Chapter 36

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The heat from the stage radiated throughout the first few rows of screaming fans. Drake was at home on stage, at his best. He held a black microphone in his left hand as he pointed it out to the crowd. A large smile graced his face as he listened to a couple hundred-thousand people sing his lyrics for him. He made eye contact with as many fans as he could. Most of them had cell phones in their hand as they held them up recording his every move, capturing a moment they may never have again. As he closed out the 1st week of 'Austin City Limits' Festival.

It was the night of his manager and mentor Oliver's birthday. And he spared no expense to celebrate his best friend's night. As he and his crew crowded in the closed down 5 Star Steakhouse Drake rented out for the night. Friends and Family that was flown out mingled throughout the restaurant. Drake cleared his throat getting everyone's attention, he stood with a glass in his left hand as his best friend/manager stood next to him.

"I want to thank everyone for being able to be here. I know we normally celebrate at home with a big ass pool party, but we are currently taking over ACL fest for two weeks." Drake spoke loud enough for the room to hear him he smiled and nodded his head as a few of his friends hooted at him saying he was taking over the festival.

"But I do want to thank you for believing in me, in the brand, being the older brother that you are to me, and there's honestly no better man to start off October than this man right here." Drake spoke genuine words as he looked at his friend, Oliver's head went down in modesty as he listened. Drake held his glass in the air as a sign of appreciation, then clinked his glass with Oliver's, everyone followed after as more hooting and clapping filled the brightly lit restaurant.

Tae's phone began to vibrate in her pocket. Pulling the slim gold iPhone out her back pocket she smiled and held the phone to her ear. A small voice filled her ears.

"Hi mama, yes I'm fine...... We're celebrating Oliver's birthday....... No mama he's not the rapper...... Drake is the rapper....... I'm not dating Oliver....... No, Oliver is the manager.......yes mama I know my birthday is at the end of the month...... Of course I'll be home.....I'm not sure mama I'll have to ask him........ I'm not going to ask him now......." Tae's mother was a short Korean woman who was in her 50's with jet black hair, dark eyes, and beautiful porcelain skin, she spoke a mile a minute in her Korean accent with a bit of a New York twang she'd developed over the years of living there, she asked Tae multiple questions that ranged from dinner planes to how to change the settings on the tv.

Much like Drake's mother, she had Tae later in life after she married Tae's father who was stationed in the military in Korea where he fell in love with Tae's mother, brought her back to America a made a home for the two of them. She had Tae, then 3 years later had Tae's sister. The two had been married for over 30 years and though the marriage wasn't perfect the two always fought for one another. Tae had always seen her parents have each other's back, she saw her mother put all her trust in her father and even though sometimes her father was in the wrong her mother always had his back. Her father was from Trinidad he was a military man, a man's man, an Alpha, very headstrong and dominant, but somehow a little five-foot Korean woman could manage to pull the toughness right out of him.

"Mama I don't know I'm not there...... Ask dad...... Well how else have you been watching it..... You know what he looks like mama, you don't need to google his name........ Yes mama, he's a African American Jewish man.......No mama what do you put in it?....." Her mother continued with random conversation, apparently now was the time to tell Tae about secret cooking recipes and how Tae's younger sister showed her how to use 'Google'. Drake stood in front of Tae listening to her replies he was cracking up at the thought of Tae's mother referring to him as an "African American Jewish Man"

"Alright mama.... I gotta go... Yes.... I love you too.... Bye.... Yes..... Mama.... I gotta go..... Bye." She quickly hung up the phone shaking her head. Tae pinched the bridge of her nose she focused her attention to Drake

"Oh, you think that's funny!? Ima give her YOUR number, see how many questions it takes until you lose your mind!" She said as she shot Drake a frowned look. Not only was she dealing with her mother's convo but she was dealing with Drake's mother's as well. She laughed at the two women's similarities, both were extremely concerned about their children and wanted to know every detail of their life.

"I'm sure she's just as sweet as the beautiful daughter she carried." Drake replied as he closed the gap between them placing a soft hand on her cheek and pulling her in for multiple peeks on the lips.

And there it was. That was what she had fallen for, to begin with. How he was able to be firm with her, he was able to put his foot down, when he said the argument was over, it was over. Yet he was able to be so soft with her, he was able to listen to her, hold her, show her affection but still be bold. He was able to make love to her then cuddle her, but yet he could also fuck the shit out and leave her lying breathless on the bed.

Drake positioned himself behind Tae as his large arms wrapped around her shoulders she leaned into him, as he engaged in conversation he and his friends were having. Tae looked down at her phone as notifications began pouring in, she unlocked the phone and began examining the screen. One of the celebrity gossip sites had released a new "Tell All" interview this time it was with Draya and Tae's name was brought up for more than half the interview.

Tae's jaw clenched, but she kept her body loose so Drake wouldn't suspect anything. She knew Draya would eventually open her mouth. However, Tae had a few surprises for Draya and Dollicia. Much like a finish line, she couldn't wait to run into both women.

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