Chapter 121

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Drake was back in familiar territory. The music blasted through heavy black speakers. The local restaurant was crowded with a mixture of extras and fans, the camera zoomed in on their dance moves.

"So you're not coming?" Drake asked speaking into his phone.

"There's no reason for me to be there Aubrey! Like for real?! I'm not tryna watch her be petty and grind on you, I don't need to see it in person, I'll wait for the video to drop." Tae said back giving as much attitude as she could through the phone.

"It's just a video Tae, you said you was cool with this." Drake said looking up around the set as staff scrambled to set up for the next scene.

"I am cool, that doesn't mean I have to see it happening. Aubrey the only reason I'm in Toronto right now is because it's your mother's birthday tomorrow and she asked me to be at the celebration. I'm not here for that other shit." Tae argued back. Drake was silent for a moment. Tae was right her being around Rihanna and her friends was probably not the best idea, he hadn't thought about it like that, all he knew is he wanted her with him.

Drake sighed. "After the video then."

Tae was silent this time. "Deal."

Minutes turned into hours and the day eventually turned into the night. Drake's location had changed from on the set of the Work video to his Toronto based restaurant Frings. It was after hours and had been closed of to the public. The vibe was warm, the whole restaurant filled with laughter, Drake's crew, and fellow underground artists from Toronto that had stayed close to Drake and OVO throughout the years all joined in conversation.

"You too nice." Chubbs said as he continued rolling a blunt in dark brown smoking paper.

Drake had his head in his hand pressing his thumb and index finger onto his closed eyes "I'm too nice!?" His head lifted and he looked up in confusion. "Too nice to who!?" The last thing Drake had been over the last year was nice, along with beefing and altercations with other rappers, cutting off friends who had turned into enemies, cutting off certain women and ex's, all while staying at the top of the music industry, Drake was fare from being nice to anyone.

Chubbs laughed at Drake's reaction. What he said completely went over Drake's head. "You know who you're too nice too." Drake sat back in his chair and looked around the room for clues, after a few seconds he realized his clue was not in the room. "Exactly, you give into her too easily, gotta cut the string eventually." Chubbs was clearly speaking on his long drawn out on and off again relationship with Rihanna. After confessing his conversation with Rihanna earlier in the day. Chubbs shook his head in disagreement. "That's why she does what she does, because you have no rules with her, you give her a pass every time dog."

Drake turned his attention to the fare right end of the long table, Tae sat on the other side of it having a conversation between Skepta, a rapper and producer and Skepta's brother Jme. Drake listened close as he heard Tae embrace her father's side of culture, she spoke in a mixture of trini and Jamaican slang mixed with English to both men. Though it was two different dialects, everyone knew what one was saying. He eavesdropped on the conversation, knowing a majority of the language. He had never seen her embrace this side, he had really never seen her embrace any of her cultures.

The Caribbean beat lightly filled the empty space in the restaurant, Drake's creativity began to flow. He had spent a majority of his time recording a album that was dedicated to the city he was from in the city he was from, and the sound of Views was quickly shaping up, into just that. He pulled out his blackberry and once again the words took form in the old device that he refused to get rid of. Drake was too focused in his thoughts and phone to see Tae looking over at him with a frown. She then softly smiled. As much as she wanted and needed him to show and prove she was important and that she wasn't wasting her time with working on their relationship, she couldn't help but love when he was so focused. Seeing him so passionate about what he did made her fall harder. Anything could spark a fire for him at any moment. There was never down time with him, he was always in album mode, even when he wasn't making an album.

Tae leaned down and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, crossing her hands one over the other. The smell of his cologne mixed in with the strong scent of weed smoke. "So what's this song about?" She quietly whispered in his ear.

Drake stopped typing in surprise, he was so caught up in type he had no idea she was watching him, let alone had known she gotten up and walked across the room. "Wouldn't you like to know." He said with a smile, he interlocked his finger with hers. She looked at her hand in his, he went back to typing out words with one hand. He didn't care to hide the screen of the phone from her, she rested her chin on his shoulder and looked at the phone reading the words, Drake then leaned resting the side of his head on the side of hers.

"How is this a song? None of the words flow." She asked with frowned eyebrows.

"It's not, they're words that I plan on using... Maybe. It's a reference, I already have the feel of the song, when I hear the beat I'll arrange the words how I want, maybe rap or sing." He said to her pulling his hand from hers, to hold the phone steady.

"These... This is Jamaican slang." She confirmed reading the random words. They made no sense to her in the order they were in, but to him there was a whole song going on in his head.

"Sit pon me lap." Drake's voice changed to a Jamaican accent as he patted his lap.

Tae began laughing putting her forehead down on his shoulder. He had never spoken to her in a Jamaican dialect. "Mmmm, no no " she rolled her eyes at him and turned her face the other way. "Me still no like you. Me feelings still hat." She said playfully yet sadly said as she looked down poking her bottom lip out.

Drake couldn't help but smile and laugh, hearing her voice change as if she herself had also never left the islands seemed to turn him on. "You cut yeye at me!? Don't you cut yeye at me." He said laughing realizing she rolled her eyes at him. Drake turned in his chair and slithered his arm around her waist pulling Tae onto his lap anyway. Both their faces went serious, the smiling and laughing stopped, he looked at her for a moment examining and admiring her features. "Ya nuh see it. Mi lub yu kyaan done."  He told her looking directly into her eyes.

Tae was quiet, this time taking in and admiring his features. Her face was soft, but a very slight frown of her eyebrows, his eyes were low and red from smoking so much, yet he was still very aware of his surroundings and very much in control of them. "Mi lub yu kyaan done." She repeated back to him.

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