Chapter 90

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The Air Canada Arena was packed to capacity, fans dressed in OVO clothing, Raptors jerseys, and even a few Cavilers jerseys were spaced throughout the crowd. Drake walked through the back of the parking garage. Sandi dressed in dark denim jeans, a pink OVO sweatshirt that Tae grabbed from the store, her thick teased blonde hair was under a matching 'Hotline Bling' hat.

Fans leaned over railings calling Drake's name trying to get high fives from him, he looked up flashing quick smiles in the directions in which he heard his name being called.

Walking through the tunnel OVO apparel was everywhere, sweatshirts, headbands, shirts. A small replica of the Hotline Bling video was turned into a photo booth for people to make their own version of the video. He stood signing autographs and taking selfies, while he waited to do a small interview, short meetings with people that ran the Arena on a daily basis spoke to him about current even involving the Raptors.

Drake had been the Ambassador for the team for going on three years now, and each year got better and better for Toronto, he already knew what his schedule would be when entering the game. Flashes of red and white lights beamed on and off as opening acts danced across the court.

"Hey mom, Tae is going to seat you, I don't want you standing up this long." Drake spoke with his attention everywhere but on his mom, he looked through the crowd of people for Tae who was off having her own conversations with fans and taking a few photos.

Drake paused for a moment, he watched how she interacted with them, signing whatever fans handed her, hugging a few girls who looked to be in their teens. She stopped speaking mid-sentence when she heard Drake call her name and motioning for her to come to him. Tae looked around and realized she was caught in the center of a sea of fans, trying to get the attention of anyone who would give it to them.

Chubbs pushed his way through the people, Drake carefully watched with a frowned face as Chubbs grabbed ahold of Tae's arm and pulled her to him, Drake began to grow annoyed with the number of people that surround Tae and even his mother, he grew uncomfortable with the size and how fast in which it was growing making it even more of a reason for Tae to get Sandi to her seat.

"I need you to take my mom to her seat, I don't like the size of this crowd and I don't want her standing up right now." Drake said in Tae's ear as he clung onto his mother's small arm.

Tae looked around in agreement and grabbed ahold of Sandi's small hand and held her close pushing her way through people, she walked her across the high glossy wood court and to her courtside seat.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to how many people love my son." Sandi said as she watch Drake continue to sign autographs and take pictures. The perfect teeth showing as his smile was permanently on his face.

Tae looked at Drake for a moment then looked at Sandi. "Look how lovable he is." She said back shrugging her shoulders. "He's a special man." She finished and turned her head back to Drake's direction and went into a deep stare. Sandi smiled as she watched Tae continue to watch her son. 

Drake walked across the court, still holding the attention of more than half the arena. He sat behind the commentator's board. A tall white woman dressed in all black with papers rolled in her back pocket and a headset over her head handed Drake a microphone to announce the starting lineup of the Toronto Raptors. Drake held multiple papers in his hand to read off of.

The lights went down and the DJ introduced Drake to the crowd. A single spotlight beamed down on the Raptors bench, the crowd screamed as Drake's voice filled the Arena announcing the first player. Tae sat next to Sandi for the first quarter while Drake commentated on the first half of the game, his dry sense of humor was always a win with Drake, he never tried to be funny, it just kind of came out, he was quick and witty with comebacks.

Commentating came naturally to him, everything that Drake did came easy to him. It was no wonder he was so liked, so enjoyable, so demanded. Over the course of 2015, Drake had become more marketable than he ever been. His face was put on any and everything. Shoes, socks, whole outfits, phone cases, candles, he was turned into keychains pendants, coffee mugs, and with Christmas right around the corner ugly Christmas sweaters began popping up with him on them. Venders began to see him as more than just a rapper. Drake was taking over a lot more than just music,

As Drake finished up his commentating, the end of the first quarter he made his way back to his mother and Tae. Fans continued to try and get his attention, young kids waved and walked up to him asking for pictures.

Tae picked up her drink that sat in between her feet then stood up and kissed Drake on the cheek. "You did good papi." She said rubbing the center of his chest, then looking up at the large scoreboard monitor that was showing different people in the crowd at the moment.

"Thank you." He leaned down kissing her jaw, his large arms around her shoulders. Tae began bending down, Sandi pulled her into a hug. "I'm going to sit behind you both, ok." She whispered in Sandi's ear, she nodded her head and released Tae.

"Where you going?" Drake stopped Tae from walking past him, his hand on her stomach.

"I'm going to sit behind you and your mom, next to OB and Chubbs." She said giving him a look as if he should have known that. Drake frowned at Tae then looked down at the seating arrangements.

"Why? I want you next to me." Drake continued to frown as he looked at Tae.

"Aubrey, I'll be right behind you, enjoy your night. It's you and your mother tonight. I'm not going anywhere." Tae put her hand on Drake's chest slowly pushing him back so she could walk past him.

Drake watch Tae make her way to the second row, he watched her sit in between Chubbs and OB who immediately started joking with her. The buzzer went off for the starting of the second quarter, Drake turned around and smoothed down the front of his shirt before he sat down next to his mother. Sandi smiled at her son than at the thought of Tae.

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