Short Jaden Delarosa Imagine for Alyce:Don't Panic!

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A/N extremely short because I don't know how to write about giving birth or being pregnant.

Dedicated to TheOneJace

You and Jaden were sitting at home looking through catalogs for a 3 in one baby stroller that had the car seat, stroller and baby carrier all in 1. You were 9 months pregnant and the baby was due any day now so you tried to do as much shopping as you could as it was close to the holidays as well.

"Babe what about this one?" Jaden had pointed to it

"Babe what about this one?" Jaden had pointed to it

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You looked to where he was pointing. "Well yeah,it does fit a baby boy, it has my favorite color in it too" you smirked looking At Jaden who playfully rolled his eyes at you.

"Yeah, yeah as long as my son is comfortable and safe,who cares about the color babe" he chuckled.

"Right so we agree we should order this one,what company is it from?" You asked looking at the bottom of the page.

"Ummmm Graco" Jaden said "I'll go call them and see if they have anymore in stock and if they don't we'll have to keep looking,cause my little man is coming soon" he said with a giant smile on his face

He kissed you and then got up to head to your shared bedroom to get his phone. You smiled to yourself as you looked through the catalog a little more just in case you needed a back up plan.

Just then you felt a wave of pain go through your stomach that caused you to crouch over and groan in pain.

"OK little one take it easy" you mumbled, you were fine for about five minutes but then you felt a kick in your stomach. "Ouch dammit, when you come out of here I'm kicking your ass and your dads for putting me through this" you said.

You decided to get up and go get a snack. You slowly got up from the couch to head to your kitchen, you still felt little pains but you could ignore them,but you couldn't ignore the little sound of pitter patter on your hard wood floor.

"What the hell,is the ceiling leaking?" You mumbled.

You felt something drip down your leg you looked down to see a puddle in between your feet.

"!" You said crouching down on the floor you whimpered from pain ,this was the most horrible and extreme pain you had went through in your entire 9 months.

You were breathing heavily and sweating bullets "c'mon Alyce, get some strength call for Jaden" you mumbled through heavy quick breaths ,you were on your hands and knees in pain.

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