Chapter 69

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Tae walked into Hakkasan restaurant, the modern-day Chines decor blended beautifully with the dimly lit lighting. A portion of the restaurant had been closed off to the public at the request that Drake would be having his birthday dinner there and needed to be set up, the kitchen worked to prepare a verity of signature dishes, two birthday cakes were baked to perfection and covered with OVO symbols, extremely long tables stood in the middle of the rooms, perfectly placed plates and silverware lined the table, huge gold OVO balloon letters covered every corner of the room.

Neil Moffitt was a short white male appearing to be in his late 50's, his small sunken eyes were surprisingly soft due to how dark they were, he wore a charcoal gray suit that was tailored to perfection, and his dark hair was slicked back revealing a receding hairline.

"Mrs. Heckard! How are you beautiful?" He said as he greeted Tae with a wide smile, he pulled her into a hug and touched his cheek to her's. Tae had at least 4 inches of height on the small man, and that was without heels.

"I'm great, thank you. And what about you?" Tae stood up straight to her original height after being released from his grasp, she gave his a smile that caused her already chinky eyes to almost completely close.

"Better, now that you are finally gracing me with your presence." He said as he winked at her. "So tell me, does my restaurant meet your standards." He continued as he stretched his arm out for her to survey the room.

Tae spun around on her heels, her index finger on her chin as she looked around the room. "I must say Mr. Muffitt you never fail to amaze me." Neil clasped his hands together in excitement as his smile grew wider. "Oh, did you get the list of wines and champagnes I sent you, he's very particular about certain ones." Tae asked as a sign of worry that he might not have what she sent him graced her face.

"It's all under control Mrs. Heckard, I assure you. We are ready for you all." He answered her question in confidence, grabbing her hand in his. "And I was told your birthday is on the 31st? Will I be graced with another appearance?" He asked as he squeezed her hands in his.

Tae smiled at the man's charm, "of course, I can grant you another visit." She said back winking at the man. Neil released one of Tae's hands and placed it over his heart, closing his eyes for a brief moment.

"Ugh, I tell you, my luck gets better and better every year!" He said winking at her.

"Thank you Mr. Muffitt, I appreciate everything, I'll see you in a few hours?" She asked him, the short man nodded his head.

"Take your time, take your time." He said releasing Tae other hand, She gave the man one last smile before walking off.


"Where's Tae!?" Drake asked as he turned his attention to his friend Chubbs, after almost 20 minutes of not interacting with his girlfriend, Drake looked around the lobby assuming she was mixed in with the sea of friends and family that began to gather.

"Huh?" Was all Chubbs could say, he acted like he didn't hear what Drake asked him to buy him sometime to think of what to tell him.

"WHERE'S. TAE." He repeated, this time slower and louder assuring that Chubbs response couldn't be "Huh" he looked around the lobby one more time.

"I'm right here babe." Tae said sliding her arms around his waist from behind. She had to shift her brain from having to look down while speaking to Mr. Muffitt who was 5'5 to now looking up while speaking to Drake who was 6'1. He spun around in her arms with a confused look, his eyebrows frowned inward.

"I went to the bathroom, I had to change." She continued before he could ask where she went. Drake scanned over the completely different outfit she had on from the one she traveled on the jet in. His eyes stared at her grey six-inch heels, one strap wrapped around her ankle and one strap wrapped over her painted black toes. The very tight light gray knee-length waist-high skirt hugged her lower half, and the oversized dark gray sweater hung off one shoulder.

"You look beautiful, as always." He said as he pulled her into a hug wrapping his arms around her shoulders and kissing her forehead. "That's a nice sweater babe."

"Thank you. It's yours." Tae said with a smile on her face looking up at him.

Drake pulled himself from Tae, squinting his eyes at the sweater, his face scrunched up as he chewed the gum in his mouth harder. "That IS my damn sweater!"


Drake sat at the head of the long table a permanent smile had been placed on his face since his feet hit Vegas, glasses of all his favorite wines and champagnes were poured throughout the night. Chinese inspired food was brought out at no limits, whatever Drake asked for he got it.

Halfway through the dinner, Neil greeted him with a light pat on the back, Drake stood up with a smile shaking his hand and pulling him into a hug.

"Happy birthday sir, thank you for choosing my restaurant to celebrate it in. How is everything? The food? The drinks?" Neil asked Drake as he looked over the table and the room that was filled with people.

"Eh man, of course. You're one of the best, I had too. The food is amazing, thank you." Drake said as he looked over the table at multiple empty plates and half-filled dishes of food. "You out did yourself on the wines and champagnes, you got all my favorites that complimented the food." Drake said with a smile but yet was confused at how Neil would know his favorite drinks.

"Hey, I can't take the credit on that. I will say you got a very special lady on your hands, she takes great care of you, she made sure your favorites were all in standing." Neil said as he looked in Tae's direction.

Drake followed Neil's eyes and to the direction of Tae, who looked to be having a friendly debate with OB. He then realized her 20-minute disappearing act was not just her changing but was also her making sure everything was perfect for him

With everything that was going on with Tae, her privacy being invaded, she still managed to make sure Drake was ok first, even though she wasn't his actual personal assistant anymore, she still made sure he had everything, she made sure his birthday dinner was above standards, she even managed a surprise visit from his dad.

Drake made his way to Tae he stood behind her leaning over wrapping his arms around her waist, he placed multiple kisses on Tae's exposed shoulder trailing them up to her neck, then finally her cheek. Tae smiled, closing her eyes as she leaned into him cupping the side on his face.

"Thank you, baby girl."

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