the flaw that you have that he embraces

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Malak: You are not fond of your hair, you don't like the texture and the length but Malak loves it because it's not too much or too little of it but just the right amount. He likes how in the summer time it changes to a lighter color it compliments your complexion.

Jalen: You think you have chicken legs because your very small at first you didn't think anything was wrong with them until people started saying things about them which made you self conscious but Jalen loves to rap them around his waist and Caress them.

Devontae: Your skin because it breaks out easily and it comes out of no where so you hate being on camera but he hates it when you hide your face he says Its a human trait although he rarely breaks out he'll help you get rid of any bumps and blemishes he'll even get a facial with you and try out skin products with you whatever makes you feel comfortable in your own skin

Shmateo: you hate your lips you think their to big and spread widely across your face but he says he has big lips too and people seem to find big lips attractive so you shouldn't be ashamed of your lips he loves your big lushes plump lips he think he's lucky that he gets to kiss them.

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