Chapter 51

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Drake's conscience told him it was something more to the situation. As he walked down the hall hand in hand with Tae he wouldn't bring up the situation until they would get home. Drake was slowly realizing Tae had a few more secrets than she was leading him to believe. He stood outside on one of the many secluded balconies that were placed throughout the YOLO Estate, silhouettes of multicolored neon lights flashed through the waterfall that flowed over the grotto.

Drake blew the hookah smoke out in perfect rings. His elbows resting on the concrete railing. He watched as he saw Tae walking across the yard, her head moving from left to right as she scanned looking for him. As she moved closer she began to smell the hookah smoke lingering in the air, she looked up trying to focus her eyes on his dark figure. As she walked up the stone steps  Drake continued to stare out over the large built-in pool.

"Hiding?" She asked as she stood behind him her arms went around his waist, she stood on her tippy toes and placed a kiss on the back of his neck.

"Just thinking, planning." He answered, turning his head to the side, slightly leaning it back to kiss her. He placed multiple kisses on her lips tasting her Chapstick. "Did you and Ayisha have a good conversation." Tae's stomach began to sink at the question.

"Yea, just catching up." She said back as she laid her head on the back of his broad shoulder. At that moment Tae began to realize Drake knew about Ayisha. "I hadn't seen her in a while and I saw that she was in the video, so I went to go say hi."  She finished as she released her arms from his waist and stood next to him, her back to the pool as she leaned on the stone railing. "How long did it take her to push up on you?" She asked him, he continued to stare over the pool. He took in a long inhale of smoke and released a steady stream of smoke.

"About a hour or so." He answered her turning to look at her. "You went to warn her, and cuss her out." He continued still looking at her. "I could tell by the look on her face when you two were in the room, why didn't you say something when you first seen her?" He asked.

"Aubrey, I don't ask you every time we're in a club or show how many women you've been with..... How many pool parties have we thrown with half naked IG models and strippers running around here? And how many times have I asked you if you've fucked any of them!?" She said back looking him in the eyes. Her anger controlled but annoyance began to surface. Drake stared at her for a long time before he answered.

"Never..... I'm just saying.... Being with you is......" Drake was interrupted mid-sentence, Tae stood up straight her arms folded across her chest.

"Is what!?..... Difficult? Hard? Tae finished for him. Her head taken back and her arms still crossed. "You know why I don't ask you!? It's because I don't care who you use to fuck with. You got a lot of nerve to ask me about who I use to date, because half the bitches YOU already ran through ARE those same bitches! Yea I fucked with Ayisha, she was something to do when there was nothing to do! It's hard fucking with me cuz you can't cheat in peace, because no matter what bitch you DO slip up with I'll know her, even when the media doesn't catch it." Tae spoke with anger through clenched teeth her voice was too calm for the anger she was beginning to feel.

"You assuming I'm cheating!? You think I wanted to fuck with Ayisha? Yea she threw herself at me, but you know what I passed on her, you know how easily I could of fucked her in my dressing room or the same bathroom you said you was going into!? Drake stepped closer to Tae looking down at her, his body creating the darkest shadow his eyes burned holes through her's as his jaw clenched. "But I didn't. I see you being cute with one of your ex's in her store earlier today and you said nothing to me. You left out the part of seeing your ex Draya, and you assume I'm cheating!?"

She knew Drake would eventually find out about her meeting with Draya, but she figures she'd have some time before saying anything but the media took no time in putting the story public, gossip site ran stories of the two women. Dinner date, reconnecting, Tae seeing her ex behind Drake's back was what was being said, yet none of it was true. She knew Drake read through all the stories and seen the pictures.

"Don't you dare taunt me Aubrey. I didn't say you was cheating! I already knew she threw herself at you. So I went to tell her about herself. And you sit here and read those stories about me seeing Draya and believe the shit. You think I went to reconnect with her!? You're wrong! Draya owes me money for helping her start her bikini line, so I went to go get it." Tae continued as she backed up from him, Drake's eyes grew soft as she explained herself.

"I apologize, why didn't you just tell me, instead of having me look stupid, thinking you're cheating on me." His deep voice gave her body goosebumps, as he licked his lips and looked at her in curiosity.

"Because it wasn't your business, I went to handle a situation and that was it. I don't need anybody but you! I wouldn't dare have you out here looking stupid, fuck you Aubrey, fuck you for thinking I would play you. Tae spoke her arms unfolded as she pointed at him, he grabbed her wrist. "DON'T! Touch me! She said pulling her wrist from his hand. She began to back away from him. Drake grabbed her wrist again, his eyebrows frowned at her words, he pulled her closer to him. "YOU'RE HURTING ME! GET OFF OF ME!" Tae spat at him as she tried pulling from his grip, his large hands wrapped around her tiny wrist.

Drake's anger began to boil over, he looked from Tae's face down to the grip he had on her wrist. Slight fear flashed in his eyes as he quickly released his grip, a thick pale ring remained on her skin for several minutes. Drake looked back up at Tae then turned his back placing his hands on the balcony railing trying to control his anger. Tae stood looking at her wrist then back at Drake. There was nothing left for her to say. Her and his anger were at an all-time high. She turned her back and stormed down the stone steps, Drake listened as he heard her go into the house, slamming the sliding glass door behind her.

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