Smart Alec line he hates that you use

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Malak -when he asks what your reading you say "a book"😒😂

Jaden -when he asks any question and you know the answer you say "hey if you don't know them I don't either" 😒😊

Vinny -when he messes with his hair you say "wouldn't it be amazing if you spent as much time thinking as you do styling your hair"😂😂😒💇💆

Jalen -when he's talking about sports and your not paying attention he asks if you are you say "your right you should pay me to give you attention"

Tre -you randomly would kick him it was your thing and he would ask why'd you Kick him you'd answer
"I didn't Kik you at all,I don't have to cuz your right here duh"😠😠😂

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