Chapter 12

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Being in California weather was all he could think about, the sun was bright the weather was warm, it was always a good vibe. Mid-June hit and Tae's new placement was under Drake physically and figuratively she opted on not moving into The Hidden Hills Estate instead keeping her 20-minute drive to it, yet she was still given her own personal space at the large mansion

She had Drake's routines and schedules down packed, she paid more attention to him that he might have noticed, her natch for paying attention to details was what truly pushed her over the edge, a perfectionist, nothing was finished, nothing was done, nothing could be shown until it was perfect, pleasing to the audience, she oddly fit right in next to Drake, she asked questions, she gave opinions when asked, she stayed out business that she didn't care to know about, she was extremely organized and seemed to always be a step if not 2 steps ahead of the those around her.
Tae paid attention to Drake intensely and he quietly did the same with her. They knew what each other liked, didn't like, ate, and drank, facial expressions, she knew after three days of a lack of sleep he got mean and was best to stay away from him, she gave him space that he didn't necessarily understand but accepted instead of turning him off it made him more curious about her, he knew she wanted to be professional about their situation. When it came to business she wasn't one to be messed with. If there was something Drake wanted then Drake had it, something he loved about her. She had a drive that sometimes outdrove him.

"Oliver sent me the sweats for the video. Fleur & Manu just sent me the visuals for it... Hilarious. Flights are also cleared for July for the Apple Music launch, we need to leave..." Tae spoke out loud while at the same time she scrolled her phone standing in the middle of the large master bedroom. Tae scratched at her scalp, her thick curly formed into a high bun contained but a black elastic hair tie. The room was too silent she finally looked up to see if she was speaking to herself the whole time. Drake opted to be quiet as he watched her focus on an email reading to herself. "Hey..." She began again but abruptly stopped.

"Hey." He smiled at her.

She looked over the lines in his chest, the outline of his abdomen, her eyes went lower looking over the lines that formed his V-Cut, she had forgotten what she was speaking to him about, his boxers sat low, his sweatpants sat lower. He allowed her to eye him over as if she hadn't already seen it.

"Hey, sorry." She finally replied feeling embarrassed about her lack of control.

"Sorry about what?" He asked cocking his head to the side and frowning. Tae stood there trying to think of what to say but was only drawing blanks, she was sorry but couldn't remember about what.

"Uh, nothing... the video tho..." She was finally able to get her thoughts back but was cut off by his deep voice, he stepped closer.

"What are you sorry about?" He asked her again as he closed the gap between them, she could smell how strong his cologne was, she took a step back upon feeling him invade her personal space the sexual tension between them was beyond noticeable yet Tae seemed to be the only one trying to ignore it.

"Uh, nothing!" She waved her hands in defense, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "I was just talking about the video, but I didn't know you were in here like this... I should have knocked.." Tae explained as she held her phone up showing him the conversation she was having with one of the directors.

She was trying her best to remain as professional as she could but consider their sexual run-in a month ago it was proving to be harder than she expected. She hid the fact that she wanted him but he clearly did not hide his. His footsteps continued, easily pressing her against the wall without even touching her she hadn't realized how close to the wall she was until her back hit against it, he left her no room to duck and dodge his questions or the intense looks he was giving her, he grabbed her hips and pressed the length of himself against her. For weeks he had been teasing her keeping the sexual attraction there, the looks he gave her, the way he touched her passing it off as a friendly tap to get by, the way he spoke to her, their dinner meetings had gone from business to personal discussions, they had gone from a table of several people to just the two of them, and for some reason she couldn't resist him she couldn't tell him no, or resist the urge to speak to him for hours, allow their hugs to be a bit more personal than they should, allow their conversations be a course of learning what the other liked in their personal life.

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