Dream Home

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 "Where are we off to today my good sir?" I asked Fred as we set off on the broom stick. It was currently August 20th and there was a cool breeze in the air, the wind rushed past me  and slightly ruffled my hair. "Today, m'lady, we are heading to a village near Bath, Wiltshire, I think it's called." Fred smiled. We continued the journey both lost in thought. I really hope we like this house, we've been to ten other houses and none of them appeal to both of us, the houses are either; too small, to damp, in a noisy neighborhood, in the middle of a city, has terrible utilities, too far from family/ work etc.

When we arrived we were greeted by a professional looking woman with short blonde hair. She smiled and walked over to meet us. "Hi are you Annabelle Black and Fredrick Weasley?" Fred shuddered at the use of his full name but shook her hand anyway, I smiled and shook her hand. "So it is a small car ride to the house as it is just outside the village, it will only take ten to fifteen minutes." The house sales woman said and lead us to a muggle car. It was quiet as we drove out of the village and down a country road. "So tell me about yourself. Where did you grow up?" She asked to remove the awkward tension. I looked at Fred for him to answer.
"I grew up in a small village near Devon." He answered shortly then turned to me.
"Um, I didn't really have a set home. I lived with my Godfather and he had to..um...travel with work." I lied, I can't exactly tell a muggle that I didn't have a home because my godfather is a werewolf and people don't like them. "However when we weren't at school I spent time at Fred's, especially in the summer." I smiled at the memories of all the fun summers at the Burrow.
"Where did you go to school?" She asked as she turned a corner.
"We both went to a boarding school up north." Fred said vaguely. We couldn't say much because of the code of secrecy or something like that. 

She nodded and pulled up into the drive, it was a dirt path surrounded by tall bushes and as we reached the end of the path we saw a beautiful cottage stood there peacefully in the sun light. I gasped as we pulled up and got out of the car. It looked so homely, just like I wanted my first home to look like, of course I haven't seen the inside yet but I know I love it. "Large driveway and gates to the alleyway. Four bedrooms and two bathrooms. A huge field out back, perfect for quidditch." Wait did she just say what I thought she said. "Excuse me?" Fred and I asked wide eyed. She turned to us and smiled.

"I'm sure you're both familiar with it." She said casually. We stood there mouth agape starring at her. "You, Annabelle, I'm guessing are Sirius Black's daughter so you probably play like him, he was great at school. And you Fred are a Weasley, you probably play too." She said like it was obvious. 

"You know about our families?" I was so confused, how did this supposed muggle know about this stuff.

"Of course, the Weasleys and the Blacks are some of the longest pure-blood lines in the wizarding world just like mine." She said as she walked over to the blue door that was sheltered by a small roof. "You're a wizard?" I asked, I was genuinely surprised. She laughed a little and held out her hand. "Hello, I'm Autumn Rowle, pure-blood." We shook her hand again and I smiled at her, happy to know that Fred and I can talk freely about our plans to do with the wizarding world. "Now shall we actually start the tour?"

On the way home I couldn't stop talking about how perfect the house was; the kitchen was a great size, the lounge was very homely, the bedrooms were spacious and we had a whole acre of land to ourselves. Fred was worrying about how we were going to pay for it but I still had all of my inheritance money from dad which is 602 galleons 6 sickles and 27 knuts (£3000) She was selling the house at 199 galleons so we were able to pay for it. "Fred this one is perfect! Do you think we should buy it?" I asked apprehensively. He landed the broom outside the flat and helped me off. "I really like it, it feels homely like the Burrow and I can really see our little one growing up there with its siblings." Fred smiled and kissed my forehead. I raised and eyebrow and looked at him.
"Who says we're having more?" I asked teasingly, of course I want more, I love kids (Not in a creepy way)
"I could always hear you in the summers, up late talking to Ginny about you're future family." He chuckled and I went deep red, slightly embarrassed. "Down to the last detail about your future husband. May I ask, do I fit the role?" Fred asked as we climbed the stairs. I thought a little before coming to a conclusion. "No. But you're way better." I whispered and kissed his nose. He smiled at me and unlocked the door, George and Cece were cuddled up on the sofa in their pajamas watching a movie. I slipped my shoes off and put them in the cupboard along with Fred's shoes and the broom. "How was house hunting?" George asked not taking his eyes off the TV. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Cece. "It was great, the owner of the house was a wizard and she was really nice. The house itself was gorgeous and homely and there was a huge field out back, great for quidditch!" I said excitedly, Cece got the excitement from me and was smiling with me as Fred and I explained what we loved about it.

At 9 o'clock there was a tapping on the window, I looked over and saw a large brown owl with a letter in its beak staring at me. I got up and walked over, it hooted as I let it in and fed it a few pieces of left over bread. I unfolded the letter and saw feminine hand writing.
Dear Annabelle and Fred,
I hope you enjoyed the tour today, it was a pleasure showing you round. I'm contacting you to ask whether or not you were looking into buying the house. I have other people asking to be shown round but I would much rather sell it to you two (don't tell anyone.) If you could reply quickly, that would be great.
Autumn Rowle.

"Fred, Autumn wants to know if we want to buy the house." I said as I turned from the window back to him, George and Cece that were sitting on the sofa. He thought for a moment but I could tell that he was just stalling for suspense, I could see the well-know mischievous glint in his eyes. "Write back to her saying...." He stalled some more and I was getting anxious. "We'll take it." He smiled as he stood up. I screamed and cheered and ran over to hug him (I jumped on him but whatever) I rushed to my room to write and send the letter back telling Autumn that we accept her offer and that we won't be moving in until the end of this month, beginning of next. When I came back into the living room in my everyone was smiling and cheering. "Celebratory butterbeer!" George yelled and went to the fridge. "Not for me George, I'll have a lemonade." I giggled and plopped down onto the sofa. George pouted, furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. "Why? you always have a Celebratory butterbeer." He whined as he handed Fred his butterbeer whilst Cece made my lemonade. "She pregnant dumb ass." Cece joked as she softly whacked him round the head and handed me my lemonade, I said a quiet 'thanks.' "She can't have alcohol for 9 months whilst she's carrying the baby." Cece continued as she opened her butterbeer. They came and sat back down on the sofa next to me and took a sip of our drinks. George raised his bottle, indicating for us to follow. "Here's to what the future holds." He said followed by our unison response. "To the future." Here's to the future, for whatever it may bring. 

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