Chapter 118

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Tae had managed to get most of her belongings from the estate. She dreaded every trip she had to make there, at one point she was close to saying "fuck" her belongs she'd replace everything.

"What's going on gorgeous?" Chubbs said as he greeted Tae at the door, she leaned in for a hug and pressed her cheek to his.

"Can't complain." She joked, knowing she had plenty of things to complain about.

Chubbs chuckled a bit and shook his head. "For some reason I figured you'd be mad at me too!"

"For what? You didn't cheat on me." Tae simply said frowning and arching an eyebrow.

"You right, you right... You not going to hear him out at all huh?" He asked.

Tae squinted her eyes at him, she folded her arms across her chest and studied him for a moment. "He sent you down here didn't he." She said knowing all too well.

Chubbs busted into a laughing fit, Tae sure did know the both of them all too well. "Not this time." He assured her. Tae playfully rolled her eyes as Chubbs stepped to the side to let her in. This time Chubbs showed up on his own. He had grown fond of Tae and Drake as a couple. He had known her much longer than Drake did and he was partly responsible for the two of them coming together. Tae knew Chubbs could of went on one of his deep speeches where he made you rethink your life decision and life in general, but he remained silent.

"Mmhhmm sure. Is he here?" She asked as she walked past him to the steps. She wanted to avoid Drake at all costs. They hadn't spoken to one another in weeks. She ignored calls and texts. Drake couldn't get so much as a "go die" from Tae. It was driving Drake crazy, but it was yet again making for soon to be great music. Chubbs shook his head no assuring her she could get the rest of her stuff without a run-in. He watched her walk up the steps and disappear down the hall.

Txt to Drake: She's in the room. Wait a couple minutes before you go in.

Drake leaned back in the studio chair and read the message from his best friend. A couple of minutes he thought, he knew he couldn't wait a couple of minutes, maybe a couple of seconds. He ran his hand down his beard and leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees. He finally stood up and walked towards the studio door, the sound of a baseline that 40 had been playing began to get quiet as the studio door closed behind him. His steps slowed down as he reached his master bedroom, he walked in leaned against the doorframe of the large walk-in closet that used to belong to Tea, she sat on her knees folding shirts and placing them in a black Gucci suitcase.

He clenched his jaw in anger as he watched the amount of clothes she had in the closet decrease by the minute. Drake slid his hands in his pockets waiting for her to turn around, she was so focused it took her a minute to receive his presence. She finally stopped packing and looked down her hands went to her thighs, the shirt bunched under her fingers. "Chubbs said you weren't here."

Drake closed his eyes as he heard her voice, the only thing he had vocally was the recording of him and her having sex in the recording booth. "I was in the studio." Tae closed her eyes as his husky voice filled her ears, instead of a recording of the two of them. She had multiple songs about multiple different women and situations going on in his life in her iTunes library that she'd listen to much longer before him and her were even an item.

"I'll be done in a few minutes." She said still not turning around not wanting to look at him.

Drake covered his mouth with his hand and heavily breathed in it. He was frustrated, angry, annoyed, not because of Tae, but because of himself. "Look at me." He asked. Tae paused for a moment thinking about what he asked her, she then continued packing shirts in the suitcase ignoring his request. Drake stepped further into the closest around all her stuff then stood in front of her.

Tae continued packing eyeing his all-white J's that had an OVO Owl in gold on the tongue of the shoe a pair of black sweats on his lower body. She refused to look up any further. Drake squatted down, Tae grabbed a shirt and began folding it, Drake grabbed it from her and put it back on the shelf, she grabbed another one, he grabbed it from her and put it back on the shelf next to him. He looked directly at her, not taking his eyes off of her once.

She huffed and tossed a few of the thick box braids over her head and out of her face. "Seriously!?" She said, finally looking up at him, as angry as she was for what he did, and didn't do, her face went soft and her eyes immediately began to water but tears had yet to fall. A genuine hurt was written all over his face, and she could tell how bad he felt, which only made her angry. His large hand lightly grabbed the side of her neck, he pulled her towards him, Tae hesitated a bit but eventually gave in.

Big tears ran down Tae's face as her lips hit his. Drake deepened the kiss pushing his tongue into her mouth. Tae's hand raised to his wrist, she tightly gripped it. She wanted him to stop but she didn't want him to. She didn't know what she wanted. He pulled away and kept his eyes on her. He slowly fell back and sat down he leaned back against the closet shelving raising his knee up and resting his arm on it and placing his hand on his forehead as his mind began to run. Tae looked at him for a moment, then crawled over to him and laid in between his legs laying her head on his stomach she rolled to her side, Drake wrapped his arm under her lower chest and rested his hand under her right breast.

"I fucked up, I fucked up on a lot of shit." He confessed as he continued looking up at the ceiling. "What are we gonna do?" He then asked her.

Tae remained quiet for a moment. She stared off at the empty shelves stuck in her own tunnel vision. Drake was patient, he was scared of her answer but he rather her be honest with him than not say anything at all and ignore him. But, he waited. "I don't know." She finally said quietly.

Drake tightened his grip around her body as she continued laying on the closet floor in between his legs. Both of them thinking about what is and what isn't. Drake had so many words to say to her, but they weren't in order, everything was bunched up, scattered all around in his mind. Drake was too particular with his words to just spew them out in any old order. This was going to take him some time. It was going to take him some time to fix his doings.

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