Chapter 117

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While Tae was in the middle of kicking and tossing phones into Lakes. Drake was already on a flight landing back in LA. He had music to finish and that was the first and main thing on his list of things to do. He was completely oblivious to Tae's actions. She simply told him that she was going to stay an extra day to have lunch with old friends. He wasn't concerned. She was with Shod. And Drake trusted Shod. He had no reason not to.

Once again at his favorite Italian restaurant The Nice Guy. Food and drinks covered the table as the crew talked amongst themselves. Tae hadn't spoken to Drake all night and he was becoming a bit annoyed, usually, he spoke to her off an on throughout the day when they were apart especially in different states. There was no reason he should go without speaking to her.

"What did you do?" Chubbs asked as he looked over at his friend. Drake was leaning back in his chair, one leg crossed over his knee, his thumb and index finger pinching his bottom lip as he looked to be in extremely deep thought.

Drake frowned after a few seconds and turned his head. "Why you assume I did something?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You got that look eh, that look like you rethinking shit." Chubbs said looking down at his glass of brown liquor. "You tell Tae about the Rihanna track?"

Drake shook his head no, he swirled the red wine in his glass and watched it ripple along the wine glass. Chubbs chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. "I thought it was too good to be true." Drake turned to Chubbs with a frown. "Tae being ok with you doing that type of song with Rih, I figured you didn't talk to her about it."

"I'll tell her when the time is right." Drake said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Right, that'll be after she's been tagged in Instagram memes of you a Rih in the video together. Sounds like the perfect time to tell her... By the way babegirl I recorded a song and filmed a video with my ex girlfriend, so just disregard all the AubRih hashtags you gone be teased about." Chubbs said as he changed his voice and mannerisms to mimic his best friend.

Everyone around Drake was changing, evolving, growing, into more than just businessmen. Chubbs had officially become a father late in the year, his long-time girlfriend was now his fiancée, friends who once lived in the estate were taking the step of moving out to live with their girlfriends, even Oliver and his fiancée were talking about children.

"How you do it man?" Drake asked.

Chubbs was thrown off a bit by the question, he expected him to say more but that was it. "How do I do what?"

"Family... Your own family."

Chubbs frowned, then leaned back in his chair. "Find someone you trust and truly believe in and make the shit happen. For you it's going to be a bit harder. You leading this whole thing, you're the face. So you may not have time for your own family at this point in time. But if it's something you want bad enough, you'll eventually put your wants and needs first and get what you want."

Drake and Chubbs were silent for a moment. Drake thinking about his next move and Chubbs thinking about what more to say. "Eh, I understand that the Rihanna song was a business move and a favor for a friend. But Tae may not see it that way. At some point you gotta start taking her feelings... Or whoever your with feelings into consideration with the decision you make. One thing I can say about your mentor Jay is that he's not afraid to pass up on certain things. Even if he knows they're going to be big. He understands timing and he understands his place in business."


Drake leaned further back into his office chair, his white styrofoam cup full of a light pink icy mixture

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Drake leaned further back into his office chair, his white styrofoam cup full of a light pink icy mixture. 40 continued his usual saving Drake from his niceness process. The studio remained with just the two of them. 40 worked on a beat loop as Drake randomly cut in here and there as something popped up into his head. At that very moment, he'd get whatever off his chest or out his head before he lost it and something new came to mind.

"Where's Aubrey?" Tae asked Oliver who was on his way back out. She was calm. Too calm. And Oliver picked up on it. He frowned and paused for a moment.

"In the studio."

Tae kept a straight face and walked passed Oliver without even looking at him. Pulling her luggage behind her. "Perfect."

Oliver walked outside to still see a black truck parked outside as if it was still waiting to take her somewhere else. Shod stepped out the back seat and greeted him. "What's going on?" He asked Shod with a slightly concerned look on his face.

Shod frowned a bit, not exactly sure what to say or even how to go about saying anything after his day of pulling women apart and his flight of listening to Tae speak out loud for six hours on multiple ways she was going to physically murder Drake. "Uummmm, you should probably talk to your homeboy, cuz some shit went down, and I'm pretty sure Tae owes a bitch a six hundred dollar iPhone six."

"Wait, what!?" Oliver closed his eyes and put his hands up in confusion. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Drake's phone. He turned around and began walking back into the house.

"What's going on with Tae?... No, I just seen her... She's in the house... Bro she just walked past me..."

Drake came pacing across the large courtyard to the main house pulling the heavy sliding glass door open and walked through the kitchen to the front, Oliver stood there talking to Shod. Both men turned and looked at him, then pointed up the steps to his master bedroom. Drake ran up the steps skipping two steps at a time. There were two things Tae could have known about. Either she knew about Melissa or Rihanna and Drake was praying that it was Rihanna.

The closet floor was covered in her clothing, she knew she had too many clothes and shoes to pack at that moment so she began packing what she could. "What are you doing!"

Tae looked up in anger. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

"Tae! hold on. What is wrong!? What's going on!?" Drake began walking closer to her.

"DO NOT TOUCH ME! I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU HAD ME OUT HERE LOOKING LIKE A FUCKING FOOL! YOU ARE FUCKING DISGUSTING!" Drake frowned still unsure if this was about Rihanna or Melissa. He bent down and pulled Tae to her feet. She fought against him the whole time not wanting his hands or any other body part of his touching her. He pinned her against the dresser that stood in the middle of the closet, holding both her small wrists in both his hands.

"STOP! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" He finally yelled at her. She paused as his voice bounced off the walls. Her breathing was rapid, her face was beet red.

"You got five seconds to get off of me, before it gets really ugly."

"Not until you calm down and tell me what's going on."

"Five... Four..." She began counting not listening to anything that Drake just said. He released her wrists. Tae reached into her pocket and pulled her phone out. And opened a text message. Tae had demanded that Jazmine send her the screenshots between Drake and Melissa to her phone. Due to Tae's actions, Melissa's phone was lying face down at the bottom of a lake and the only proof was on Jazmine's phone.

She handed her phone to Drake, as soon as he read the first message he knew he was caught, he didn't even have to finish reading. He stepped back from her in defeat handing her the phone back. "Exactly." She said with a snarl.

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