Chapter 42

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As Drake pulled Tae from the car, she remained conscious and aware of what was going on, though she was in pain she clung to Drake's neck as he carried her into the hospital. It was quiet in the emergency room. It was nothing like you seen on tv... At that moment, probably because it was a Monday night. Chubbs who made it back to the estate only seconds before they pulled out the drive.

"We need a doctor! Now!" Chubbs demand from the women as she sat behind the desk. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She wore light blue nurse scrubs with a white coat over them.

She looked up at Chubbs who was practically leaning over the counter in her face. "What's the problem, sir?"  She stood up looking over Chubbs's body for any signs of damage or blood. As she opened her mouth Drake stepped forward with Tae in his arms the women looked at Drake her eyes widened as she realized who the man was. She then looked down at Tae realizing who she was. Her eyes scanned down to the blood in between Tae's thighs.

"I NEED A STRETCHER!" The women called out as she ran from behind the desk. A tall man dressed in the same colored scrubs came rushing out with one, Drake laid her down but grabbed her hand and began moving with the doctors as they pushed her further down the hall. The women who was sitting at the front desk stopped Drake as she placed both hands on his chest.

"Sir, you have to stay out here." The women said in a stern but calm voice. She applied a small amount of pressure to his chest, Drake looked down at the women's hands then back at the women.

"I'm not leaving her by herself.... I'm not letting her go back there alone." His voice was demanding as he stepped closer to the women, but she did not let up. Her hands remained on his chest with the same force.

"Sir, you can't go back there, she is now in Doctor hands, she will be fine, we will call you back when she is stable." The women replied back, she looked past Drake to see his friends approaching him, Chubbs grabbed Drake's shoulder pulling him back, but Drake didn't move.

"Come on! ..... Aubrey! Come on." Chubbs arm went around Drake's shoulder as he applied pressure pulling him back, the women released her hands from his chest and paced down the hall behind the doctors. Drake tried pulling from Chubbs's hold, his arms bulged as he tensed up but it was no use. He was applying too much pressure for Drake to fight with at the moment. Drake's hands went into fists as he looked his best friend in the face, his eyes began to turn glassy, he turned from his friend and walked towards the automatic doors of the E.R.


Drake sat quietly for close to 2 hours looking straight forward, emotions that he had never felt before crossed his body. At this moment he realized he didn't just have love for Tae, but he actually loved her. The fact that he was sitting in an E.R. waiting room, for information on a woman he may never see again MORE than bothered him. Drake began to breathe heavy as if a panic attack was coming over him.

"Mr. Graham? Hi, I'm Doctor Joseph Smith. A tall man who looked to be in his mid 40's approached Drake with his hand extended. Drake looked at his hand for a second the finally shook it. "I'd like to take you to the top level of the hospital, it's where we house our celebrities. I'm sure you'd like your privacy." He continued as he released Drake's hand then held on to a metal clipboard, with multiple papers. Drake looked down at the clipboard assuming it had Tae's information on it. He heard nothing the man said everything sounded as if he was in a tunnel.

"Where's Tae? Is she ok? Where is she?" Was the only thing that came out of Drake's mouth as he looked the man in the eyes.

"She's stable and she's fine. Please, follow me." The doctor said as he turned around. Drake and his friends followed behind the doctor as he led them to a set of metal elevator doors. He pressed the up arrow, moments later a ding went off and the doors slid open. The men stepped onto the elevator as the doctor pressed the number 25 then slid a white keycard into a slim slot to get access.

Drake was led into a spacious white room. A black two-seat couch sat on the far left of the room, a rocking chair on the opposite side of the couch, and a large hospital bed with white railings on either side protected Tae's body from falling out, a white clamp held her right index finger as an I.V. poked into the inside of her right arm that led up to a series of beeping machines, numbers and lines ran across the monitors as a clear liquid dripped into a bag that attached the I.V. tubing.

Drake looked at Tae's small body in the hospital bed, he frowned as his body tensed up, he walked closer to her looking at the monitors, he had no clue what any of the numbers and lines meant, so he lightly placed his hand on Tae's chest for multiple seconds. Her breathing was deep as she took in long breathes. Drake's body eased as he realized she was peacefully sleeping.

Drake rubbed his forehead then over his head. He slid off his heavy black Tim boots and lightly crawled on the large hospital bed, he laid on his side as his arm went around Tae's stomach right below her breast, he grabbed her hand and held it into his. His face went into the crook of her neck. He listened to her heavy breathing mixed with the steady beeping of the machines. His thoughts raced as he laid like this for hours, it was hard for him to fall asleep, but he refused to get up and leave her side.

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