Chapter 116

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Tae went straight for Jazmine. Shod noticed her moments and quickly grabbed Tae by the waist pushing her back. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS SHIT JAZ!?"

"Tae! It wasn't supposed to get this out of hand. Jazmine said sounding genuinely sad, her facial expression matched just how bad she felt. It wasn't supposed to go that far. Jazmine only gave MTO and TMZ one anonymous interview, they payed her which then turned into two interviews then three then so on.

"YOU SETTING ME UP NSHIT! YOU GOT THESE BITCHES SHOWING STARTING BULLSHIT WITH ME OVER A NIGGA THATS NOT EVEN CHECKING FOR THEM!" Shod began pushing against Tae as he felt her push harder against him trying to get to Jazmine.

"Oh bitch, your nigga is definitely checking for me." Melissa said folding her arms across her chest and putting all her weight on one foot.

"Melissa! Shut up!" Jazmine hissed out the side of her mouth.

"Oh bitch please! Don't try and save face now, tryna protect her nshit now! Bitch you was just setting her up for the drama." Melissa shifted her weight to her other foot. "What you think by putting a cape on now and saving hoes you not gone get bad Karma. Bitch you neck deep in drama YOU caused."

"I am seconds away from knocking you clear across this dock." Jazmine said turning around to face Melissa.

Melissa stepped closed in Jazmine's face. "I wish you would." It was clear Melissa lived for moments like this. The more attention she got the stronger she got. It didn't matter if it was negative or positive attention. Anything that she could take back to the gossip sites with a juicy interview. She was all for.

"What the fuck is this bitch talking? Y'all two in on this shit together!?" Tae asked back away from Shod.

Melissa pushed Jazmine to the side. Stepping closer to Tae. "Oh would you like to see how YOUR nigga has been checking for me. She began reaching in her bag for her phone.

Tae frowned in confusion. Shod stepped forward again putting space in between the two women. "Ok, that's enough, Melissa you need to go!"

Shod didn't want Tae finding out about Melissa and Drake from Melissa, which was why he spoke to him ahead of time, he figured he'd give him a heads up, but clearly Drake didn't have that moment with Tae soon enough.

"Oh nah, she wanna be cute. She wanna talk shit. I got something for that ass." She pulled her phone from her purse and tossed her purse to the table.

"MELISSA! THIS IS NOT THE TIME OR PLACE FOR THIS!" Shod screamed trying to prevent her from taking it too far. "You a grown ass woman! Bitch why you so fucking childish like this!? FUCK!" He said turning to her.

"What are you talking about!? Shod what are you talking about." Tae said stepping forward.

"I thought I'd send a few screen shots of a discussion me and your boyfriend had, after I did him a little favor... While you were out of town." Melissa smiled, Jazmine and Shod both put their head down in their hands. Tae looked between them.

Tae pushed past Shod and stood inches from Melissa's face, she held out her hand to see what exactly Melissa was talking about. She placed the phone in Tae's hand and watched her with a smile as she read the txt thread. Tae turned to Shod and Jazmine. "How long have y'all kept this from me!?"

"I just found out. I wanted Drake to be the one to come clean to you." Shod said.

"You was going to use this too!" Tae said looking at Jazmine. "You ain't shit, you really ain't shit." Tae turned back around to Melissa. The smile on her face was wider than it should be for the current situation. Tae cocked her hand back and released the phone from her hand over the dock and into the water. "Send that to the blogs bitch!"

Tae refused to let Melissa hold anything else over her head. She knew Melissa was nothing without her phone. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRING WITH YOU!" Melissa screamed turning around and looking at her phone sink to the bottom of the large lake. She then turned back around and shoved Tae.

As soon as Melissa was within arms reach. That was Tae's opportunity to take it upon herself to swing at Melissa. Shod ran and grabbed Tae by the waist lifting her up and pulling her away. Her legs went in the air kicking at Melissa in the stomach. "AND BITCH DON'T GET IT TWISTED! IM NOT FIGHTING YOU OVER A NIGGA! IM FIGHTING YOU CUZ YOU CAME FOR ME WHEN I DIDN'T SEND FOR YOU! BY THE LOOKS OF THEM TXTS, YOUR MOUTH THE ONLY USEFUL THING ON YOUR BODY!"

Melissa grabbed the side of her face, Jazmine stepped in front of her to keep her from running towards Tae. "BITCH YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP! GET OFF OF ME!" She yelled back at Tae and pushing against Jazmine. Once she remained calm Jazmine stepped back from Melissa.

"DON'T THINK THIS SHIT IS OVER! JAZ YOU NEXT BITCH!" Tae yelled as Shod continued to carry her away.

Jazmine looked down shaking her head, realizing just how much drama she had created. "YOU GONE PAY FOR MY FUCKING PHONE BITCH!" Melissa continued holding the right side of her jaw.

Tae could be heard laughing in amusement, Shod finally putting her down on her feet once he got her far enough from the two women. "SUE ME!"

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