Chapter 61

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Tae and Jazmine spent the flight working on matching clothing with shoes, shoes with accessories, accessories with clothes, and so on. Though Tae and Jazmine fought like sisters they had each others back like sisters and when it came to work, Jazmine knew when to be serious and get things done.

Just like Anna Wintour, Kimora Lee Simmons met Tae earlier in her modeling career and she became a mentor to Tae. She modeled for Kimora on numerous clothing collections and she saw Tae's passion for fashion and business. Not only did they favor one another, but Kimora was definitely someone Tae looked up to. She took a small female clothing line from her now ex-husband and music/business mogul Russell Simmons and turned it into Baby Phat, one of the biggest female HipHop clothing lines in the late '90s and early 2000s with competition like Roc-A-Wear, Phat Farm, and Sean John. Kimora stood on her own. She later branched off starting another clothing line called KLS, and the owner of the online shoe boutique called 'Just Fab'. Tae had the opportunity to work hand in hand with the model turned businesswomen.


"Draya what the fuck! How you let that bitch Melissa talk you into doing some shit like that!!?" Camilla yelled through the phone, Draya pinched the brim of her nose as she paced the length of the back room of her store. "Like honestly Draya, all Tae asked you to do was stop talking bad on her name and y'all relationship to the media. How fucking hard is it to do that!?" Camilla continued.

Draya then realized that Tae really didn't threaten her at all. It was truly all in Draya's hands all Tae said was for her to stop giving stories to the messy public for attention.

"Draya, girl I don't know what you going to do, but you just might of lost your business. A enemy of a enemy is a friend, and you just let Melissa talk you into getting Tae back for whatever drama they had back in the day, and while Mel's hands are clean, you about to rep the benefits..... Or lack there of." Draya listened as Camilla's words filled her ears.

Draya continued pacing the back and forth, her anger towards Tae for threatening to take her business now turned to Melissa for being a phony friend. This was the exact reason Draya decided to quit Basketball Wives, constantly placing yourself around women that only hung out with you because they were filming with you. Women that couldn't tell the difference between fake and real. She couldn't blame Tae for wanting anything to do with her after joining the show, Tae warned her of this exact thing, this exact situation and she brushed Tae off as if she had no clue what she was talking about, Draya was so concerned with wanting to be on tv that she disregarded anything Tae had to say.


Tae pushed open the door of her New York, Manhattan apartment. Jazmine trailed behind her rolling her luggage.

"TOYA!" Tae screamed throughout the quiet apartment, Tae looked around the corner as a bedroom light flipped on.

"AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! TAE TAE!!!!" She said screaming back running down the hall with her arms up. "Bout time you got here! Heeyyyy Jaz!" Toya pulled Jazmine into a warm hug pressing her cheek to hers. "How was the flight? ..... You tell mama and papa you here?......" Toya began her rambling she inherited from their mother.

"Toya! Toya! I got it. Damn let me put my luggage down before you start. Damn." Tae said back as she rolled past her sister to her room, she placed her things down pulling her hoodie over her head and pulling her Tim boots off. She walked back into the living room as she scrolled her phone texting Drake to let him know she landed and was now safe in her apartment. She looked up seeing that Jazmine took no time in making herself comfortable. She was spread out on the couch, shoes off, and head on the pillow.

Tae walked into the kitchen pulling the large chrome refrigerator open and pulling out a bottled water and made her way to her sister's room. Tae pushed open the slightly cracked door. "I missed you boo!" Tae said with a smile on her face.

Toya stood up from the bed. "I missed you too! How was your flight?" Toya asked as she pulled the sleeve of her sweatshirt to cover her wrist. Tae noticed she only pulled the right sleeve down and not the left one too.

"It was good, quiet, got a lot of work done." Tae said back with a frown on her face. "What's wrong with your wrist?" Tae asked as she grabbed her sisters arm to get a better look.

"Nothing Tae! It's fine! Stop!" Toya flinched at the small pain that ran through her little sister's arm wrist, she tried pulling her arm from Tae's grip to avoid her questions.

"What the fuck is this Toya!?" Tae demanded as she pulled Toya's sleeve up, purple and deep blue bruises lined Toya's right arm. "Toya where did you get these!? TOYA WHAT IS THIS!?" Tae grew angrier as more bruises revealed themselves the further Tae pushed the sleeve up. "OH HELL NO! is that nigga hitting you!?" Tae's eyes were wide and her jaw clenched with anger, Toya pulled her arm from Tae's grip and pulled her sleeve back down her arm.

"It's nothing Tae, just leave it alone!" Toya said back, fear covered her face as she cringed at what happened the night she got the bruises.

"Oh! What else has he done! FORGET ABOUT IT! HELL NO! IM CALLING PAPA! FUCK THAT!" Tae said as her anger boiled over frustration hit an all-time high, as Toya pulled the iPhone from Tae's hands.

"No, Tae please. I'll tell Papa." Toya said back in a genuine voice. "Please." Tae frowned at her sister's request to not handle the situation right then and there. Tae shook her head at her sister grabbing her phone and putting it back in her back pocket. She turned around walking away from Toya.

"I'LL TELL PAPA TAE. I PROMISE." She yelled again before Tae closed the bedroom door.

Tae sat at the kitchen table her foot bounced in anxiety as she scrolled through her phone. She pulled up her list of contacts and hit the call button. It rang three times before the familiar deep voice filled her ears.

"What up baby girl! how you doing?" He said in a loud voice, the commotion of beats and laughter filled the background.

"I'm good Game, you in the studio?" Tae said as she plugged the other ear to hear him better.

"Yea, hold on. AAAYYYYOOOO TURN THAT DOWN BRO..... Yea I'm in here finishing up some stuff." He said as the music and chatter quieted down. "What's up baby girl, you iigh? You good?" Concern filled The Game's voice as he questioned her reason for calling.

"Not really....." Tae said, but as soon as she said the two words she was interrupted by The Game demanding answers.

"Somebody touch you! Who touched you!?" He said with his voice growing in angrier and darker.

"Game, it's not me, it's Toya, her boyfriend, he's putting his hands on her." Tae said back.

"Give me his info, I'll handle it." The Game said back, Tae hesitated, but the images of her bruises came rushing back into her head. Tae quietly gave The Game Toya's boyfriend's info then hung up the phone. Tae knew her sister was stalling by telling her she would tell their father, so Tae had no choice and took things into her own hands.

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