Chapter 22

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The rest of the crew had the day off most stayed back in the hotel to catch some sleep others roamed around New York buying whatever was at their fingertips. Tae and Oliver didn't have the day off, Oliver scrolled his blackberry email confirming future business deals, looking over emails, and double-checking numbers. Tae stood in front of Drake fixing any imperfections that she found on him. Drake would appear at multiple shows for fashion week and Tae's OCD would make sure that he looked perfect. Drake picked his own clothing, there was no need for a stylist but Tae's insight for certain fashion was used when Drake didn't have the time for it. She managed to get his fashion sense down packed and Drake trusted her eye for things.

He watched her as she focused on his clothing. Straightening his sleeves, making sure his tags were not showing her eyebrows were drawn into a frown as she looked over him. He could tell she was on edge, she was jittery as if she drank a double shot espresso. "Why so serious?" Drake said as he looked at her with a devilish grind he knew exactly what was wrong with her as if his face wasn't between her thighs and his tongue knee-deep inside of her just an hour ago. "I'm just focused." She said giving him a stern look, he licked his lips in a mocking manner as if he was savoring the taste of her on his lips. She was upset at herself for cracking she had held out for a week not engaging sexually with him, she kept it completely professional, sure he tempted her more than many times but she somehow pulled her shit together and denied his passes. She knew that he had something else up his sleeve, she knew he was going to find a way back into that safe space with her. She just had to make sure she could handle what he was going to be dishing out.

The black SUV Tahoe pulled up to the curb fans stood screaming as paparazzi got their cameras ready. Drake's security guard stepped out the front passenger seat and stepped to the back door he opened it as Drake stepped out the bodyguard then turned his back to Drake to make sure no one would run upon them. Drake was standing outside of the car he grabbed Tae's hand as she bent over to make her way out the SUV she stepped out and she walked a few feet in front of him making sure it was a safe distance for the photographers to get photos of him and only him. The doors of the building were held open a large white knee-high runway lined the center of the floor, white chairs stacked stadium-style mimicked the runway. As Drake, Oliver, and Tae mingled with fellow models, fashion designers, artists, and actors a voice called out to Tae.

"Is that Mrs. Heckard!? Oh, I know that main of hair ANYWHERE." A short white woman with a blond symmetrical bob and bangs called out to Tae embracing her in a tight hug, she wore a pair of sunglasses that could probably pay the regular person's rent and a sleek black suit with a calf-length skirt. Tae smiled at her as she bent down hugging the small women

"Hello, Anna." She pulled away scanning Tae's outfit

"Beautiful! So, where have you been? You've gone missing and you know I'm not fond of talent like yourself going astray on me!" She spoke as she held both of Tae's hands in hers.

"Extremely busy, but you know I don't mean to go missing at least not from a mentor like you." Tae gave her a genuine smile as she squeezed tighter around Anna's hands, she threw her head back and let out a quick laugh.

"Oh yes continue to make up and kiss my ass! You know how much I love flattery!" Both women laughed as Oliver and Drake shot a look at one another, Tae was more connected than he thought and Oliver clearly underestimated just how high up in fashion she was. She clearly knew Anna Wintour, Magazine editor, and well-respected fashion journalist for the top high fashions that graced the country and out of it, she was also a Board member of Metropolitan Museum of Art, yet Tae knew her on a personal first-name basis, a level that most people only wished to dream of. A throat cleared behind Tae. She realized Drake and Oliver were still standing behind her she let go of the small women's hands a stepped to the side to formally introduce the two men.

"Mrs. Wintour this is rapper Drake and his manager Oliver." She took Drake's hand shaking it, then took Oliver's.

"Oh, I know who he is! Aubrey Graham, correct." Drake smiled nodding his head, "we've met a few times. The feisty pint-sized women added. She looked between Drake and Tae and smiled then turned her focus back to Drake. "So how did you manage to get one of my favorite high fashion models around your arm!?" Anna spoke with a straight yet curious face, Anna knew of Tae's past relationships and she had always seen her with women not that it ever bothered her but she automatically assumed to extremely attractive people like them two were together on a more than business level.

Tae immediately chimed in. "I'm just his personal assistant!"

Drake looked at Anna disregarding what Tae said. "Your favorite high fashion model?" Drake repeated making sure he heard the women right.

Anna gave Drake a look of disappointment. "You mean to tell me you've been with this women and you have no clue what she's done in her career!?" Drake shot Anna the same curious look but said nothing as he waited for her to continue spilling the beans of Tae's track record.

"Here we go." Tae mumbled as she focused her gaze up at the ceiling and sighed out.

Anna gave her a quick look as she rolled her eyes. "Oh! Hush..... Well, other than walking and modeling for my own collections, she walked and modeled for Karl Lagerfeld, Giorgio Armani, Vivienne Westwood, uummm Jean-Paul Gaultier, and I believe she did some work for Kimora Lee-Simmons on her KLS line. Would you believe at 14 her parents put her on a plane to Italy to pose for Italian Vogue!?"

As soon as Anna said that Tae cleared her throat loudly placing one hand on Anna's back and the other on her arm. "Ok! Thank you I think he got it! That's good! he got the picture." Drake shot Tae a look that she had never seen from him, he looked extremely impressed almost blown away his eyebrows were damn near touching his hairline. Tae ran her hand on the back of her neck pretending that the white wall across the room had something so intriguing on it that she just had to keep her focus on it. Drake was looking her dead in the eyes she began to squint as if she was reading an eye chart on the wall, Drake was burning holes in her eyes and she could feel it. People began to take seats as the room got quiet the lights deemed Drake was seated next to Anna Wintour as Tae and Oliver sat behind them.

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