Chapter 91

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The Raptors carried the game the whole time, the Cavilers trailed by 8 the starting of the second half. Drake was on top and so was his team. It was more entertaining to watch Drake and his reaction to the referee and plays, then to watch the actual game. Drake's energy and personality was contagious. Jumping up and down, his constant cheering and the nonstop facial expressions he made at the refs for what he considered to be bullshit calls. It was no wonder how he could control himself from running on the court and jumping in the game.

Due to the Raptors win, Drake left the court happy, a wide smile on his face as he walked through the tunnel and to the locker rooms.

"I'm going to go back with your mom."  Tae said looking up at Drake and leaning against him. "Enjoy your night, celebrate with your boys, I want to keep your mother company."

Drake looked down at Tae for a moment and bit his bottom lip. He then looked over at his mother who was holding onto OB's arm. The idea of Tae keeping Sandi company didn't bother Drake, he actually loved how close she was to her, but at the same time, Drake wanted her by his side as well.

Sandi nodded her head at Drake then smiled. He paused and looked back at Tae. ".....ok." He finally said.

Tae rubbed the hairs on his chin with her thumb. Drake closed his eyes enjoying the small habit she had with doing that. "Love you."

Drake opened his eyes and looked down at Tae. Her white and gold OVO J's causing her to stand at her normal height. "Love you more." He said kissing against her lips.

Drake made sure Tae and his mother got from the Arena to the car safely, he walked in between the two women, his arm linked in with his mother's and his other hand on Tae's lower back. Fans continued to scream and reached at Drake, the flashing was nonstop and paparazzi took no time in asking questions.

Tae sat at the kitchen bar, her feet swung back and forth as she sat in the tall bar stool. Sandi skimmed through multiple small black boxes that held old photos. Hundreds of photos, some boxes held photos of just Drake throughout the ages of life.

Tae couldn't believe how many photos of Drake Sandi had. Her mother had photos of her and her sister, but not seven shoeboxes full of just them.

"I was wondering when Aubrey and I's relationship would get to the embarrassing childhood photos phase." Tae said as she watched Sandi pull out certain photos.

Sandi smiled and pushed her glasses up on her nose, her hair perfectly in placed as she looked down in the boxes. "Oh honey I'm surprised he hasn't pulled these out himself." She pulled out a photo holding it up to Tae's face. "It's always The Aubrey Graham Show according to him." She looked over her glass at her

Tae covered her mouth as soon as she saw the photo of Drake around seven dressed in a costume standing on a stage in between two other kids dressed in costumes as well. His big curly fro and large Coke bottle glasses overpowering his little face and a toothless smile to match. Sandi continued pulling out different photos, Tae saw Drake's transformation, him slowly growing into his features, his Degrassi days and the early years of his career before he got signed. Tae smiled and listened as Sandi gushed over her only son.

Drake stood with his back against the wall in between Chubbs and Jibber, he held a hookah pipe in his left hand and a drink in his right. It was the first night of Gold Room Wednesday at night club LaVie Toronto, a night club that Chubbs was in partnership with. He was beyond proud of his best friend, it was another trophy on the shelf for his team.

He looked over the crowd, some faces he knew some he had no clue who they were, Drake frowned a bit at the familiar view, all clubs looked the same, drinks tasted the same, the same women dressed in clothing two sizes too small. It was all the same. Drake's thoughts were interrupted.

"So you can't link nobody no more?." A female voice yelled over the distant music.

Destiny stood directly in front of Drake, his height advantage and him standing on a five-inch platform step caused him to looked all the way down at her. Her all-white tight dressed caused her beautiful brown skin to pop against it, her hair pulled up into a smooth topknot, and her flawless makeup, her perfect body clearly provided by surgery, but the upkeep provided by her constant "working out".

She was the typical local model turned internet sensation after Drake mentioned her in a song and their relationship went viral, after their breakup he had kept in contact with her here and there, occasional meetups whenever he was back in Toronto or whenever she was doing some work in LA, but nothing serious. Her constant need for outside attention is what caused him to eventually pull the plug on the relationship.

Drake groaned in frustration, he already knew how these things went, he had already been in this exact situation too many times with multiple different women. Old flings popping up demanding answers to questions in which he didn't care to engage in, nor did he even owe her an answer to why he stopped talking to her.

"I'm a busy man." Drake said simply, then took a sip of his drink and continued looking around the club, completely uninterested in what Destiny had to bother him with.

"Oh I'm sorry, am I bothering you?" Drake looked down once he heard her mocking tone of voice.

"You wanna have a conversation, in the middle of a crowded club, this is what you want to do Destiny? He was growing annoyed by the minute, but kept his face as calm as he could.

Drake's security stepped forward and lightly touched the woman's elbow, gesturing that she go about her business, Drake shook his head and held up his hand up. "She's fine, she wants to have a conversation, so we will have one."

Destiny frowned at his cooperation, seeing that this conversation was going to be short and straight to the point. She rolled her eyes at the security guard and turned her attention back to Drake "so why haven't you returned any of my txt messages, you just read them and that's it."

Drake took no time to answer her back with a stern tone of voice. "I'm not interested in you or what you think you have to offer, I don't care to link with you. I've told you this more than once, it's been a year since we've had any contact with one another....."

Destiny cut Drake off "you being in whatever YOU think this little committed relationship you got going on with that bitch Tae is, ain't what it is." Drake's thick eyelashes frowned and his jaw clenched "it never lasts with you! Ever! You always slip up, you always get bored! You'll be right back under me, and if not me, it'll be one of your other little cyattie."

She used a mixture of Jamaican and Toronto slang, folding her arms across her chest and shifting her weight from one side to the other. Drake looked down at Destiny who began to feel uncomfortable with how long he was staring and not saying anything. His face still as calm as ever, a toothpick pressed in between his full lips. Drake turned to his security and nodded his head instructing them to remove the woman from in front of him.

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