Moments I Live For

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~ 18/06/1997~
Finally it was time to close up shop for the day, I looked to the clock on the wall as the last customer walked out of the door after saying goodbye, 5:00 pm, thank Godric, it was such slow day because we rarely get customers since they rarely leave their houses, everyone is scared since there has been more and more known disappearances. I locked the door after them then turned to go upstairs, I need to find the twins because the twats left me to cope with the shop on my own with very little help since lunch time. I hopped up the steps and entered an empty flat. "BOYS!" I called, thinking they were in their rooms. I furrowed my eyebrows when I got no reply and walked further into the flat, there was a note left on the kitchen table so I went over and read it.

To the pretties girl out there (that's you Anna),
I'm assuming you're reading this at around 5 in which case it means Fleur will be round in about an hour to help you get ready. Get ready for what? do you ask, well, my love, I am inviting you to join me on a wonderful date to unknown places. Fleur has picked out the perfect outfit for you (I don't know what it is but it's Fleur so it will be perfect). Meet me outside the Leaky Cauldron at 7 pm sharp.
Love Fred xx

I giggled at Fred's note then went to my room to change into more comfortable clothes, which was just a Rolling Stones band tee and joggers,  till Fleur gets here. I walked back into the kitchen to make myself a small snack and a drink which was just a packet of crisps and pumpkin juice. I pulled out a book and read for the hour until Fleur arrived.

It startled me when Fleur suddenly appeared in my flat and she made me jump out of my skin and give a small scream. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She said apologetically. I giggled and got up to hug her.
"It's fine, don't worry about it." I said and pulled out of the hug. She gave me a huge smile and looked at my outfit, she stared at my top and tilted her head. "Who are ze Rolling Stones?" She asked with the tiniest bit of curiosity in her voice.
"Oh they're a muggle band. So Fred said you have 'the perfect outfit' for this surprise date of his." Her eyes lit up and she handed me two boxes with a beautiful, large smile on her face. "I theenk you will love it and 'e will theenk you look gorgeous in it." I pulled me into my room and pulled out various beauty products from her bag. "Take zees and go shower." She said handing me 3 bottles: one of shampoo, one of conditioner and one of her body wash that I secretly loved because it made her naturally smell like flowers. I turned around, grabbed two towels and went down the hall to the bathroom where I got in the shower and did my routine quickly. I walked back to my room with a towel round my head and body to see Fleur setting out all her make-up and stuff on the bed but I can't see the outfit or accessories. She ran up to me and told me to quickly dry myself then get into simple clothes, so I put on my underwear then some black shorts and the top from earlier. I went back to her and she put a blindness charm on me so I couldn't see anything until she was finished. Gosh Fleur, how cliche do you want to be? I obediently did as Fleur said, stumbling every now and then, as she put on my make up, did my hair, put my jewelry on and got me dressed, I felt like a little kid again.

"Okay, I theenk you're done." Fleur said after who knows how long, she dragged me to somewhere then lifted the charm. I was breathless. I looked like she said, gorgeous, I looked closer in the mirror but didn't believe what I saw, the person looking back at me looked too pretty to be me. I was wearing a plain, maroon skater dress with matching heels, my hair was curled with some sort of braid within it but the curls were still loose, my makeup was far better than anything I would have been able to do. "Fleur, it's gorgeous, thank you." I said and gave her a huge hug.

"You better be going soon, eet's almost 7 o'clock." She smiled and packed up her stuff. I rushed to pack my lipstick and other stuff in my bag and turned to look at Fleur, she will take ages to pack up. "I will let myself out." She said as she stuffed all her eye shadows in a box. I gave her a grateful smile and left the room, I glanced at the clock before leaving, 6:55 pm. Five minutes, perfectly fine. I almost fell down the stairs in my heels and was glad I was on my own. I walked down the cobblestone street towards the dingy old pup with my heels clicking as I walked.

My Weaslebee xxx Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now