Short Requested Imagine For DeDe:Doubts and Pool Fun

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I apologize for any spelling errors in advance

A/N I wasn't really given much structure to work with so I tried my best with the details that I was given but I still hope its enjoyable.

For Dede_The_Killer

Today was day of a pool party you and your boyfriend Malak were going but you were a little nervous because the bathing suit Malak got you was revealing and you weren't comfortable in your own skin.

You never were that confident you always compared yourself to River or Nadia because they either were perfectly slim or Thick in the right places,you felt that you were flabby and disgusting,nothing Like Latina who was Malak's ex.

Malak was coming to pick you up I'm 15 minutes so you grabbed the bikini he bought you and covered it up with some shorts and a giant white tee shirt.

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