Chapter 81

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Drake walked into his mansion looking over multiple bags, he followed the trail of abandoned luggage to the den were Tae's body laid comfortably on one of the couches. He watched her sleep for a few minutes before squatting down beside her. His left arm softly resting on her chest and his right arm caressing her hair and face.

"Hey beautiful." The low tone of Drake's voice filled Tae's ears. Her eyes slowly fluttering open, she focused on him then closed her eyes again as a small smile crossed her face.

Tae hadn't realized just how tired she was until she was being woken up at 8:00 at night by Drake, her body was still on east coast time.

"You slept the day away." He said, still rubbing the side of her face.

"It looks like it. I'm so tired." She said back, this time her voice being husky from not speaking.

"You worked hard then." Drake slightly smiled then kissed her forehead. "But, if you're going to sleep the day/night away, you need to be doing it at my side. I've missed you." Drake stood up pulling her body up with his. Allowing her to walk in front of him, his hand went on her lower back as she walked up the steps.

Tae's body relaxed as the semi-hot water lightly pounded on her chest, Drake stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. One hand laid flat on her stomach and the other cupped her breast as he played with her nipple, running his thumb over it, nipping and sucking at her neck and shoulder.

She stood with her weight in his arms and his body pressed against her. She had already climaxed multiple times and he had already released himself inside of her, but he refused to pull himself from her. So instead he stood, still inside of her feeling her walls contract around him every time he slightly moved or nudged her.

He finally pulled himself from her and pulled her from the shower. A towel wrapped around her body she stood in her closet, pulling out a pair of sweat pants and pulled a blue sports bra over her chest. She crawled onto the large California king bed pulling the covers halfway up her body.

Sports Center played on the large flat screen tv. Drake's eyes were glued on highlights, commentary, and back to back plays of the weeks sports events and games. He sat up with a large heavy pillow propped up behind him, Tae's head resting on his lap.

"Oliver told me something happened." Drake's voice replaced a distant car commercial that played on the tv. His fingers ran through her barely damp hair.

"I knew he would, I needed to talk to someone I trusted other than you," Tae paused to let out a yawn, opening her eyes to keep from falling asleep, but Drake's fingers in her hair wasn't helping. "She taunted me, assuming the only reason we lasted this long was because I'm not intimidating, not as powerful as she is, and I assured her that we lasted this long because You don't have to worry about me cheating on you. It's safe to say we're not friends.... Well not after that dinner."

Drake slowly shifted his position, being slightly bothered by the nerve of his ex's comment, but in all honesty, he was slightly bothered by the whole ordeal. He just didn't know what to say about it. He didn't want to tell Tae not hang around her, but he didn't want Tae to hang around her. It wasn't that he still wanted to be with Rihanna. He just knew the too of them would collide and crash.

"You're not mad are you?" Tae asked looking up at him, her already chinky eyes were barely open.

Drake looked down at Tae for a moment, he studied over her face. "No, you're right, that is why we're still in it."

Tae closed her eyes and smiled, going back in her original head placement. Drake ran his hand over the top of his head and then laid it against the headboard. Drake sat for hours drifting in and out of his thoughts. He snapped back into reality realizing Sports Center was just repeating its and Tae was sound asleep, he softly moves her off his lap and made his way to the studio.

Going on 5am and of course, 40 found his way there before Drake did.

"How long you been in here." Drake asked pulling one of the computer chairs to the soundboard next to 40.

"A little over an hour ago, can't sleep?"

"Nah, just got some ideas that need to be jotted down."

40 picked up the cup of coffee that sat off to the end of the table next to him. He took a sip then pulled the small lever that controlled the volume. The beat he had been working on went from a heavy sound to a murmur that barely filled the room.

"So, Rihanna and Tae." 40 awkwardly said letting out a small smile.

"Shit is weird." Drake paused for a more dramatic effect, leaning back in his chair he ran his hand over his head and released a his breath "I can't say I never expected them to not run into one another, I mean they're both heavy in fashion, I guess I just assumed I'd be there when it happened.... I knew I should of went with her." Drake looked up at the ceiling shaking his head.

"You always gotta control shit, both women are still alive, and nobody pressed charges. So, it's all good." 40 spoke as he sat his coffee back down and adjusted some more knobs on the soundboard while looking at the large computer screen off to the side of him.


Tae shifted in her sleep rolling over to a sliver of sunlight hitting her face, after five minutes of trying to fall back asleep she realized there was no point and she was up. She rolled back over, her eyes still closed expecting to mash into a strong body, but instead, she continued to roll until she caught herself on the edge of the bed.

Tae sat up her jaw fell open at what she saw. Every inch of the room was covered in bouquets of Red and White Roses, some big, some medium, some small. They lined the floor, sat on the dresser, the window seals, and nightstands. Tae almost began to cry at the never-ending sea of roses, covering her mouth she walked over to the door of the bedroom and pulled it open.

"THERE SHE IS!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Chubbs yelled as he put down a bottled water and pulled Tae into a bear hug, she smiled as her feet lifted off the ground.

Oliver pulled Tae into a hug and kissed the side of her cheek to his. "Happy Birthday baby girl."

Two very large arrangements of Red roses stood in the center of the kitchen island, next to it stood another very large arrangements of white roses, a small white and gold birthday card laid in between the bouquets with a small black box.

Tae slightly jumped when she felt large warm hands on her bare hips.

"Happy Birthday beautiful." Drake's voice filled Tae's ears. She was seconds away from her knees buckling, if it wasn't for Drake having his arms around her waist she would have been hit the floor. For some odd reason, she was extremely turned on by Drake at this very moment, and if the room wasn't filled with friends she would have pushed up on him right there in the kitchen.

More of the crew filled the kitchen, OB, Niko, Jhonny, 40, Hush and so on the kitchen began to look more like a crowded restaurant.

A familiar voice began singing Happy Birthday as it rounded the corner Jazmine walked in holding a medium-sized cake, Tae screamed and jumped up and down at the sight of her best friend who she hadn't seen all week.

The room filled with chatter as the cake was spread out to everyone. Drake's arms wrapped around Tae's waist, her arms around his neck. "Thank you babe, you're amazing." She said in between small kisses.

"Of course, you'd be surprised how hard it is to fill a room that size with bouquets..... And do it quietly." Drake said with his thick eyebrows frowned. "Anything, for you."

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