Preference: Right Here

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Malak: A/N his is based of of the Jaden Delarosa imagine I did you remember the one where he was about to walk out on you because you shit him out? Yeah that one this is a little like it or a lot maybe.
"Baby I'm here,I'm here to stay I ain't going no where,I know you scared cause you've been hurt baby its alright"

You sat on the edge of your bed with your two hands balled together under your chin as you cried and while you were crying, Malak was currently packing his things he was about to leave with the possibility of him never returning
You just sat and cried watching him cross the room constantly going back and forth from his bags to your closet.

You silently cried tears you were crying so hard that your head started hurting and your eyes felt like someone was constantly punching you in them ,Malak payed you no mind. You kept being rude to him, you wouldn't take any of his complements you'd insult him,you'd ignore him just treat him like trash just because of what someone else did he had to pay for it.

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