Chapter 52

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After his thoughts rushed and rambled his mind Drake sat for another hour on the secluded balcony, as his hookah began to die down he laid the long tube on the ground, picked up his double stacked styrofoam cup, and made his way back inside his house. His stepped slowed as he got closer to the heavy sliding glass doors. A part of him couldn't wait to get back to Tae to apologize for his assumptions and the way he grabbed her, and the other part dreaded going in to face her.

His heavy Tim boots stepped through the house, it was quiet. Too quiet. No sounds of OB and Ryan yelling throughout the house, no sounds of Chubbs picking on everybody, 40 placed himself back into the studio. Nothing. As he got closer to his master bedroom he pushed the door open, the room was dark and cold. He turned on the light switch and Tae was nowhere to be found in the room, he walked towards the bathroom, and still nothing. Drake's mind began to race.

Drake walked out of his room and stopped at Tae's original room where all her stuff was, the room she slept in when he and her would go through a rough spot. He pushed the door open expecting to see her somewhere in the room, but there was also nothing but darkness, he flicked up the light switch hopefully to see her lying on the bed, but nothing, He walked further in, the room smelled like her, perfume bottles lined the dresser, stacks of unopened boxes from other clothing lines traced the floor, her purse collection still scattered across the neatly made bed. Panic set in, this house was too big for her to be hiding in. He pulled his phone out his back pocket.

Txt to Tae: where are you!?

He waited as he paced the room, anxiety set in and that was one thing he hated the most. If there was one thing about Drake it was that he controlled everything. He hated not knowing what was going on, he hated not knowing where everything or everyone was. Him not knowing where Tae was or if she was on was making him anxious and he began to grow angrier as he looked at his text messages to see Tae left him on "read" he called her phone but was sent to voicemail. He texted her again, and waited and was once again left on "read". He walked out of her room and down the long stairs to the front of the house, he walked to the parking garage to find Tae's car gone.

Txt to Tae: at least let me know you are ok.

The message was read as soon as it was sent, Drake paced the damp parking garage watching the iMessage bubble pop up.

Txt from Tae: I'm at a friends house. I'm fine.

Txt to Tae: come home, we need to talk.

Txt from Tae: No.

Txt to Tae: where are you!? Come home now! I don't have time for this shit La'Shauntae. We need to talk.

As Drake waited for her reply he was once again left of "read" with no reply. Drake ran a hand over his low cut fade, he called her but was sent to voicemail. Drake made his way from the garage and back into the house. He stood in his bathroom, the ESPN football highlights played in the tv that was reflected in the mirror. His tunnel vision caused the tv noise to drown out as his frustration set in. He breathed deeply in and out as his teeth clenched to the point of his jaw hurting. He sat staring at the tv but not actually watching it. Just seeing the movements and images, before he could control his anger he found his right fist being slammed into the bathroom door, nothing but a large hole remained, his knuckles turned red as blood began to surface from the broken bits of skin.

Drake walked from his bathroom and out his master bedroom to the studio. The door swung open as Chubbs stopped laughing, his conversation with 40 immediately stopped as he stood up looking at his best friend's right fist.

"Bro! What's wrong!? You good!?" Chubbs said as he walked towards Drake while looking past him to see if someone happened to be coming behind him. Chubbs saw his red and swollen fist and was ready to attack anybody.

"I fucked up bro." Drake said back his fists still balled up, 40 stood from the computer chair walking towards his two friends.

"What are you talking about." Chubbs said back, curiosity and panic set in his face as he waited for Drake's answer.

"Tae, she left bro. I think I fucked up." Drake said shaking his head, and running a hand over the back of his neck, Chubbs stepped back as he released a sigh.

"Don't tell me..... You and Ayisha?" Chubbs said as he put his hands up. "I told you man. I told you." Chubbs finished as he stock his head at his friend.

"Nah, I questioned her loyalty, her purpose with me.... For the second time." Drake said as he sat down in one of the studio chairs. His head went down as blood began drying around his knuckles. Drake knew this time around would be a lot harder to get Tae back. For the second time, past experiences surfaced to fuck up his present.

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