Chapter 76

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Drake shifted in his sleep, his hand squeezed at Tae's left butt cheek, smiling as the scent of her hair filled his nose he tilted his head up and kissed her forehead.

"Baby girl." His groggy deep voice filled Tae's ears. Her lower stomach tingled at his morning voice.

"Hhmmmm" she said back, her face buried in the crook of his neck.

"You slept in here with me, you didn't have to do that babe." His grip tightened around her waist.

"I know, but I wanted to sleep with you, you fell asleep in the studio so I fell asleep in the studio." Her head still buried in his neck making her small voice sound muffled. Drake groaned as he felt her kiss on the inside of his neck.

His hands squeezed on her hips, pulling her up in his body so he could kiss her lips.

"Aubrey." She managed to get out while her bottom lip was being sucked on. Tae realized Drake was in no position to pay any mind to her.

With his morning wood poking her in the stomach, his hands feeling her up, and her bottom lip in his mouth, he wasn't going to stop until he got what he wanted.

"Stop, not in here." She demanded pushing in his chest and sitting up. Drake looked around realizing they were still in the studio.

Tae was adventures but not that adventures, considering the fact that 40 could walk in at any minute, hell, the man pretty much lived in that studio.

Tae pushed open the doors of her closet, multiple empty luggage bags laid on the floor. Tae was requested to be in New York to accompany Anna Wintour to the Vogue fashion show. She huffed out air and pulled her hair up into a sloppy bun that sat loosely on top of her head.

Tae heard the toilet flush and then water running, she turned her attention back to her clothing, she leaned against the dresser that sat in the middle of her large closet, she began to have tunnel vision, not looking at anything in particular just kind of staring into space. Drake slowly walked into her closet, adjusting himself as he got closer to her.

"You going to pack? Or you waiting for the clothes to pack themselves?" Drake asked as he stood behind Tae, both his arms on either side of her.

"I don't want to go, I don't want to leave you." She said turning around to face him. Drake smiled, for the first time, Tae was showing her clinginess, expressing her want to constantly be around him.

"You coming back, so, you not leaving me. I'll be right here." He placed multiple kisses on her forehead then down on her lips. She let out a small moan as she felt the pressure of his weight being pressed against her.

In a swift motion, Tae found herself sitting in the top of the dresser and Drake in between her thighs, her shirt pulled up, and him kissing and liking on her stomach.

"You better help me pack after this!" Her left hand rubbing on the top of his head, as he unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down her long legs.

"I'm going to sleep after this." He casually said back licking and sucking the inside of her thighs.

Tae's head went back as she fell into a laughing fit, the short hairs of his beard tickled her skin along with the goosebumps that covered her body, his warm tongue trailed up her thigh inches away from her vagina.

"Mmmm, you are such an asshole." Tae tried to be as humorous as possible, but completely lost it when she felt his tongue slide inside of her.


Tae smoothed down the green dress, turning around every which way to make sure the skin-tight knee-length dress fit perfectly.

"Too revealing?" She asked turning her attention to the tall brunette that went by the name of Clair, who was Anna's right hand. Literally.

"Well, if I looked like you? Honestly I wouldn't wear anything...." She said back looking over the fitting of the dress. Tae smiled and chuckled at Clair's compliment and began fixing her cleavage she grabbed her phone from the glass table, a snapped a photo.

Txt to Drake: yay or na?

She sat her phone back on the table and tiptoed to the row of heels that lined the far left wall. The large studio was brightly lit with light high gloss wood flooring and three bright clean white walls. The fourth wall was covered end to end with full-length mirrors from ceiling to floor.

Tae's attention was pulled from the heels and to her phone that was vibrating in the glass table

Txt from Drake: my dick jumped, so I'm guessing a "yay". You look, beautiful babe.

Tae smiled at his response and turned to Clair. "The dress is a go!"

Tae looked up as the door to the fitting studio slid open. As small as Anna Wintour was, her presence was big. Her short signature blonde bob was perfect, not one hair out of place and her also signature big black sunglasses sat perfectly on her face. The fashion icon who never wore completely all black and never carried a purse pulled Tae into a warm hug.

"How are you!? So happy to see you! I'm sorry I'm late." Her London accent bounced off the walls. "Traffic is a..... bitch.... excuse my language." She slightly laughed, releasing Tae's hand then greeting Clair who then handed her a black leather-covered folder.

"I'm great, the city finally getting too crowded for you?" Tae joked looking at her.

"Oh honey, New York was crowded as soon as it was created! A complete mess! But, it's the greatest place on earth!" She smiled at Tae and pulled the glasses from her face and handed them to Clair.


The show was the first thing on the list of things to do, after landing in New York at 6am and getting a two-hour nap in, then spending the rest of her day at the Vogue headquarters. Tae was running off pure adrenaline.

The late October air was crisp with a nipping wind to it, winter was well on its way and the weather showed it.

Tae sat front row with Anna her sunglasses back on her face a serious look to match as she examined the models and their garments, occasionally breaking away to speak to Tae or Clair about certain pieces.

As the fashion show continued, press and paparazzi lined up on the red carpet at the entrance of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, to get their first shots and interviews of celebrities in attendance.

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