Chapter 71

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Tae stretched her 5'2 frame as she rolled over in the unfamiliar bed, the room was not of the YOLO Estate but of an upscale, sleek designed hotel suite on the 26th floor of the Caesars Palace. The Vegas sun hit her face causing her to cover her eyes with her hand. She waited a moment to let her sight adjust to the lighting of the room the focused her attention on the curtains that were parted allowing the room to flood with light. The plush white blankets swallowed her naked body as she raised up on her elbows, her and Drake's clothes covered the floor of the room, one heel here, one shoe there.

She focused her attention to an also naked Drake, the covers rested right below his waistline barely covering his pelvic. One hand on his chest and the other propped behind his head as if the pillow wasn't enough. She looked at him sleeping peacefully taking in the sight of his body that was rapidly becoming chiseled and toned by the day. All that work his trainer Jhonny had him doing in the gym was really starting to pay off in more areas than one.

Even with a slight snoring sound coming out of his open mouth every time he breathed in, he still managed to look perfect. Flawless. Tae frowned and scrunched up her face at him.

"Don't make no sense to be that damn fine, sleeping like that." She mumbled under her breath to herself, shaking her head she slowly pulled the covers from her body and swung her long legs over the side of the bed. As she went to stand up, slight pain and soreness in her inner thighs shot throughout her body. "FUCK!" She yelled out as she collapsed back on the bed, she immediately covered her mouth as she scrunched down at how loud she yelled.

"What!! What happened!?" Drake shot up out of his sleep, his attention focused in Tae's direction as he rubbed his eyes. Instead of answering, Tae remained still as a statue thinking if she didn't say anything he'd go back to sleep. "Tae, your dad's not a glass maker, I can see you sitting there." His deep morning voice almost made Tae melt right off the bed.

She turned around and with a childish expression on her face, she uncovered her mouth. "I can't walk." She whispered as if her and Drake weren't the only two in the room.

Drake looked at Tae for a couple of seconds before filling the room with laughter. He stood up from the bed walking over to his suitcase and pulling a pair of black boxer briefs from it, he pulled them up his body, he adjusted himself in them before walking over to Tae's side of the bed, he bent down to pick her up wedding style and carried her to the bathroom. He sat her down on the toilet giving her a cocky smile.

"Don't look at me like that." She said giving him a roll of her eyes. Drake stood in front of her as she sat on the toilet, she tried ignoring him turning her head to the side. "I can't pee with you giving me that creepy ass smile."

"Them thighs sore huh?" Drake asked with the cocky look on his face, however, Tae's face grew annoyed as she squinted her eyes at him. "Cuz I had'em on my shoulder's. DEEEEEP in it." Drake continued to taunt Tae.

"Can you not. Like.....I'm trying to pee" She said with a straight face, her eyebrows frowned inward.

"Like it felt so good.... I was trying to get IN you. It was so warm and wet." Drake teased with a small smile on his face. Tae pressed her lips together. She had reached her level of being annoyed and it was only 10am

"GET OUT!! Get out! Get out!" She screamed as she grabbed trial sizes of bar soap that the hotel had in a small black basket sitting on the counter of the bathroom and began throwing them at him. Drake ducked as he ran from the bathroom. Tae continued throwing mini soap bars until she heard him say "OUCH" signaling that she had hit him.

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