The Fans Choose

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Hey everyone! I have a new little thing I'm trying out now. So, I'm going to let you guys comment below what you want to see in one of the next chapters. You can put it in the comments or private message me! Which ever one I think would be the most interesting/funny/or just the one
I want to do, I'll write a chapter on it and give you credit! So, comment below what you would like to see and I might do it! So start thinking! Have a great day everyone. But I have a few rules.
1. Nothing inappropriate
2. Nobody can die, but there can be fighting, just no death or fatal injuries
3. You can say something like 'make garmau happen' because then the rest of the story wouldn't be interesting.
Anyways that's pretty much it! Have a fabulous day and remember to leave a comment of what you would like to see in one of the next chapters of Pheniox High. Peace

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