what his parents think of you

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Malak -they think you guys are cute together and that you make him a better person,not that he's a bad one, but there's mor than two sides to him when your around.

Happy Laughing cute Malak is his parents and your favorite kind of Malak so let's keep it that way

Jaden -adored you for the longest you've been friends and now your dating so your parents and his couldn't see anything more perfect.

For a teenage relationship starting out,sure there were fights, but over all you had it together, always a smile on both of your faces when you were in each others presence. Never Ever a dull moment, always filled with love.

Jalen -they weren't too sure at first being the fact that you never were around in the beginning, but you were still getting your own family to accept the relationship as it was.

Once you started coming around more they saw that you were actually a well rounded young women. And they want no one else but you for their precious son.

Vinny -they worship you because you most definitely showed Vinny joy outside of money. You opened his eyes to see that in the end all you need is family and love. Material things can never love him as much as you can.

And his parents agree 100%

Tre -"so cute and polite" they say about you and they weren't lying this was something you were.

Tre had a long way to go still in life but with you there it would be quick and easy.

A/N Vinny's gave me an idea for a new preference so stay tuned. Also I'm gonna,make a new book with Benny,Tayvion,Malak,and Jaden

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