Chapter 128

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Tae's run over LA continued. Her editorial modeling and writing continued right along with helping other high fashion models make a name for themselves, continuing her work with Vogue and Kimora Lee Simmons Landing an occasional reoccurring role on Project Runway and showing her shady side on RuPaul's Drag Race, America's Next Top Model got a revamp making its way back to television and she too took her place to be apart of it, her feisty, blunt, and bold attitude had become a trade mark for her. Yet she continued to share the same mentality of wanting to take over her art just as Drake did, doing her best to keep her name in people's mouths for fashion purposes only.

The night club had become to crowded for Tae's taste, her mood began to shift, select women began to eye her with not the happiest face to go along with it, some even seemed to laugh and point at her, giggling and whispering in the ears of other women. She was confused as to why she seemed to be the but of a joke that she might know nothing about. When dating a man like Drake it was never easy, not because of who he was, but because who he dated, and unfortunately we could all admit that his past relations weren't the best choices. Tae shifted forward and glared down at the thick body that slowly and purposely rubbed against the back of her almost pushing her forward. Her eyes rolled to the ceiling and she took a moment to count to five to calm herself.

The stripper turned reality star that once shared long nights under whatever roof Drake wanted her under smiled and winked at Tae. Johnny Blaze was definitely one of those horrible decisions that Drake made in his early 20's that would hunt him for as long as she spoke his name in interviews, only to speak him up to give details of their rocky on and off relationship that ended in a restraining order and several threatening text messages between the both of them. She was a pretty girl... when she wasn't speaking or spread eagle across her Instagram account.

"Don't touch me like that you don't know me!" Tae hissed over the loud music knowing exactly who the woman was as soon as she seen her.

"Awww! You not swinging that way no more!?" She asked in a taunting tone and running her index finger down Tae's thighs. "Don't worry, I understand, his stroke will get you." She gave Tae a knowing smile.

Club goers had quickly caught on to the messy commotion that Jhonny lived for and the fact that Tae was in direct contact with Drake only made it that much better for her. Tae was officially out of her environment she was uncomfortable, she was beginning to feel her fist ball as it rested by her side.

"Y'all gotta get me out of here! NOW!" She turned to her security doing her best to get past people and trying to control her temper, not wanting to step down to Jhonny's level at least not in front of a crowded club packed with people and camera phones.

"That's the problem with bitches like you! You come from the same shit that I do! But once you start fucking with a Captain Save-A-Hoe, you bad now! I sat on the same dick you sit on now, making you no different from the rest of us! You album motivation ONLY boo!" Jhonny harassed Tae with a smile, there was no real reason for her hostility, she was just bored and bitter person in all when it came to Drake, he was clearly a sore spot for her and Tae was the closes thing to him. "You bad as fuck tho! So I understand why he fucks with you! But then again we all bad as fuck!"

Shod began pulling at Tae. "That's funny cuz I got songs written about me, plenty. Bitch where's your NAME mentioned!? Bitch you wish you was album motivation, the fuck outta here with this bullshit!" Tae yelled in her defense, only matching and entertaining Jhonny's level of immaturity, Tae couldn't help but to toss the green liquor from her glass onto Jhonny's chest watching it run down staining her all white skin tight dress. She quickly lunged for Tae, but Shod had already moved her out of anyone's reach pushing her towards the doors of the club.

Pushing her into the car, her phone had been buzzing all morning and that only mean a couple of things. In Tae's current mood the last thing she honestly wanted to see was Drake looking insanely infatuated with Rihanna in a music video. Not one video but two separate films, he visually showed what feelings that were still left there for her as he stood behind her in a small room under a blue light, his hand and arm rapped around her very slim waist a sheer top showed a light view of her perky breasts.

Tae took a deep breath and let out a loud scream throwing a hard balled up fist at the thick black tinted widows. It was the only thing she could do, other than kill someone, her anger had quickly boiled up and over. Blood trickled from her knuckles down her arm slowly drying and adhering to her skin, she dropped her head into the palms of her hand and began crying. Her thick curls covered her face as her eye makeup slowly begun to run along her cheeks with the tears.

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