Chapter 24

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New York truly didn't sleep. After dinner the crew changes and made their way to Club W.I.P. In New York's SoHo it was one of the most popular clubs throughout NY that catered to A-List celebrities. The lights began to flash, screams fumbled over the loud music. Drake allowed Tae to step up the stairs first. The VIP section was lined with bright Red couches, silver buckets with Ace of Spades covered in ice filled them, women in skimpy bikinis walked through the club carrying bottles with lit sparklers tapped around the neck of the bottles to there destination as people ordered bottle service.

Drake remained in VIP next to the DJ Tae mingled as she spoke with fellow models and rappers that she had known due to her connections. Tae was taken off guard by a light skin woman with long black hair that had Ben straighten them curled, she had a long pointed nose and high cheekbones that were highlighted, she wore an all-black leather dress that had sheer black netting covering her cleavage. Her long pointed nails were painted a deep cherry red. She smiled as soon as she saw Tae standing in the VIP and made her way too her. Tae's jaw clenched, her nose flared as she huffed out a gasp of air. She looked to see exactly how fare from Drake she was to make sure it was a safe distance, it was and he was engaged in a conversation with a friend.

"Well well well, long time no talk." The women spoke with a joking manner as she gave Tae a forced smile.

"We spoke a week ago Draya." Tae answered back in an annoyed tone.

"Ugh, you're always so damn serious! Anyway, I thought I'd come over and greet you, considering you cut our phone call short when I called you last week, I assume it was because you were with your new boyfriend."  Draya looked over in the direction of Drake then looked back at Tae.

Tae and Draya had a rocky relationship like Rihanna. Draya made a habit of flip-flopping between Tae and her NFL boyfriend who at one point the two were engaged to be married. Tae remained friends with Draya but eventually cut off ties completely due to Draya doing Basketball Wives another one of VH1's tacky reality series. It was a bunch of ex-wives and groupies turned into wives of formal NBA players, which all of the players were no longer relevant. All the women did were host events, talk shit about one another, go to dinner with the women they just talked shit about, then repeated the cycle. Tae was in no way shape or form cool with this.

"I'm his personal assistant Draya. I don't know how many times I have to tell you this." Tae said as she clenched her jaw. Draya gave her a look of bullshit.

"You know, apparently one of the girls that models for me fucked him, and according to her he's got quite the magic stick." Draya said as she looked into Drake's direction looking him up and down then turning back to Tae, she leaned in closer to Tae as she spoke again. "According to her not only is it thick as fuck but he's packing some serious length to go along with it. Like.... Hitting spots you didn't even know you had type of length."

Tae's face began to grow red, her nostrils flared open, Drake scanned the club looking for her he looked on the other side of VIP as he saw her speaking to the light skin dark-haired women, Tae looked annoyed as if she was ready to swing on the women at any moment. Drake knew Tae's posture and began walking in the women's direction.

Draya knew what she was doing and she was doing a great job of getting under Tae's skin, Draya was good for this, whenever she felt petty she attacked below the belt she'd hit you with personal shit in a joking manner and this was one thing Tae couldn't stand.

"Oh, and apparently he lasts forever. I'm talking you cum three times before he even cums once! The man cums and he's right back in......." Draya continued with the stories she heard. Tae's head dropped to compose her temper, she squeezed the brim of her nose in frustration as she shut her eyes.

"ARE YOU DONE!?.... Fuck!" Draya was caught off guard she leaned back as she raised an eyebrow at Tae.

"You seem.... Bothered." Another devilish grin crept up on Draya's face, she knew Tae was bothered and she was enjoying it.

"YES! I'm fucking 'bothered' you're in a club telling me about my bosses dick and sexual encounters with other fucking women, I don't want to fucking know that shit!" As Tae spoke she was caught by Drake walking up behind her, Draya smiled as Tae huffed out air putting her head down to gain her composure. Drake's hand went on Tae's lower back. Draya noticed as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"You ok? What's going on?" He asked as he looked between the two women
Tae's head shot up as she plastered a forced smile on her face.

"Yea, I'm good. Draya and I were just here having a conversation, but we are now done...... aren't we Draya." Tae had a look that Draya knew better than to challenge. Draya stepped back as she nodded.

"Yea, we're done, for now. You enjoy your night sweetheart." Draya said as she walked backward then finally turned around, her heels clicked on the black marble tile floor as she walked down the steps of the large VIP section, Tae turned without engaging with Drake she walked to where the rest of the crew stood. Drake looked down at Tae's hands that were baled into fists and slightly shaking her jaw was clenching and her nostrils flared.

"You good?" Drake genuinely asked, Tae head his voice and relaxed a bit she could tell he knew something was wrong, she loosened her hands and unclenched her jaw her face relaxed but she still had a look of death in her eyes she followed Draya's every move through the club without moving her head. Without breaking her concentration on Draya. She calmly replied. "Yes."

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