Chapter 123

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40 had turned his whole studio themed Toronto based home into a studio. The top floor was the only floor that held the five bedrooms. Everything else revolved around music, padded walls to keep sound from entering and escaping, multiple mixing boards lined every wall visible. It was a producers wonderland.

"How's the album coming?" Tae asked keeping her eyes on what 40 was doing as he clicked away on multiple lines, dragging this line here and overlapping that line. He did it effortlessly and still managed to have a full blown conversation.

"Really good. Pushing for April 29th... Praying, for April 29th." 40 said putting emphasis on praying. Tae shook her head. Knowing that Drake and 40 were both perfectionist there was no telling when the album would come out. They could spend three months working on one song, let alone an album full of them. "It's not that much. About four more songs to really go over. Then the mixing and mastering."

"By four songs you mean six songs... A simple four songs can turn into eight with y'all." Tae said doubting him and Drake's ability to get the project fully done.

"Talking like you know us!" 40 teased her. He looked at her with a smile then turned back to the screen. The vocals Drake just recorded filled the room. Tae listened closer to the words. Still nodding her head to the catchy beat.

Tae shrugged her shoulders. "I pay attention."

"So you know he misses you then." 40 said still looking at the computer screen and his back towards her.

She was silent for a moment and looked down at her hands. 40 remained patient like he always was. "I'm aware, I just need some time, that's all." 40 nodded his head in agreement and understanding.

"Another deal closed." Drake said walking back down the steps into the open studio. Tae could tell 40 was about to speak but declined once her heard Drake's voice. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. She stood up again so he could have his seat back. But he declined to take it, instead he grabbed her hand and began pulling her towards the door.

"What are you doing where we going!" She said pulling away from him and frowning.

"Going to go get food. 40! You coming?" He asked Turing his attention to him.

40 shook his head no while keeping his attention on the computer screen. "You know I don't go out in public." He joked back finally turning around to look at Drake. Both men had joked many times that 40 wasn't really a white guy, he was just pale because he didn't go outside and kept himself locked away as if he was a vampire. Drake laughed.

"I'll bring you something back." He said before turning around and grabbing Tae's hand again. 40 smiled and swiveled back around in his chair picking up where he left off.

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