his limits of intake.

He stood in between Tae's thighs, thrusting himself in and out of her, the multiple bathrooms in Vegas seemed to be Drake's choice of picking to take complete advantage of Tae. For someone who was cautious about what he did, he sure did have a wild side. The thrill of sex in a place you weren't supposed to be having it brought a different side out the both of them.

For some reason, neither of them could get enough of one another. The liquor seemed to numb Tae from the pounding she was currently receiving, instead it replaced it with pure pleasure, she was currently on a high that was unexplainable, between Drake's strong steady thrusting and him biting and sucking on her neck and shoulder, the sourness she would once again be feeling in the morning was far from her thoughts.

Tae's nails sunk into Drake's lower back as his pace sped up, she was well on her third time cumming, but the liquor in Drake's system seemed to have an effect on him that made him last longer than he normally did, not that he had a problem with lasting, but Tae knew this wasn't going to be the last bathroom counter she'd be on for the night.

Another club event hosted a lavish party on behalf of Drake's birthday. Fans filled the club, limitless Ace of Spades bottles free flowed from one end of the club to the other, women in white bikinis danced on small raised stages that were placed throughout the huge club. Drake admired Tae's ability to get the attention of any woman she wanted. He watched her as she sat on one of the platforms that sat right in front of the DJ booth.

A woman danced behind her and another shapely woman in a black skin-tight thigh-high dress stood in between her legs, her back turned to the rest of the club. Tae laughed as she occasionally spoke in the woman's ear, her right hand resting right above the woman's ass and her left hand held a drink in the air as she rocked side to side to the music.

Fans and paparazzi went photo happy as they snapped away, cell phones and cameras in the air capturing every movement she did. Drake grinned at the thought of seeing Tae interact with women. He was no stranger to having multiple women at once, but actually seeing another thick woman in between Tae's thighs, her hand gently rubbing the woman's ass, and the seductive looks she gave her seemed to do something to Drake, but then again what man wouldn't be turned on by it.

Drake's smile disappeared as the mysterious woman turned into a very familiar face. His jaw clenched and his nostrils flared as he watched Melissa turn and face the crowd she continued to sway her tiny waist and thick hips from side to side. She leaned back looking up at Tae and smiling. Drake's heart sunk to his stomach.

Melissa's eyes met Drake's, she could see the beads of sweat on his forehead from across the club, unknown to Tae's knowledge this was the woman that had Drake's dick down her throat while Tae was on a business trip in New York. This was also the woman who talked Draya into leaking her and Tae's nudes, she was playing sides and she was playing them well. Melissa was the kind of person that would steal $20 from your purse, then help you look for it when you released it was missing.

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