Chapter 9

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Chubbs picked up his phone and smiled at his text message he took a screenshot and sent the photo to Oliver. Chubbs kept his eyes on his friend until he looked up and met his gaze. Oliver smiled and nodded his head in Chubbs' direction, their silent interaction went unnoticed as everyone else seemed to be preoccupied with food and or Sports Center highlights.

"Alright fellas, I will see you in a few. I got some business to handle." Drake said standing up and smoothing down the front of his white shirt.

"Yeah you do!" OB said smirking and giving him that same knowing looking. "Get yo stalking on! Handle that!" Drake stared at OB for several seconds, he frowned as he analyzed his friend's stupidity. Oliver looked up at him giving him that same knowing look.

"You really think this is a good idea?" He said with humor and creased eyebrows.

"I mean... is that really the question you want to ask me?" Drake said folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the high counter.

Oliver went silent rubbing the back of his head as he awkwardly frowned, at that moment he realized Drake had a completely different title for Tae and it was for sure to be more than just a fellow coworker. He knew there was one of two ways this could go, either she be brought on for work-related business only or expand that work-related friendship into something very personal, but if they did grow into more than just a business relationship there was a huge guarantee that this would blow up in both Tae and Drake's face. Oliver was very much aware of his best friends track record with women and the way Drake's boredom was set up this could get way uglier than anybody would hope. However, it was too late to think that far in. Tae had already expected the position.


Tae took in a deep breath, the lights flicked back on and people began making their way through the door, she walked down a long hallway in a room that looked similar to a large warehouse, there were cameras, backdrops, racks full of clothing, shoes lined the floor beneath the racks, hats, jewelry, and other accessories lined the black cloth-covered table.

The photographer stood with his assistant holding a light meter the two were focused on the tool, clicking it every few seconds in different areas of the room as they spoke amongst themselves. Tae made her way to the clothing picking and putting things together. Hats, shoes, socks, pants, shirts, and sweatshirt were everywhere. Models were being moved here and there, she was in the middle of fixing black knee-length cargo shorts on a male model when Sammy came up behind her.

"Excuse me, Tae you have a visitor!" She said in a whisper leaning forward inches from her shoulder.

"Ok... uh, can you let them know I'll have to get back to them or they can wait in the lobby till I'm done... I'm kind of busy at the moment. Tae answered back, she was still bent at the waist fixing the pants on the model, her attention was too focused on what she was doing to look back at Sammy.

"Uuummm, I think you definitely want to stop what you're doing to see this person!" Sammy's voice was hesitant.

Tae shifted around the model still bent at the waits fixing the small cuff. "Who is it? Did you get their name?"

"Uh, well... I didn't really need to get his name... he's definitely as tall as you said, he for sure smells amazing!... I didn't really get the alcohol part but you think if I ask him he'll answer... I mean, I know it's kind of personal but he always has a cup in his hand!"

Tae quickly stood up and faced her with a confused look. "Samantha what the hell are you talking about!?" She hissed, her words running together. Sammy smiled and raised her eyebrows nodding her head to the double doors, Tae followed the direction of her eyes looking passed her.

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