RANDOM IMAGINE (not a boy in this book):Not my fault

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A/N ok ok so look, this is the last book................................
The last book that I edited..... DID I SCARE YOU?!?! I HOPE SO.

SO this is the last book I edited so instead of going threw all my other books and trying to find the one that He's in I decided to just put him in this one. This is an imagine called "not my fault" the character is Devontae

Now he's not in this book....but its my book I do what want lol. But hey I might add him in if you ask 😄.

He may not be in this book but I think he's at least in two of my others .

(you should check out my newest multi race and fandom book BTW that's the only book where you can have ANYYYY BOY YOU WANT AND DESIRE ,that's the only book where you can request any boy even if he isn't in the book)

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