Chapter 41

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Drake walked in his large master bedroom. He looked to see Tae laying in the center of the California king bed, the blankets swallowed her small body as she slept. Drake walked to the edge of the right side of the bed and rubbed the side of her cheek, she was warmer than usual so he felt her forehead with the back of his hand to see if she had a fever. His face frowned at the thought of her being sick.

Drake stripped down to his boxers, he stood in the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth, he leaned down spitting the remaining toothpaste in the sink and washing his mouth out with water. He turned the lights off and made his way back into the bedroom.

Softly pulling the covers back he climbed into the bed laying down, he pulled Tae closer to him wrapping his arm around her waist. Her head laid on his chest as her leg went over his. He watched her sleep for a moment until his thoughts took over and eventually caused him to fall asleep.


Tae was woken up by her stomach pains, the feeling of throwing up came back as she slowly pulled herself from Drake's arms trying not to wake him. She briskly walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind her she kneeled to her knees in front of the toilet pulling the toilet seat up, more vomit came rushing from her body, after several minutes. She heard the bathroom door open she turned to see Drake walking towards her rubbing and squinting his eyes adjusting them to the light.

"Are you done?" He asked his voice husky and deep.

"I think so.... I hope so." She said back. whipping her nose and mouth.

"You're running a fever, you're warm." He said as he picked her up he walked her to the sink filling cup water. She grabbed her toothbrush applying a line of toothpaste she began brushing her teeth to remove the taste of vomit from her mouth. Drake stood watching her.

"I'm fine, you don't have to stand here." She said with a mouth full of toothpaste. Drake laughed as toothpaste dripped from her mouth to her chin.

"I know." He simply replied back, whipping the toothpaste from her chin. She leaned down spitting out the toothpaste, putting her toothbrush on the counter she turned around and began walking out the bathroom Drake followed behind her making sure she was ok.

Because Drake was recording a new album there was no busy schedule, no rushing to the airport, no prayers before shows, no rushing through paparazzi and screaming fans to get to a car. It was calm and everyone remained at home doing their own on thing Oliver split time between his wife and son while he worked on the clothing line and other businesses deals, Chubbs left to spend some time with his girlfriend, OB and Ryan also left to spend time with their loved ones as well. However, Drake and 40 locked themselves away in the studio.

40 who's real name is Noah Shebib got the nickname "40" in reference to "40 Days & 40 Nights" (which was later reduced to just "40") as he would work in the studio throughout the night, with no sleep. He began working with Drake in 2005 where the two developed amazing chemistry in the studio, 40 later went on to be the co-founder of Drake's now record label OVO Sound. 40 soon became known as the only producer Drake would work with on his albums and most of his projects and you couldn't blame him. 40 could create magic from nothing.

Drake nodded his head as he listened to 40 create a beat from scratch, his fingers turned knobs, pushed levels, and clicked buttons. 40 was like a mad scientist. Drake's thoughts ran as he heard the beat develop right before him. He pulled his blackberry from his pocket, scrolling through it he accessed his notepad and began his writing process. His large fingers typed over the small buttons as his mind flowed.

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